Roguelite action RPG Quantamancy: The Purgatory announced for PS5, Xbox Series, PS4, Xbox One, and PC

AeternoBlade series developer Corecell Technology [19 articles]” href=””>Corecell Technology has announced Roguelite [55 articles]” href=””>roguelite Action RPG [440 articles]” href=””>action RPG Quantamancy: The Purgatory [1 article]” href=””>Quantamancy: The Purgatory for PS5 [3,497 articles]” href=”″>PlayStation 5, Xbox Series [2,740 articles]” href=””>Xbox Series, PS4 [23,977 articles]” href=”″>PlayStation 4, Xbox One [11,442 articles]” href=””>Xbox One, and PC [16,040 articles]” href=””>PC (Steam). A release date was not announced.

Here is an overview of the game, via Corecell Technology:

In a world where technology and miracles cast doubt on reality and beliefs, narrow the gap between men and god, blur the line between good and evil, how will you justify your existence?

Quantamancy: The Purgatory is a Holypunk relationship-building roguelite action RPG. Put in the shoes of an incompatible duo: a hard-boiled underworld criminal on the run and an innocent talentless young girl entwined by destiny. Collude with seven other unique playable characters, each with their own goals. Manage capricious relationships among them to strive for survival or virtue. Hack your way out of moral binds to unravel unprecedented revelations hidden.

View a set of character artworks at the gallery. Visit the teaser website here.


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