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3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Day On November 24, 2021

Wow. Sometimes the universe just hands you a day where your jaw drops in shock and you want to crawl back into bed to forget all that has happened.

Everyone will feel the tension of a difficult day, but for three zodiac signs who will have a rough day on November 24, 2021, it’s more than just whacky.

Wednesday is beyond ridiculous for Aquarius, Taurus, and Gemini.

November 24, 2021, will be a rough day for these three zodiac signs because of the tension points taking place in the daily horoscope when you look at astrology. 

For example, Aquarius zodiac signs will have a tougher than usual day on November 24, because of some friendship drama.

RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Whose Karmic Relationship Ends During Saturn square Uranus November 24, 2021

Taurus will have a rough day on Wednesday because of Uranus square Saturn. Changes need to be made, but nope. Nothing.

Yes, even the most stubborn sign will feel tension on a personal level when finding the courage to change is met with immovable forces caused by other people.

And, poor Gemini. Mercury in Sagittarius brings honesty to relationships, and devilish Pluto will have some Gemini zodiac signs oversharing and feeling like they should have kept their mouth closed until tomorrow.

Yes, it’s not always good news in astrology, and everyone knows no one can have a great horoscope reading each day. 

The Sun in Sagittarius with Mercury encourages us all to face our fears head-on, and that’s basically what we all must do no matter what the day brings.

Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Day On November 24, 2021:


(May 21 – June 20)

Even you and your overly optimistic side know better than to think that you can say anything you want and not have someone get their feelings hurt. And, if you’re courageous enough, you’ll send people to voicemail, not answer texts quickly, and reschedule any meetings that you’re unprepared for.

With your ruling planet, Mercury just entering the zodiac sign of Sagittarius, things are still ‘critical’ for you. Mercury is all about honesty, and you are too, — to a degree. You don’t want to commit to just one idea or one thing, heck, sometimes you dislike the idea of committing to just one person.

So, when asked how you truly feel about a particular situation or idea, you’re not going to like feeling cornered. And, you will feel pushed into the corner with no way out but to say what you truly think… and your words are going to come out sideways, Gemini. You will say something a person does not want to hear, and truly you don’t like being the one to tell them, either. 

November 24, is a day that is going to be particularly rough for you. Mark Wednesday on the books, underline it in red.

It will be the moment when your life took a different direction in an area of your life, perhaps for the worst. 

You will realize that should have just stuck to your guns and not shapeshifted into that people-pleaser you are prone to be, and this will make Wednesday a rough day, full of bad luck indeed, but now you’ll know for next time — don’t change unless it makes sense for you, first. 

RELATED: The Bad Luck Superstition You Actually Believe In, Based On Your Zodiac Sign


(April 20 – May 20)

It’s rare to see you cry, but on November 24, you may be shedding angry tears grieving over the fact that you missed a window of opportunity when you should have taken action and you did not. 

Your stubborn ways have helped you to avoid catastrophe when it threatened to strike. You’ve been confident in this, but on Wednesday, this trait of yours is going to be your downfall. 

The fact that you’ve had to endure Uranus, the planet of chaos and change, in your sign for the last few years is a testament to the need for you to wake up and make some adjustments to your way of doing things. 

And today, you’ll be so close… so ready to finally take the leap. It’s taken time for you to think it over, and just when you are ready to pick up the phone, schedule an appointment, call a friend or family member to admit you were wrong, and you’re so sorry, that’s going to be when it can’t happen, and it won’t.

Why? Because Saturn, the planet of structure is going to speak to Uranus and say no, not now. We have decided to terminate your opportunity effective immediately.

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And, it’s going to pain you, Taurus, to know that you finally changed your mind and are so determined to make this new thing work, but that’s been stripped from you. Stubborn you will have to deal, and maybe next time you will soften a bit sooner. You know, when the timing is right.

RELATED: How Stubborn You Are, Based On Your Zodiac Sign


(January 20 – February 18)

You pride yourself in taking up the cause of the underdog, and this is where you will also find that sometimes you have to be careful who you help. You are wearing your heart on your sleeve lately. With lucky Jupiter in your zodiac sign, and Saturn in your sign, too, you’ve really gained a clear understanding of what it means to have and to have not. 

So, when you see someone who needs help, you are the first person to give of yourself, but there seems to be someone in your life who thinks your kindness is a sign of weakness, and they have started to take advantage of you, Aquarius. To them, you’re a doormat, and they aren’t thankful at all. Nope, it’s their entitlement that will be the rub that makes November 24, a rough day for you. 

