Obsidian would “love” to make a new Fallout game, but there’s a catch

What you need to know

  • Fallout is an apocalyptic RPG franchise created by Interplay and now stewarded by Bethesda. 
  • Now under Microsoft and Xbox, Bethesda has been busy working on Starfield and The Elder Scrolls VI, making the prospect of a new Fallout game pretty slim in the near future. 
  • Obsidian, who built legendary entry Fallout New Vegas, recently signalled interest in returning to the franchise once again. 
  • However, Obsidian said it would depend on Bethesda and other factors. 

Fallout is a legendary post-apocalyptic RPG series currently stewarded by Bethesda and ZeniMax, who are now part of Xbox after a 2021 acquisition. The studio is working on Starfield and Elder Scrolls VI, among other projects, leaving Fallout fans desperate for even the vaguest hope of getting a new Fallout game within the next decade. With Todd Howard’s Bethesda seemingly tied up, increasingly, fans are wondering if another Xbox studio may take up the charge. 

Obsidian Entertainment, known recently for The Outer Worlds and Grounded, also built Fallout New Vegas. Fallout New Vegas, while buggy at launch, is now widely regarded as one of the best in the entire franchise, with Obsidian’s signature biting narrative wit and aggressive attention to player agency. 

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