Biden news today: Senator Susan Collins will vote for president’s Supreme Court pick Ketanji Brown Jackson

Biden stands by Putin removal comment but insists he’s not changing policy

After contentious nomination hearings that saw Republican senators harangue her about critical race theory and her record sentencing sexual offenders who targeted children, Ketanji Brown Jackson has picked up a crucial supporter: Maine Senator Susan Collins, who has become the first Republican to announce she will vote to confirm Joe Biden’s first Supreme Court nominee.

The news all but guarantees Ms Jackson’s confirmation. She has already secured the support of West Virginia Democrat Joe Manchin, who was thought to be the likeliest of his party’s 50 senators to withhold his support.

Meanwhile, Mr Biden has unveiled his budget proposal for 2023. It calls for lower federal deficits, more money for law enforcement, and greater funding for education, public health, and housing. Included is a proposal for a minimum tax on the super-rich that could hit Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos to the tune of $50bn and $35bn respectively.

And more than a century after such legislation was first introduced, President Joe Biden has signed into law a bill to make lynching a federal hate crime, condemning the “pure terror to enforce the lie that not everyone belongs in America, not everyone is created equal.”


Preview of Biden’s Covid speech

CBS White House correspondent Weijia Jiang has this intel on Joe Biden’s upcoming speech on the administration’s response to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

Andrew Naughtie30 March 2022 14:14


ICYMI: Biden signs law making lynching a federal hate crime

Joe Biden yesterday signed a bill that makes lynching a federal hate crime, a measure that has been waiting to pass into law for more than a century.

Named for Emmett Till, the Black teenager whose brutal 1955 murder helped galvanise the civil rights movement, the bill faced only seven “no” votes in the House of Representatives and passed the Senate by unanimous consent.

“From the bullets in the back of Ahmaud Arbery, to countless acts of violence, countless victims both known and unknown … racial hate is not an old problem, it’s a persistent problem,” Mr Biden said at the signing ceremony. “Hate never goes away. It only hides, it hides under the rocks. Given just a little bit of oxygen it comes roaring back out, screaming. What stops it is all of us, not a few.”

Andrew Naughtie30 March 2022 13:39


Susan Collins to vote for Ketanji Brown Jackson

In a development that all but assures Joe Biden’s first Supreme Court nominee will be confirmed, Maine Republican Susan Collins has said she will vote for Ketanji Brown Jackson when the vote to put her on the bench comes to the Senate floor.

Ms Brown Jackson has already secured the support of Joe Manchin, the Democratic senator who was thought the most likely to withhold his backing.

Eric Garcia has the news:

Andrew Naughtie30 March 2022 13:17


Analysis: How Joe Biden can bridge gap on police funding

Joe Biden’s budget proposal for the next fiscal year includes more than $3bn for law enforcement, making good on the president’s promise at the State of the Union that he would fund, not defund, the police. The move raises the prospect of a serious clash with the vocal and organised “defund” wing of the Democratic Party, but as Eric Garcia writes, the gap may not be unbridgeable.

Andrew Naughtie30 March 2022 12:45


ICYMI: Russia ‘failed to take Kyiv’, Ukraine’s capital was ‘key objective’, Pentagon says

Russian forces have failed in their mission to encircle and capture Kyiv, leading to Moscow’s announcement that military action around the Ukrainian capital would be scaled back, the US Department of Defense said on Tuesday.

Pentagon spokesman John Kirby made clear during his remarks at a daily press briefing that Russian forces, and concurred with a reporter’s assertion that the Russian military had suffered a “defeat” on the outskirts of Kyiv.

“I said as much in my opening statement. They failed to take Kyiv,” Mr Kirby told reporters.

Andrew Naughtie30 March 2022 12:15


Was Biden’s Putin “gaffe” really a mistake?

Roll Call’s John T. Bennett – late of The Independent – writes that it is the White House, not Joe Biden, who made a mess of the president’s speech in Poland this weekend, specifically by trying to “walk back” his declaration that Vladimir Putin “cannot remain in power”.

The White House had two options: Put out the statement it did — which sounded naive about regional power dynamics — or stand by the boss and explain he was calling for a Russian Spring, a la the Arab Spring that ousted several hard-line leaders from power last decade.

This White House, yet again, chose confusion. Rather than letting Joe be Joe, his staff turned a powerful moment into a gaffe…

The president has twice stated what might have been a true Biden Doctrine, once vaguely, then more clearly. Rather than forcefully making its boldest statement yet in its declared struggle with authoritarianism, Team Biden has managed to construct a kaleidoscope of confusion.

Andrew Naughtie30 March 2022 11:45


Biden’s Covid-19 approval relatively healthy – by global standards

Joe Biden’s overall approval ratings may not be in good shape these days, but on another measure, he is apparently doing relatively well. According to a poll from Morning Consult, the president enjoys a higher approval rating than many of his counterparts in other countries when it comes to handling the Covid-19 crisis.

He is performing better than leaders in Brazil, the UK, Australia and Spain, and even France’s Emmanuel Macron – though he lags far behind India’s Narendra Modi and Mexico’s Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

That said, his rating of 41 per cent approval to 50 per cent disapproval is obviously not much good in an absolute sense – and that it looks good by global standards says a lot about how governments have been damaged by the pandemic.

Andrew Naughtie30 March 2022 11:09


Al Sharpton on anti-lynching legislation

Speaking on MSNBC last night, veteran civil rights leader Al Sharpton gave his view on the significance of the Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Act, which Joe Biden signed into law yesterday.

“I was talking to the president and the vice president after the signing,” he said, “and to think that we are just getting this signed… to think that we had to get to 2022 to make lynching a federal crime, it is a bittersweet day”.

Andrew Naughtie30 March 2022 10:27


Trump dominates GOP field, leading Biden and Harris in poll for 2024 matchup

Former President Donald Trump would win the 2024 election were it held today, a new poll published this week in The Hill found.

The 45th president, who faces widespread blame for spreading false claims about the last presidential election that led to a riot at the US Capitol, slightly leads Joe Biden in a Harvard CAPS/Harris poll published on Monday. Mr Trump would have the support of 47 per cent of voters while 41 per cent would back Mr Biden. The gap between the two was well within the 12-point margin that represents the current share of undecided voters.

Read John Bowden’s full report

Shweta Sharma30 March 2022 09:30


US issues new travel warning for Russia, saying Americans may be targeted

The US State Department has issued a new travel advisory warning all its citizens against travelling to Russia, saying Americans could be targeted with “harassment” by government security officials in the country.

This could include “detention and the arbitrary enforcement of local law” said the department, adding that there was also a risk Americans’ mobility may be affected by “limited flights into and out of Russia”.

Read full report by Namita Singh

Shweta Sharma30 March 2022 08:45

Read original article here

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