You will have to decide if you’re going to call this person out on their bull, and you will not want to. You will want to pretend you did not see this side of their character. You might even decide you’ll just do this one thing and then be done with them once and for all.

But, for all your kindness, Aquarius, you have a strong sense of justice too. Knowing that someone used you for all the wrong reasons is going to hurt, and you may start to feel jaded about humanity as a whole. 

Even though you might not succumb to bitterness, a part of you will be so glad when Wednesday is over. You will think, man, was November 24 a rough day, and you’ll have good reason to say so. But, you learned a lesson, which will make all the challenges worthwhile in the end. Some lessons you have to learn the hard way.

RELATED: Four Zodiac Signs Who Will Stab You In The Back, Per Astrology

Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango’s Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.

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3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Day On November 21, 2021

We are now officially on the cusp between Scorpio and Sagittarius, and thanks to the many oddball transits that join us, we may be up for a little tension and disappointment.

Leading the line up is Mercury Sextile Pluto with the Moon in Cancer. Our Moon is Square Neptune, which should have us overly sensitive and hair-triggered, while Moon Trine Jupiter may end up giving us more than we can handle. 

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With the Sun in Sagittarius, we may just be able to handle what comes our way, which should give us hope for the future.

Still, this day may prove to be a rough one for certain signs, due to the confusing nature of the conflicting transits.

What constitutes for ‘rough day’ today revolves around neurotic feelings, paranoia, and a strange, unwarranted sense of hopelessness.

Moon in Cancer doesn’t help, as this is what will make the day feel extra moody and overly sensitive. 

Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Day On November 21, 2021:


(April 20 – May 20)

While this day may not be the easiest on your nerves, you’ll rise above whatever difficulties present themselves.

What you are dealing with is general anxiety, and yes, it may actually be a diagnosed disorder for you, and today is the kind of day that will trigger this kind of anxiety in you.

You can’t put your finger on what’s up, and yet, everything seems to feel…wrong. You know deep inside that there’s nothing wrong, but try and convince your brain of that — it’s a no-go.

And so, you’ll do what you always do – employ your coping mechanisms and meditate the stress away. It’s worked before and it will work again. You know not to take it too seriously as it does pass. Hang tough, Taurus, you got this.

RELATED: Zodiac Signs Who Have Serious Anxiety, Ranked From Most To Least


(December 22 – January 19)

You know what’s messing your world up today, Capricorn? Mercury Sextile Pluto. ARGH! This transit seems to be turning your every effort into garbage, and the worst part about it is that it’s YOU who is consciously messing things up.

You aren’t trying, but you are the one making the decisions here, and what’s happening is that every decision you make today seems to backfire. You’re going to want to back away from this day’s antics, you get the point.

Maybe it was better to steer clear from giving your opinion or trying to do things properly. This day is apparently not yours to rule, and for a Capricorn, that’s a pretty miserable sentence to bear.

However, this will pass and you’ll get back to your old ways in no time. Try to stand back and witness the day, rather than control something you can’t possibly control.

RELATED: The Most Controlling Zodiac Signs In Astrology, Ranked


(January 20 – February 18)

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What you might come to know about this day is that you’re going to feel defenseless, unable to stand up for yourself.

You don’t like when that happens and you’ve made a lifestyle out of being able to stay strong and not let anyone put you down.

It’s admirable, however, it doesn’t always work. You still have work to do on topics such as self-confidence and self-esteem.

Moon Square Neptune is going to bring out your shy side, and you may show yourself and others that you are not as strong as you’d like to present yourself as.

People will notice that you are a pushover; someone you can walk on and get away with it. That’s so not you, yet, this transit magnetizes you and disallows you from standing up for yourself.

It’s very depressing and it’s the last thing you want to show. Don’t worry, you’ll be back to your strong self by tomorrow.

RELATED: Which Zodiac Signs Are Insecure Vs. Confident, Ranked From Most To Least

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Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter: Ruby Miranda 

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3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Day On November 3, 2021

As we begin a seemingly calm day under the Scorpio Sun and Libra Moon three zodiac signs who will have a rough day on November 4, 2021, may feel the energy of impatience coming in which could potentially harm all the work that we have recently done.

There are many astrological aspects that go into making Wednesday particularly rough, but things will get better once the New Moon passes.

