How Father Stu’s Cast Feels The Mark Wahlberg Film Sets Itself Apart From Standard Faith-Based Fare

The term “faith-based film” is one that presents a certain image to moviegoers on either side of the subject. It’s a genre that’s come a long way, turning into a box office draw of its own and creating companies that specialize in making such projects. People think they know what they’re getting when a movie is sold as such a prospect, but one of 2022’s upcoming movies, the Mark Wahlberg-led biopic Father Stu, is about to set itself apart from the standard faith-based fare one would come to expect.

It only took watching an ad for Father Stu on YouTube to quickly inform me that Mark Wahlberg’s portrayal of Father Stu looked very R-rated, but absolutely hysterical. That was without the more emotional pieces of the film being revealed, as well as the 30 pounds that Wahlberg had to put on for Father Stu in order to portray the story’s latter phases. Having seen just how atypical Father Stu was when it came to telling its story of faith and transformation, I was curious how the stars themselves would sell this movie to skeptics who might not consider faith-based movies their cup of tea. 

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