Reviewing And Ranking Every Halo Game Ever Made, Worst To Best

1. Halo: The Master Chief Collection

A collage of various Halo artwork as seen in promo materials for MCC.

Image: Bungie / Microsoft

Zack: Wait! Stop. Don’t get angry. While some may say this is a joke answer or accuse us of cheating, I disagree. Let’s look at the facts! Halo MCC contains some of the best Halo games ever made, features new remastered campaigns for two of them, looks and plays better than the original titles, includes new content like ODST’s Flood survival mode, and even throws in new maps for Halo 3. It’s also something you can buy physically and has new achievements and weapon skins. It even has a better battle pass system than Halo Infinite! It is without a doubt one of the best video games ever released. (It took some time to get good, but it made it, thankfully.) So yeah, it’s easily the best Halo game ever released or made. Unless you don’t like Halo 2, 3, Reach, and ODST? In which case, you can always play Halo 5.

Ari: Zack initially floated the idea of ranking Halo: Master Chief Collection in first place as a bit. I went “lol,” then realized, wait, yeah, obviously this is the best Halo game. Obviously! The core selling point—play, say, Halo 3 or Reach multiplayer for a bit, hop into a few rounds of firefight, replay some of the set piece levels from older Halo games in stunningly remastered glory before popping into Halo 4 for a tug on the ol’ heartstrings—is unmatched. Master Chief Collection started in ruin, with seemingly nothing going right for it. But then 343 poured resources into the game, eventually turning it into a truly heroic, nay, legendary comeback. How fitting: In a nutshell, that’s the story of every Halo game.


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