The first is that we are nestled within the window right before the Super New Moon in Scorpio on the 4th, which is the official start of Eclipse Season. Adding to that we will be feeling both Mercury and Venus change zodiac signs just a few hours after that.

But we also don’t have any other astrological transits on Wednesday, November 3, 2021

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It’s considered a day of quiet and reflection which are supposed to be positives. However, for some zodiac signs, it may instead feel like nothing is happening.

It may be triggering for those who have been trying to tick off their lists and get things done without stopping to reflect on the emotional and mental effects of their journey.

No matter who we are, the concept that rest is part of the journey is an important lesson to learn.

It means that we don’t always need to be doing in order to be actively working towards our dreams because often it’s in those quieter moments we have deeper reflections.

Impatience is a natural emotion to no longer wanting to wait, but it also comes from a resistance to accepting things as they truly are.

If we are able to sink into a deeper space of acceptance then we will also be able to release that mental state of thinking things should be happening or moving at a different pace than they are.

As easy as it could be to read the energy today as one of a stalemate, instead look for the lessons of the silence.

Because it’s often only then, we’re able to truly listen.

Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Day On November 3, 2021:

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Just being isn’t really your thing. Often, it’s the sheer act of staying busy and on the go that allows you to feel like your best self or at least someone who is confident and in charge of their lives.

Yet this is only an illusion, as we can stay busy all day but that doesn’t mean that we’re necessarily in a good space or that we’re in control but simply that we’re really good at distracting ourselves, well, from ourselves.

Stop trying to distract yourself from your truth, from what it is you’ve been feeling, and especially from those pesky thoughts that sneak in around 3:00 a.m.

They all are coming up to hopefully help you out of the rut that you’ve recently found yourself within, but you can only really make use of them if you allow yourself to emerge within the unknown.

This means that you have to make space to just be so that finally you can just feel. Try to silence that brain, try to not let logic lead the way and instead place your hand on your heart thinking about how you actually feel.

There are a lot of truths for you to really let sink in, but they are only going to do that when you give them the space to. Your lesson is learning that you can’t let your impatience or inconvenience take you away from really being in your life, versus just living it.

RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Whose Fears About Love Come True During Moon Square Pluto Starting November 3, 2021

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

The energy today can feel frustrating to you as it may seem no matter what you do, what you change or what work you feel you perform on yourself, you’re still in the same place. This is yours to carry though because it involves expectation.

When we take action or do things for others or even on ourselves with the expectation that things would change, whether it is ourselves, a relationship or even our life, then we will always be setting ourselves up for disappointment.

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Instead, to take any sort of growth or healing-orientated action means that we are doing it because we’re feeling directed to, because we know that we are meant to, regardless of what comes from it.

We can’t jump into the self-work pool and think that it means we’re going to end up somewhere our ego hopes we will.

Instead, it means we make the plunge not knowing. Try to look at where you may still be carrying expectations for yourself, life, and especially others around you. Just because you feel like you change everything with yourself doesn’t mean that you can change anything with another.

RELATED: New Moon Horoscopes For All Zodiac Signs, November 4, 2021

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

In September you were asked to embark on a journey to realign your life with the person that you’ve grown into. You boldly faced many different facets of your life, from love to career and everything in between.

You faced challenges and you made changes, but sometimes those changes aren’t instantaneous. Sometimes we have to wait for things to fully manifest or actually be ready to step into. This can often be the hardest part of growth to navigate when we’ve done the really hard thing but yet we still find ourselves in the same space as before almost as if we hadn’t done anything at all.

Unfortunately, your frustration makes me feel like it’s blooming right now because of the space that you’re having to occupy. However instead of looking at why it isn’t happening right now at this moment, instead try to see why it’s not. Look for some remaining lessons and closure that you may have to process before you step into your new chapter.

RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Whose Love Life Improves During The Moon Trine Jupiter Starting November 3, 2021

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Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.

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Market is melting up to new records, but 2022 looks rough: Wells Fargo

Chris Harvey’s reign as the year’s biggest bull won’t extend into next year.

The Wells Fargo Securities head of equity strategy, whose 2021 S&P 500 target is 4,825, predicts Wall Street will stage a vibrant year-end rally and then see a losing 2022.

“You’re going to bring equities to a level that they can’t sustain. We’ll have the equity market melt-up,” he told CNBC’s “Trading Nation” on Friday. “We’ll bring stocks to a level where the fundamentals and valuations don’t support them.”

