Tag Archives: weather blog

Cold Front Turns Rain into Snow Friday Night – NBC Boston

A strong cold front will pass through the region today bringing with it rain south and snow north.  As Low pressure develops and intensifies along the front over the Gulf of Maine, it’ll enhance the precipitation, especially across northern New England.  We’ll see mostly rain showers across southern New England through the mid-afternoon, but as colder air starts to intrude into the region, the higher elevations of Worcester County into the Berkshires will see a transition to snow. 

Much of northern New England will see snow developing during the morning and continue through the afternoon. Winter storm warnings and winter weather advisories have been issued for portions Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine through Saturday.  Take it slowly if traveling across these areas.  Highs Friday reach the mid to upper 40s south, then drop off into the 30s to low 40s by the end of the day behind the front. Highs north will be mostly in the 30s.

During the evening, we’ll see a transition from rain to snow across the south, even into the Boston area as precipitation slowly winds down during the overnight hours.  Please take it slowly where this rain/snow transition takes place.  Roads may become slick where temperatures drop below freezing during the evening and overnight hours. Snow will continue overnight across northern areas and wind down during the day Saturday.  We’ll also see a gusty northwest wind develop overnight which will usher in much colder air which will stick around right though the weekend.  Lows south in the upper 20s to low 30s, 20s across the north country.

As far as snow is expected, our First Alert inhouse model is forecasting a coating or so over northwestern Conn., northern Mass., and into southern New Hampshire, and an inch or two across the Berkshires into southern Vermont.  The jackpot will be in the mountains from Vermont to Maine where upwards of 8” or more will fall!  That’s certainly some great news for ski areas which have been craving some natural snow to help kick off their season!

Wind, cold temperatures, and mountain snow showers will be the main story for Saturday with highs barely reaching 40 south, 30s north.  Add the gusty northwest wind and it will feel more like freezing south and the 20s south. 

Sunday will feature less wind with cooler than average temperatures.  A few flurries possible during the morning ahead of a system which will be diving out of the Great Lakes Sunday night and intensify off the coast early Monday morning.  Here’s where it gets tricky!  Does it develop close enough to the coast and bring a period of accumulating snow to southern New England or does it harmlessly track away from the area without much fanfare?  Right now it looks to bring a period of snow showers to the area with a light accumulation, but I’m not ready to let it off the hook quite yet!  There is a tremendous amount of upper level energy associated with it and wouldn’t surprise me to see this.

Stay tuned and keep checking back as new information comes our way! 

Read original article here

Fireball Streaks Across Colorado Sky Early Sunday Morning – CBS Denver

(CBS4) – Coloradans as far west as Evergreen, as far north as Wellington, as far east as Bennet and as far south as Colorado Springs caught a incredible sight on their security cameras early Sunday morning. A fireball streaked across the sky at around 4:30 a.m.

By NASA’s definition, a fireball is an unusually bright meteor.

Josh Ellis in Evergreen shared videos of a bright flash lighting up his neighborhood. He said the light was bright enough to charge their solar lights.

Andrew Fisher, who lives in Wellington, caught it all on his Nest security camera. So did Doug Robinson and Kate Newberg of Boulder.

“Everything was pitch dark, and all of a sudden it lit up as if it was a brightly lit moon,” Robinson said.

As of Sunday afternoon, the American Meteor Society had received 41 reports about the fireball from across the Front Range. About 6 people described hearing a boom, one employee told CBS4.

“So, this means this was actually descending very deep,” said Chris Peterson, who works at the Cloudbait Observatory in Guffey. “10 or 20 miles may not seem very close to the ground, but when we think about typical burning stars, we’re seeing things that are burning up 60 to 70 miles high.”

The Cloudbait Observatory’s equipment also recorded the fireball streaking across the sky. Peterson, who also works as a research associate with the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, said the occurrence only happens once every few years over a single area.

“It’s unusual for such a large object,” Peterson said. “I’m guessing it was somewhere around the order of like a ton of rock, probably, that came in, so it’s a big chunk of stuff.”

Peterson said it’s likely the fireball was somewhere between the northern part of Park County and Boulder. Typically about 90 to 95 percent of the meteor will turn to dust. Pieces that do fall to the ground typically range from gravel-sized to baseball-sized, he said.

“Whether anything gets found or not remains to be seen, but there’s a good chance that there’s at least several pounds of material on the ground,” he said.

Peterson said this occurrence should be a reminder to look up once in a while.

“[It’s] an amazing little piece of nature that you should relish having seen.”

Erica Oosthoek shared her video from Wolf Ranch in Colorado Springs. Her camera faces north.

Shari Breckenfeld captured the phenomena from Loveland near the foothills.. Her camera faces south.

Cory Breider’s Nest camera faces west on the south end of Bennet.


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Fireball Streaks Across Colorado Sky Early Sunday Morning – CBS Denver

(CBS4) – Coloradans as far west as Evergreen, as far north as Wellington, as far east as Bennet and as far south as Colorado Springs caught a incredible sight on their security cameras early Sunday morning. A fireball streaked across the sky at around 4:30 a.m.

By NASA’s definition, a fireball is an unusually bright meteor.

Josh Ellis in Evergreen shared videos of a bright flash lighting up his neighborhood. He said the light was bright enough to charge their solar lights.

Andrew Fisher, who lives in Wellington, caught it all on his Nest security camera.

The Cloudbait Observatory in Guffey reports four fireballs flying through Colorado’s skies in the last seven days.

The ball of fire lights up the sky and quickly disappears.

Erica Oosthoek shared her video from Wolf Ranch in Colorado Springs. Her camera faces north.

Shari Breckenfeld captured the phenomena from Loveland near the foothills.. Her camera faces south.

Cory Breider’s Nest camera faces west on the south end of Bennet.

It’s not clear where the meteor landed.

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‘Whiteout, Brutal Conditions’ On I-70, Closures In Colorado Mountains, Foothills & Out East – CBS Denver

(CBS4) – Authorities are having trouble keeping Interstate 70 open in Colorado’s foothills during the major snowstorm that’s slamming the state on Sunday. Late Sunday morning officials announced that things aren’t going well on the Eastern Plains, either.

As of 1:45 a.m. I-70 had weather-related closures in the following areas:

– Eastbound Silverthorne to Georgetown
– From Golden to Floyd Hill (at the border of Clear Creek County and Jefferson County)
– Airpark Road in Aurora all the way to Limon

(credit: CBS)

Officials with the Colorado State Patrol said in a tweet that conditions on Floyd Hill were: “whiteout brutal conditions.”

Some drivers from out of state have been trying to get to Colorado ski resorts in the midst of the snowstorm. A family from Orlando, Florida, told CBS4 they took a detour off I-70 and got stuck in the snow.

“We’re heading up to Breckenridge to do some skiing. The girls had to use the restroom. We couldn’t make it up the hill with the two-wheel drive truck, so we backed up and he put it in the ditch,” said one of the family members.

(credit: CBS)

“What advice would you give to other people if this was their first time driving in the snow?” asked CBS4’s Justin Adams.

“If you’re going to rent a vehicle, make sure it’s 4-wheel drive, not 2-wheel,” he replied with a laugh. “Other than that, hey, this is what it’s about.”

The family was able to borrow a tow rope and got themselves going again. But they likely won’t forget their March ski trip to Colorado anytime soon.

According to Meteorologist Ashton Altieri, a Blizzard Warning, Winter Storm Warnings and Winter Weather Advisories continue for many areas around the state with additional accumulation expected in all areas.

WEATHER ALERT: Blizzard Warning Issued, Biggest Snowstorm In 15 Years For Denver

Read original article here