Justin Trudeau, Canadians respond to aggressive attacks from ‘anti-vaxxer mobs’ across country

During a campaign stop in in Montreal on Tuesday, Justin Trudeau responded to questions about the “mob” of protesters who threw gravel at him on Monday in London, Ont.

“It is absolutely unacceptable that people be throwing things and endangering others at a political rally,” Trudeau said. “There were volunteers and supporters, there were police officers there to keep everyone safe, there were journalists, such as yourselves, doing a really important job informing Canadians of what’s going on in this election, some of the tensions that are out there.”

“No one should be doing their jobs under the threats of violence or acts that put them in danger.”

Trudeau connected this particular act of aggression to the hostility that health care workers and individuals in public-facing jobs are facing across Canada.

“There are health care workers across the country who are getting hassled and intimidated and bullied as they’re going into work to keep people safe and alive,” Trudeau said. “There are store clerks and waitresses, people going about their daily lives, getting yelled at and pushed around for wearing masks, for being vaccinated.”

“That’s not how we do things in Canada and quite frankly, as I continue the campaign, I am inspired by those people who continue to do the right thing in the face of anti-vaxxer mobs who are not respecting the basic science and the basic decency that Canadians have rightly come to expect from each other.”Justin Trudeau, Canada’s Liberal Party leader

Several people took to social media to respond to what happened to the prime minister and the “anti-vaxxer mobs,” some particularly pointing out the lack of consequences for these individuals.

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