The S&P 500, Nasdaq and Dow ended the week in record territory. The S&P and Nasdaq were up 7% in October while the Dow gained 6%.

“What we’re seeing from a lot of individuals and investors is they feel like the market is unbreakable at this point in time. We’ve had several pullbacks. You’ve bent it, but you’ve never broken,” said Harvey. “That brings another level of FOMO [fear of missing out], and that brings in a level of confidence.”

Harvey lists strong economic fundamentals, better-than-expected earnings, low capital costs and massive cash on the sidelines as fuel for gains.

“It’s late in the bull market,” he said. “Now is a period where irrationality becomes much more rational. Things you don’t expect to happen can happen, and most likely will.”

Harvey contends momentum names, which include banks, will be major drivers into year-end. He calls financials a “stealth leadership play” that will get traction from the Federal Reserve’s taper plans.

Don’t go bottom fishing

“That will put upward pressure on rates, and that’s good for banks,” said Harvey. “We want to buy things that are working. We don’t want to go bottom fishing. We don’t want to buy broken stories.”

He suggests playing the iShares MSCI USA Momentum Factor ETF.

“The funny thing here is a lot of people believe these are high tech and all tech-type stocks,” he noted. “If you look at the momentum index and the Momentum ETF, 20% of it is in banks and three of the top ten names in the momentum ETF are banks. So, you have pretty good diversity.”

Harvey estimates the market melt-up will last three to six months. In next year’s second quarter, he expects a more hawkish Fed, decelerating growth and uncertainty surrounding the mid-term elections to start creating headwinds that could cause a 10% correction.

“I hate this comment, but I’m going to give it to you anyway. I think it is a ‘sell in May and go away,'” said Harvey. “By the time you get into late spring, early summer, you really want to turn more defensive.”

It’s still considered early for firms to deliver next year’s S&P targets. Harvey’s target is 4,715. The more bullish estimates so far include Credit Suisse’s Jonathan Golub, who has a 5,000 S&P target.


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3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Day On October 20, 2021

Energies and tempers will be high for three zodiac signs who will have a rough day on October 20, 2021, as we welcome in the Aries Full Moon today alongside the Libra Sun.

Even though Libra likes to try to balance our energies and bring calm and stability to situations, today that won’t make much of a difference with the current lunation and astrology for some signs.

The issue is that during the past few months, especially weeks, we’ve been doing a lot of reviews in terms of balance and what we need from others.

Speaking up on that is challenging for Libra, Capricorn, and Cancer, but still many of us have taken those steps to have those more difficult conversations.

The issue will arise though for those that have had the conversations, have said the difficult things and then not have responded in the way that they needed.

In this case it would be because the balance they were seeking wasn’t able to have been created.

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For a few signs, they would have been simmering in this realization only to end up feeling like they were keeping silent about the things that mattered most to them.

While a valid feeling, what we have to understand is that just because we’re at a place where we are needing to discuss and talk about our relationship for instance, our partner may be at a crossroads in their career or have to focus and settle things in their family path.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re unable to fulfill our need for balance but only that we’re not in the space to both do that together.

With today’s energy though, being able to have that logical thought process will be challenging and instead we will be more prone to emotional outbursts or even anger.

The thing to remember though which could save us from regret later on is to make sure to only say what it is we truly mean.

If we’re actually craving more, then we should never think we’re going to solve it by speaking up for less.

Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Day On October 20, 2021:

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

The best thing that you can hope for today is that everyone leaves you alone to a degree.

This isn’t necessarily because you’re going to be having a horrible day, but there is a lot of emotional tension just below your surface which if not acknowledged or triggered by others could spell a difficult emotional storm to get past.

Try to make sure that you can have plenty of time alone today so that you can take care of yourself and process your own feelings about what it is moving through, which includes fears as well. This isn’t the time to try to make others see your side of things or even feel like you have to prove a point.

If there are those people who you always feel emotionally safe and supported with, then those are who you should be spending time with today. Save the complicated or confusing situations for another day when you’ll be more apt to find that balance and compromise that you’re seeking.

But, if something is brought up by another, whether a conversation or opportunity, make sure that you speak your truth. Because as much as we don’t want to be in the place regretting what we said, it’s often regretting what we didn’t say that ends up taking the biggest toll.

