Modern Warfare 2 Battle Pass release date, price and more

The Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Battle Pass release date is set for November 16, dropping the same time as Warzone 2. So, while it’s missed the game’s launch, it’s on the way. And unlike the Modern Warfare 2 Hardcore mode, has a firm release time in place.

It could be an all new experience too as while Modern Warfare, Black Ops Cold War, Vanguard, and Warzone all shared Battle Pass progression and content, the release of Modern Warfare 2 is a completely new start. Developer Infinity Ward is wiping the slate clean with Season One of the Modern Warfare 2 Battle Pass. The various special unlocks – Operator skins, Emblems, Calling Cards, and Weapon Blueprints – and so on will all be unique to the all new battle royale. Although whether any guns you can unlock can stand against the best M4 loadout in Modern Warfare 2 remains to be seen. 

Modern Warfare 2 Battle Pass Season One release date

Modern Warfare 2 screenshot

(Image credit: Activision)

The Modern Warfare 2 Battle Pass release date is November 16, 2022. That’s two weeks on from the launch of the base game, and is scheduled to coincide with the release of Warzone 2. The two games are set to share Battle Pass progression, so the launch of Season One has been timed to ensure regular multiplayer and battle royale players are on even footing on day one. 

Modern Warfare 2 Battle Pass price

Modern Warfare 2 screenshot

(Image credit: Activision)

The Modern Warfare 2 Battle Pass price will once again be 1000 COD points – around $10/£10. A returning feature is the ability to skip tiers, which costs 150 COD points per square. Additionally, the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Vault Edition includes the Season One Battle Pass and 50 tier skips, so be prepared to see some sweats with a lot of unique skins and emblems come November 16. 

Modern Warfare 2 Battle Pass progression

Modern Warfare 2 screenshot

(Image credit: Activision)

The Modern Warfare 2 Battle Pass will share progression between Warzone 2 and Warzone mobile, which is set to release in 2023. That means that, regardless of whether you’re jumping into regular multiplayer or battle royale, all of your successes will ultimately contribute to your overall battle pass level. It’s expected that each game will have its own unique battle pass rewards, although the vast majority of unlocks should carry between the three games. 

Read original article here

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