Exclusive: PS5 and Xbox Series X restock at Best Buy stores this week – and we have proof

Exclusive: The next PS5 and Xbox Series X restock at Best Buy will happen in stores on Thursday, according to the exclusive sources of PS5 and Xbox restock Twitter tracker Matt Swider, who will send you alerts when consoles are in stock in the US – if you follow his Twitter account and turn on notifications. This is big news. It’s the first time in 2021 a major non-club retailer in the US has had PlayStation 5 on sale in stores, and we have proof that it and Xbox Series X are being stocked at Best Buy locations for September 23. Multiple retailer sources, including those who shared internal inventory screens with us, are expecting more than 50 consoles per store.

Here’s how to know when the next PS5 and Xbox restock will happen:

How to buy a PS5 restock

When? Follow our PS5 and Xbox restock Twitter tracker Matt Swider and turn on notifications for instant restock news. It’s the fastest way to get PS5 and Xbox stock updates.

Never buy from other Twitter users – ever. They’re all scams. Only buy from the US stores Matt alerts you about. No one will sell a PS5 or Xbox for just $550.

How to get the email invite? Sign up for Matt’s Monday newsletter to find out how to open yourself up to Sony’s email invite list. He details the steps weekly (on Monday mornings).

PS5 restock at Best Buy inventory screen

This photo has been cropped and sensitive information masked in order to protect our sources. (Image credit: Twitter / Anonymous source)

Best Buy hasn’t had a PS5 restock in 38 days – no wonder

Read original article here

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