RELATED: 5 Reasons A Libra Is The Best Friend You Never Knew You Needed

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Life is revealing to you a whole other way of being, the question just remains if you’re going to take it or not. With everything that has been going on in your life lately, it’s clear that it’s time for a change. But the thing to remember is that it’s our internal change that creates our external situation. For you today, it’s important to truly practice love and compassion for yourself.

This means not beating yourself up over decisions or choices that you’ve previously made. It also means understanding that of course you would do things differently now but it’s only because you’ve had the experiences that you did which allow you to have that perspective.

Try to approach everything, especially yourself, with radical acceptance. Accept that you have done everything to the best of your ability in that moment, but also allow yourself the freedom to move differently in the future. Today runs the risk of being a darker day for you.

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One that has you full of regret from the past and even anger towards yourself. Use these feelings for the positive as you move forward. Look for the lessons instead of what you regret and remember that each day you do truly have the opportunity to do better, if you take it.

RELATED: What A Capricorn’s Love Style Looks Like, By Zodiac Sign

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

It has been a challenging few weeks for all water signs, but for you especially it’s been challenging because you can only take so much. One of the things that you need the most deeply is a secure, loving and stable home environment.

Not just to live within, but to feel within. To cast off that protective shell, to be yourself and to express yourself however you feel called to within that moment. But lately, that sense of safety and insecurity hasn’t been present in your home environment which means that there isn’t anywhere you feel safe outside of your shell.

This can be something that temporarily we all have to move through at times, but the danger here is if you learn that is the only way that you can truly feel safe.

Today watch for that avoidant or even dismissive energy from yourself towards those that may express concern or care for how you’ve been doing.

Recognize that in order for people to start stepping up to help you, you have to open up to talk about what is actually going on. We can’t pretend we’re fine yet still wonder why no one steps towards us to help support us. Take a chance at being vulnerable today and watch the emotional doors that open.

RELATED: 4 Myths & Facts About The Cancer Zodiac Sign You Should Know (Even If You Don’t Believe In Astrology)

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Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.

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3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Day On October 15, 2021

The tempestuous Aquarius Moon reminds us that we can’t move forward in life if we’re only looking over our shoulder at what is in our past.

With the Libra Sun guiding us forward and Mercury retrograde season coming to an end, we are encouraged to find balance and acceptance for the past that we can’t change which hopefully will bring us forward into the future that we dream of.

Libra and Aquarian energies can work together to provide balance and a sense of well-being, however, for some signs, it creates a discord between the emotions we want to feel and those that we don’t let go of.

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Right now, after Pluto just turned direct, we are facing a lot of truths about ourselves and our lives.

This is the planet that rules transformation, but also everything that swirls within our subconscious including the parts of ourselves that we may not often acknowledge.

With so much being brought up right now, we will be faced with one of two options; either we will find the clarity we’ve been seeking and with it be able to put the past to rest or we will feel unable to let go of that comfort zone even if within it, we truly weren’t able to grow.

The thing with the energy that is coming in today is that while it will be challenging at first, it also opens up a window of opportunity for us to be able to see what is actually holding us back in our lives.

Even if we feel fear, usually we all speak of growth at some point in our lives. Whether it comes after a brutal break-up, a lost friendship, or even the ending of a career.

However, as much as we may speak of growth, we don’t often realize that it will also mean growing out of relationships and situations that are no longer in alignment with who we are.

It’s similar to the years that we spent in school. If we had mastered a particular class, but still remained in it, how would we feel?

What would we do? Likely we’d become bored, we’d try to escape, we’d act out not because of the class itself, but because we had already learned the lessons associated with it, so there is no point in taking it over again.

This is what we go through in life and in love.

We enter into situations to learn lessons, to be challenged to grow so that eventually we can leave behind those that were only meant to come into our life for a season.

Today is about finding the acceptance to do just that so that you don’t miss what is waiting for you in your future.

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Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Day On October 15, 2021:

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

As you have moved through recent energies, there has been a great deal of healing available to you.

While this lesson or cycle has come around before, this is the first time that you’re truly able to see it for what it is.

The issue though in the past hasn’t been seeing something for what it truly is but continuing to when that means it leads to changes in your life.

Especially the outgrowing phase. But this time, it seems that you’ve passed a certain milestone when it comes to truly understanding a particular lesson or purpose of a person or situation.

The task though now is to not go back and paint it differently because your ego, heart, or even your fears about the future start to sway you from what you know is the truth.

At some point, you have to accept that you have learned the lesson because continuing to be in a situation where you’re hoping even unconsciously for a different outcome is what is preventing you from growing forward into your future.

