College student who went to the hospital with ‘appendicitis’ finds out she’s pregnant and in labor

A young college student who gave birth just fifteen minutes after shockingly discovering she was pregnant has revealed she initially went to the doctor because she thought she had ‘appendicitis’ and ended up in labor. 

Kayla Simpson, 21, a student at Indiana University, was shocked to see a baby when her doctors performed an ultrasound after she thought she was suffering from appendicitis because she was having severe cramps and bleeding. 

The college student was suffering from what she thought were severe period cramps but showed no signs of pregnancy – and while she thought she’d be leaving the hospital without a appendix, she left with a newborn instead. 

Her daughter Madi, one, was born just 15 minutes after the ultrasound was performed, leaving everyone shocked. 

Kayla Simpson, 21, an Indiana University student had no idea she was pregnant until she went to the hospital for ‘appendicitis’ and ended up in labor

The college student was shocked to see a baby when her doctors performed an ultrasound

She was having severe period cramps and thought she'd had appendicitis

The college student was shocked to see a baby when her doctors performed an ultrasound after she thought she was having severe period cramps

Her daughter Madi, one, was born fifteen after the ultrasound was performed, leaving all of Maddi's friends, family and herself confused

Her daughter Madi, one, was born fifteen after the ultrasound was performed, leaving all of Maddi’s friends, family and herself confused

How Kayla didn’t know she was pregnant until she was in labor: What is a cryptic pregnancy?

  • A cryptic pregnancy is a mysterious pregnancy that goes unnoticed right up until labor begins 
  • It occurs in about one in 475 women
  • During cryptic pregnancies, symptoms are mild enough to pass as a temporary illness
  • If someone continues to take birth control while pregnant, they might not experience pregnancy symptoms and therefore have a cryptic pregnancy
  • Source: Flo.Health 



In a series of viral videos posted to her TikTok account, the college student explained how she ended up finding out she was about to give birth. 

Kayla explained: ‘So basically on November 7 at around 12.30 I had really mild period cramps.

‘And then they got really bad like 30 minutes later.

‘So I called my mom up thinking my appendix is bursting because I’m bleeding a lot.

‘It just hurts so bad I could barely talk and barely move.

‘But I was walking, so I could walk, I could do anything. I was just in a lot of pain.’

Kayla and her mom then went to the hospital to get her checked out, assuming doctors would remove her appendix. 

‘I’m thinking my appendix is bursting and the ER doctor pushes on my stomach and he doesn’t suspect anything,’ she added.

The doctor didn’t see any signs of appendicitis, so he thought Kayla may have a cyst and suggested they give her an ultrasound. 

During the ultrasound, Kayla’s mom spotted ‘something familiar’ – little baby feet – and the doctors rushed her to the labor ward.  

‘Next thing I knew, I was screaming in pain and you see like little feet on the ultrasound and I start screaming so loud.’

The doctors came in shortly after and told Kayla she was about to give birth and that she was 10cm dilated. 

15 minutes later, Kayla gave birth to her daughter. 

During the ultrasound, Kayla's mom saw 'something familiar' and the doctors rushed her to the labor ward

During the ultrasound, Kayla's mom saw 'something familiar' and the doctors rushed her to the labor ward

During the ultrasound, Kayla’s mom spotted ‘something familiar’ and the doctors rushed her to the labor ward

Kayla experienced a cryptic pregnancy, which is a mysterious pregnancy that goes unnoticed until very late into her pregnancy or until she gives birth

Kayla experienced a cryptic pregnancy, which is a mysterious pregnancy that goes unnoticed until very late into her pregnancy or until she gives birth

She added that she didn't have a 'bump', was the 'skinniest she'd ever been' and had a regular period all throughout her pregnancy (Kayla is pictured five months pregnant right)

Kayla (pictured five months pregnant) had a regular period all throughout her pregnancy

She added that she didn’t have a ‘bump’, was the ‘skinniest she’d ever been’ and had a regular period all throughout her pregnancy (Kayla is pictured five months pregnant right) 

In her viral videos, she explained she had no clue she was pregnant because she didn’t experience any pain and even worked a ’12-hour double shift’ the day before. 

She added that she didn’t have a ‘bump’, was the ‘skinniest she’d ever been’ and had a regular period all throughout her pregnancy. 

Kayla only experienced contractions one hour before she gave birth. 

Although Kayla was shocked, she was so happy she came home with a healthy baby who became her ‘best friend.’ 

Kayla noted that her family and friends were extremly supportive and added that she nicknamed her daughter ‘frat baby’ because of how she met Madi’s father. 

Although Kayla and Madi’s father are no longer together, according to Kayla he visits Madi and will help when he can. 

Kayla experienced a cryptic pregnancy, which is a mysterious pregnancy that goes unnoticed until very late into her pregnancy or until she gives birth. 

According to, a cryptic pregnancy, also known as a stealth pregnancy, is when a woman doesn’t know she’s pregnant either because testing methods fail to detect the pregnancy or she doesn’t notice she is experiencing symptoms of pregnancy.

Viewers were shocked to hear Kayla's story and many even described a cryptic pregnancy as their 'worst nightmare'

Viewers were shocked to hear Kayla’s story and many even described a cryptic pregnancy as their ‘worst nightmare’

Research estimates one out of 475 pregnancies may go undetected or unnoticed until the expecting mother is about 20-weeks pregnant.

One in 2,500 cryptic pregnancies aren’t recognized until the woman goes into labor.

Viewers were shocked to hear Kayla’s story and many even described a cryptic pregnancy as their ‘worst nightmare.’ 

One user said: ‘Genuinely my one consistent fear is that I’ve been secretly pregnant for almost four months.’ 

Another added: ‘My worst nightmare.’ 

‘The ultimate ”well that escalated quickly” story,’ commented another user.  

‘Well your appendicitis is absolutely adorable,’ joked another user. 

Read original article here

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