Warzone Match Accidentally Reveals A Possible NFL Trade

Thanks to a sleuthing Reddit user, an upcoming NFL player trade between the Chicago Bears and the Pittsburgh Steelers may have been uncovered.

A recent Call of Duty: Warzone match may have revealed a possible NFL trade going on in the prestigious professional sporting world. While an online Battle Royal match isn’t somewhere these kinds of highly confidential conversations tend to go down, this information is thanks to one particular player who overheard some chatter in an online lobby and went digging on the internet. What they found, however, was very interesting. 

Call of Duty: Warzone is a Battle Royale game within Activision’s Call of Duty franchise. Up to 200 players drop down onto a map, where armor, ammunition, and weapons can be found and equipped. The safe zone within the map is continuously shrinking, forcing enemy players closer together, speeding up the gameplay, and making sure that combat is inevitable. The last player, or team, standing is the winner of the match and receives in-game currency and rewards. 

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Ongoing player transfers or trades within professional sport, such as NFL, are usually very confidential. But it was thanks to Reddit user ProbationOfficer2035 on the NFL subreddit, who initially broke the news that a deal between the Pittsburgh Steelers and a player on the Chicago Bears was underway. The thread on the subreddit goes into how the user overheard information while playing in an online server in Call of Duty: Warzone. According to the user, they overheard a discussion about “love to play in Pittsburgh,” “sign a three-year deal,” and “facilitate a trade,” in the background of a random female teammate’s audio. This female teammate had their mic on and some people could be heard through this mic, seemingly unbeknownst to them. When the Reddit user pressed the random teammate for some information about themselves, they allegedly admitted to being a wife of an NFL player.

In the thread, the user describes how they dug around online and found the most likely NFL player she could have been referring to was the Chicago Bears offensive guard Rashaad Coward. This information should all be taken with the knowledge that it may just be a complete misunderstanding and the Redditor does not have full knowledge that the information they heard was accurate. While some of the pieces do seem to fit, nothing from the NFL has confirmed any of this news. 

It would be the catch of a lifetime for this Reddit user to just so happen to be matched with this player, overhear the snippets of information and also have enough knowledge of the NFL to recognize the significance of the conversation and go digging. NFL fans will just have to wait and see if the Chicago Bears really do end up trading a player over to the Pittsburgh Steelers in the near future. Warzone players will just have to make sure to keep their mics muted when someone is discussing sensitive information.

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Source: ProbationOfficer2035/Reddit

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