It’s hard when dreams don’t manifest the way that we hope they will, but it only ends up hurting ourselves when we stay in situations that don’t truly honor who we are.

The truth may be difficult to accept, but it’s always better than a lie-especially one we tell ourselves.

RELATED: The Pros And Cons Of Loving A Scorpio (Buckle Up For A Wild Ride!)

Aries (March 19 – April 19)

The funny thing about our subconscious is that we can’t really fool ourselves long-term. We may be able to avoid confrontation or arguments with others, but we can’t ultimately ignore our own truth.

For you, it seems you’ve been going through a transition the past few months during the peak of Retrograde Season and now as planets are starting to turn direct your bill is coming due.

While it’s normal to try and pretend that things haven’t changed and that you can continue on as you have been, you also know deep down that you’re unable to do that.

So, at this moment if that is the route that you’re taking, try to at least admit to yourself that you know it’s only temporary.

You can tell yourself that you’re giving time to fully process things.

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You can be healing and work on accepting, even making a new plan.

But these are all very different outcomes than telling yourself that you’re not feeling anything at all.

Make sure to validate the new thoughts and feelings that you’re having so that you can continue to grow and trust yourself during this next part of your journey because more than anything else that is what you’re going to need.

RELATED: 8 Reasons Aries Women Are The Best Women To Love

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

You won’t be able to get anywhere new by doing the same old thing.

As much as you still may be hurting because things haven’t gone according to plan, and you’re still wrapping your head around what all that means, it’s still time to start looking forward.

If you’re feeling stuck or unable to move past certain dreams or beliefs about your life and the direction it would take, try asking yourself why you became so attached to things working out in a specific way.

Was it truly about a person or a life path or was it about what it seemed those things would provide to you?

And in that respect, it means you can try to give those things to yourself.

This doesn’t mean that you’re not worthy of receiving what it is you need as you have deeply come into your worth over the past year, but instead it’s about remembering that no one can give us something that we haven’t yet given ourselves.

You are worthy, not just of the love of others, but of yourself as well.

RELATED: Which Zodiac Signs Are The Most (And Least) Compatible With Cancer

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Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.

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3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Day On October 7, 2021

With the New Moon out of the way, and Venus in Sagittarius ruling the roost, we can look for a few lover’s spats heading in our direction, along with a couple of serious misunderstandings that could lead to further messes.

Which three zodiac signs are the ones who will have a rough day on October 7, 2021?

While it’s not all that bad, this day does come with its intensity for Taurus, Aquarius, and Pisces.

As the Moon is now in Scorpio, and for all zodiac signs, that means trouble, ego and even a little bitter discourse.

In other words, get ready to rumble. This day is going to have its moment of confrontation, and a choice as to how we deal with it.

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With Venus in Sagittarius, you might think everything is going to be all lovey-dovey, but certain signs don’t follow that train of thought, and being that we also have Moon Square Saturn, we can expect craziness in the mix, too.

Crazy as in ‘over-reacting’ ‘over-thinking’ and ‘poor judgement calls.’ We will all survive the day, but some of us may not get out of it unless we cause a bit of damage.

Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Day On October 7, 2021:

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Scorpio Moon has you feeling squirrely, Taurus, and by that, what is meant is that you will be on edge, waiting for something negative to happen.

It’s as if you feel it in your bones; you simply cannot trust the day and you ‘know in your heart that something bad is going to happen.’

This could be paranoia on your part as there is nothing directly threatening your peace, and yet, this one’s on you: you will create a situation that pays you back in anxiety, just so can get experience what you fear most: the bad day.

While you have given up the idea of adding negativity to your own life, this day brings an exception to that rule.

You have the wisdom within you to get past this negative thinking, so don’t spend too much time in anticipation of something going wrong.

Don’t let your thoughts become creative in this case; you do have the choice. Take the higher road this time, Taurus.

RELATED: The Dark Side Of The Taurus Zodiac Sign, According To Astrology

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

What you may want to take out of the picture today, Aquarius, is your own self. You are really bringing people down – yes, you are justified in your own feelings, however, your pace and your frantic need to have things go your way is becoming somewhat of a burden on others.

Live and let live – you don’t need to control the narrative of everyone else’s day. Just get through this one as well as you can, without feeling the need to control everyone else’s emotions. That’s the Scorpio Moon working you like a puppet.

