Princess Amalia, Heir to Dutch Throne, Turns 18, Won’t Accept $1.8M Yearly Allowance

Dutch Princess Amalia met with the Raad van State, the highest government advisory group, Wednesday as an acknowledgement that now that she is 18 years old, she is eligible to take the throne when it becomes necessary.

According to Dutch News, Amalia was sworn in at the Kneuterdijk palace in The Hague as a member of the advisory body the day after her 18th birthday. Though the royal family members do not have a vote, they can still go to meetings. The king serves as the ceremonial chairman.

Amalia is the eldest daughter of Dutch King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima. Turning 18 marks her ability to succeed the king as ruler, though Amalia said she hopes that is far in the future.

As of her birthday, Amalia is also able to obtain her allowance of 1.6 million euros ($1.8 million) per year. However, she wrote to Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte in June to tell him she does not want to accept it.

“I find it uncomfortable as long as I can offer little in return and other students have it so much more difficult, especially in these uncertain corona times,” she wrote.

The princess is currently on her gap year between graduating from high school and starting university. In a brief speech in front of the Raad van State, she said she would like to take her time settling into royal duties, acknowledging that she needs to learn more about them.

“I realize how little I know about the tasks of government, the assessment of laws, the functioning of the administration and the role of the judge,” she said.

Princess Amalia of the Netherlands was sworn in to the Raad van State, or Council of State, in a ceremonial meeting. Above, Amalia visits the Council of State for her introduction on December 8, 2021, in The Hague, Netherlands.
Photo by Patrick van Katwijk/Getty Images

“Since yesterday, as our constitution also solemnly formulates, I have a rightful seat in the Council of State. And that has everything to do with the office that awaits me. In the distant future, I hope,” Amalia said in a brief speech. “Although there is always the realization that it could be tomorrow.”

At a brief meeting with reporters after Wednesday’s event, Amalia underscored again that she will take her time to grow toward the role of queen of the nation of more 17.5 million and the rest of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

“There is no school for becoming queen as there is for lawyer, teacher, baker,” she said. “So I think we need to look at what they did in the past but also keep a close eye on what is happening now and move with the times.”

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Dutch royal family, Raad van State
Princess Amalia, heir to the Dutch throne, delivers a speech as she takes an honorary seat on the Raad van State, the highest government advisory body, one day after celebrating her 18th birthday. Above, Amalia speaks while her mother, Queen Maxima, and father, King Willem-Alexander, listen in The Hague, Netherlands, on December 8, 2021.
Peter Dejong, Pool/AP Photo

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