Fallen Marine Kareem Nikoui’s mother invites Trump to son’s funeral

A California Gold Star mother whose Marine son was killed in last month’s ISIS suicide terror attack outside Kabul’s international airport invited former President Donald Trump to her child’s funeral, writing on Facebook that “[i]t would be such an honor” if he could be there.

Shana Chappell’s son Kareem Nikoui was one of 13 US service members — and 11 Marines — killed in the bomb blast at the Abbey Gate of Hamid Karzai International Airport on Aug. 26. She addressed Trump on her Facebook page Sept. 2, writing that “I would love if some how [sic] my President ( you Mr. Trump) could be present as i [sic] lay my Beautiful baby boy Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui to rest.

“It would be such an honor to meet the real President of the United States of America, President Trump,” she continued. “I love you and America loves you.”

“Thank you Shana,” Trump responded in an emailed statement from his Save America PAC on Labor Day, adding, “our Country loves you and especially loves your beautiful boy, Kareem.” He did not say whether he would attend the funeral service for Nikoui, which is scheduled for Sept. 18.

Both of Kareem Nikoui’s parents have blamed President Biden for their son’s death. The day after the attack, Kareem’s father Steve Nikoui told the Daily Beast that the commander-in-chief had “turned his back on him.”

“They sent my son over there as a paper pusher and then had the Taliban outside providing security,” Steve Nikoui told the website.

Nikoui’s mother Shana Chappell said it would be an “honor” to meet former President Donald Trump.

On Aug. 30, Chappell tore into Biden in a lengthy Facebook post, writing: “I know my face is etched into your brain! I was able to look you straight in the eyes yesterday and have words with you.

“After i [sic] lay my son to rest you will be seeing me again! Remember i [sic] am the one who stood 5 inches from your face and was letting you know i [sic] would never get to hug my son again, hear his laugh and then you tried to interrupt me and give me your own sob story and i [sic] had to tell you ‘that this isn’t about you so don’t make it about you!!!’ You then said you just wanted me to know that you know how i [sic] feel and i [sic] let you know that you don’t know how i [sic] feel and you do not have the right to tell me you know how i [sic] feel!”

In the same post, Chappell called Biden “a weak human being and a traitor” who “turned your back on my son, on all of our Heroes!!! … MY SONS [sic] BLOOD IS ON YOUR HANDS!!! All 13 of them, their blood is on your hands!!!”

Trump responded to that post as well, writing in a statement the following day that Chappell was “100 [percent] correct. If I were President, your wonderful and beautiful son Kareem would be with you now, and so would the sons and daughters of others, including all of those who died in the vicious Kabul airport attack.

“Civilians should have been brought out first, along with our $85 billion of equipment, with the Military coming out very safely after all was clear,” Trump added. “I love you, and I love Kareem.”

Chappell said President Joe Biden turned his back on her son and that the blood of the 13 fallen service members are “on your hands” in a previous Facebook post.
Chappell said President Joe Biden turned his back on her son and that the blood of the 13 fallen service members is “on your hands” in a previous Facebook post.
Getty Images

After Chappell posted a similar message on Instagram, she said her account had been disabled. Facebook, which owns Instagram, said in a statement that her account had been “incorrectly deleted.” Both Chappell’s Facebook and Instagram accounts have been active since.

Nikoui’s family members aren’t the only ones to criticize Biden since their relatives death. Other Gold Star family members slammed the president last week after he repeatedly checked his watch during the dignified transfer ceremony at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware — an action one father called “the most disrespectful thing I’ve ever seen.”

Read original article here

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