If this happens to you – pull back and give it some room. You are OK to feel what you feel, but you are not OK to make someone else feel what you’re experiencing. Everyone comes with their own baggage, Aquarius – once again: Live and let live.

RELATED: 6 Things Bound To Happen When An Aquarius Dates Another Aquarius

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Pisces (February 19 – March 10)

Your word of the day is impulsiveness, and while that kind of energy can take you either way, today is not the best day for you to jump into something you don’t know much about.

You may feel strong feelings today about getting involved with something you know very little about; after all, isn’t that how interest and intrigue start, with something you are unfamiliar with?

And yet this is NOT the day to start something new. What’s promised for you is severity, and that may not be what you sign on for. So, take today to think it out first, then plunge in when you know it’s safer.

Everything about this day warns you to keep it light, and to think things through. Leaps of faith are not encouraged on days like this – do not worry, you will have ample chances in the next few days to re-approach your new interests.

Learn a bit more over the next few days so that you can prepare yourself for the next adventure.

RELATED: 5 Reasons A Pisces Is The Best Friend You Never Knew You Needed

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Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter: Ruby Miranda 

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3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Day On September 26, 2021

While others will be enjoying the Libra Sun and Gemini Moon, for three zodiac signs who will have a rough day on September 26, 2021, it will likely bring frustration as even if there are decisions and choices that you feel ready to make-you won’t feel free to do so.

With the Sun in Libra, we are more able to compromise and find a balanced and fair outcome for any decisions or choices that we may be making in our lives.

The Gemini Moon will only encourage us to think things through and come up with untraditional solutions or ideas making the space to actively create the life that we dream of.

However, in order to be able to explore our ideas, desires, and even dreams we need to feel free to do so; to take action in the future is to feel free to leave the past.

This is where we often get stuck though because whether it’s imagined or real, we often see a lack of freedom in our lives.

We become stuck or bombarded by the responsibilities or obligations in our lives. The wounding that we are trying to make up for and the happiness of others that we’ve taken on as our responsibility.

When we do this, no matter what we desire, no matter what we decide on, we won’t take any action because we don’t feel the freedom to do so.

This is a lot of the energy of Saturn who is currently moving through the last few degrees of Aquarius before shifting into Pisces at the end of this year.

Saturn is all about our restrictions, what holds us in place, teaching us that many of these pieces are actually karmic lessons that we need to learn so we can move beyond them.

In life rarely is it impossible to move forward, instead, we more frequently tell ourselves that so that we have an excuse to not try or upset the status quo.

Today though astrology reaches a pinnacle, forcing our hand and showing us that we’re the ones that have created the lack of freedom in our own lives-which also means we’re the only ones who can change it.

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This is going to create some friction, stress, and difficult moments as you realize today that you’ve created the very situations you’re now trying to escape from.

While you will be supported in forwarding movement and reflection of the past through the Stellium in Air Signs and Mercury Retrograde, this is only the beginning of not just removing the blocks you’ve put in place, but also forgiving yourself as well.

In astrology, a Stellium is when there are five or more planetary bodies in one element, in this case, we have six planets as well as both nodes of the moon all in Air Signs. Together this is all about forward movement-but as with anything we have to clean up our past first.

As you move through energy remember you don’t need to change your entire life in one day, but you do need to take that first step.

Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Day On September 26, 2021:

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

As one of the neighboring signs of those that rule Mercury, one of the planets defining energy today, you will feel this not only strongly but emotionally as well. Today could be one of those days where it’s hard to stop crying and nothing may even have changed since yesterday except that you can feel it all. In your life, you’re aware of the blocks to freedom.

You are aware of what you have created or agreed to that has led to you being in this current situation where you’ve been dreaming more of an escape strategy than anything else.

But it’s different to simply be aware of it versus feeling that at this moment there may be nothing to do to change it. Often, we put off admitting the truth to ourselves because then once we do the next step becomes taking action.

That step is always daunting but then adds onto it the feeling of being unable to, and that is what creates the emotional frustration of feeling stuck in a situation we can’t yet see the end of just yet.

This is where you find yourself today and while it’s important to just feel and cry it out, you also can put pen to paper and start to organize your thoughts and ideas.

While sounding small, even this is considered a first step.

RELATED: 4 Myths & Facts About The Cancer Zodiac Sign You Should Know (Even If You Don’t Believe In Astrology)

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

As emotions go yours tend to be big all the time. You think big, you act big and oftentimes you do so without putting much thought into the future.

