Protester tackled by Bobby Wagner after running onto field at Rams-49ers ‘Monday Night Football’ game files police report

The protester who stormed onto the field with a pink smoke trail during the “Monday Night Football” meeting between the Rams and 49ers and was subsequently tackled by Bobby Wagner has filed a police report over the incident, TMZ reports.

TMZ — citing a police spokesman — reports the protester went to the Santa Clara Police Department on Tuesday to file the report. A representative for Direct Action Everywhere, the group that took credit for the stunt, told TMZ the report was in response to a “blatant assault” by two Rams players who helped security detain him.

The unnamed individual managed to jump the railing and evade security for several moments while waving a smoke flare. He eventually veered too close to the Rams sideline, where All-Pro linebacker Bobby Wagner — with the help of Takkarist McKinley — leveled him.

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Wagner, who has not been arrested or charged with a crime, told reporters after the game that his actions were based on safety concerns.

“You don’t know what that fan got or what they’re doing,” he said.

Direct Action Everywhere (DAE) told TMZ the act of protest was to raise awareness of an ongoing trial involving the theft of pigs from a factory farm. The protestor’s shirt read “”

The protester who made his way onto the field was one of two individuals involved with the organization who attempted to protest on Monday. The other person was stopped by security before she could make her way onto the field.

Following the incident, the protestors were detained, cited for trespassing and released.

“Otherwise,” DAE said in a statement, “they’re a bit beaten up but in good spirits.”

Read original article here

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