Natalya appears to suffer injury on Raw

During a match on this week’s episode of Monday Night Raw, Natalya was rolled up by Doudrop and appeared to get her leg caught and twisted up. The following video is cued up to the moment in the match that it happened:

Nattie does very little after, quickly getting to the corner to tag out to Tamina. She then goes to the outside of the ring and isn’t seen again until after Tamina pins Eva Marie and heads to the outside, where Natalya is being helped up the ramp. She didn’t appear able to put any weight on her right leg.

Here’s to hoping she was simply in pain and there wasn’t any kind of significant damage done. The timing would be awful, considering she is one half of the women’s tag team champions and we’re just a few weeks out from SummerSlam in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Get complete Raw results and coverage from this week’s show right here.

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