This year has had different energy though and so instead of putting on a good face to the world, you’ve allowed yourself more time and energy to go into how you’re feeling and what has brought you here. A bit of self-reflection to help gain more clarity is always of benefit, yet sometimes we discover something that we wish we didn’t.

This has been the weight that you’ve had to carry recently. Some of it is yours, some of it is others and some is just the reality that while you have an end plan insight, you’re not quite sure how to get there.

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Today this energy will bombard you and will try to take you under in the overwhelming feeling of negativity; of things never changing so why should you type of energy. Some days are like this.

Some days are harder to get over than others, but it is just one day. Instead of letting it throw you off course or doubt the work you’ve been putting in, try instead to make a list of everything that you’ve done to become better in the past year. Let yourself feel your emotions, but also ground your reality. And maybe go to bed early, tomorrow is a new day.

RELATED: 10 Reasons Why A Leo Is The Best Friend You Never Knew You Needed

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

As a sign that lives on the intense side of the emotional realm all the time, this energy in some ways may not feel all that different in the beginning. However, as it continues, what’s clear is that this energy is asking you to reflect and step up in ways that you haven’t as of yet.

It’s one thing to have intense feelings about your life but another to realize that all the feelings in the world aren’t going to change your life if you don’t take the steps to.

As often a romantic sign, you fantasize about being saved. About that perfect person coming in and suddenly everything changes, everything is easier.

While beautiful, this isn’t reality. You are the one you’ve been waiting for. You are that perfect person and there’s no one that is meant to come in to change your life for you because then that would be their work and not yours. This isn’t a fun realization because it comes with some responsibility.

If you are the only one that can change your life, it means that all of this is up to you. People who benefit from your poor boundaries won’t ask for you to change, those who are comfortable aren’t going to instigate change; yet that is the common denominator of all of this.

Are the people in your life benefiting more from your life than you are? Today comes with a lot of awareness about why things in your life aren’t changing and while realizing it’s because of you isn’t a fun lesson, it is one you get to do something about.

RELATED: How An Scorpio Zodiac Sign Breaks Up With You, According To Astrology

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Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.

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Rough first half for Browns defense, Jarvis Landry hurt, running game awakens – Terry Pluto’s Halftime Scribbles

CLEVELAND, Ohio – Scribbles in my Browns halftime notebook with the score 14-14 against Houston.

1. When Baker Mayfield threw an interception in the second quarter, it appeedrs rookie receiver Anthony Schwartz messed up his route. It appeared that way on the replay, and it also was clear coach Kevin Stefanski had a few direct words the third-rounder from Auburn after the play.

2. Jarvis Landry left early with a knee injury and was out for the rest game. No details on the injury were available. It was a shaky first half for the young receivers. Along with Schwartz’s mistake on the interception, Donovan Peoples-Jones caught a pass for 14 yards, was hit hard, and lost a fumble.

3. Browns wideouts caught only three passes in the half. Landry was hurt on a nine-yard catch. Peoples-Jones had a 14-yarder and fumble. Rashard Higgins caught a pass for 14 yards.

4. The efense looked confused for much of the first half against Houston, especially when facing some of the misdirection plays and fakes triggered by QB Tyrod Taylor. The 32-year-old Taylor was doing his best Lamar Jackson imitation, throwing on the run and keeping the defense off-balance.

5. The Browns’ 2018 opening day QB, Taylor was 10-for-11 for 125 yards. He ran for a 15-yard TD and threw a 22-yard TD screen pass for Phillip Lindsay. The pass to Lindsay dumfounded the defense with the misdirection and was wide open.

6. The Browns’ first TD was scored by … Andy Janovich? Yes, a fullback on a 1-yard run. Janovich had only two carries all last season.

7. The fans were in their seats early making serious noise when Houston had the ball. Meanwhile, they were pin-drop quiet when the Browns were on offense. The fans proved they could take coaching from Stefanski, who asked the home crowd to do just that.

8. The defense was still playing much of the soft coverage used in K.C. Houston’s best receiver is Brandin Cooks, who usually has been covered by Denzel Ward. But Ward was playing about eight yards away from him. Cooks easily caught two passes for 18 yards in the first quarter.

9. Mayfield was 11-of-13 for 125 yards. He also ran for a 5-yard TD. He was under pressure at times, being sacked twice. Nick Chubb and Kareem Hunt combined to carry the ball 13 times for 72 yards.

10. Mayfield was effective throwing to the tight ends. David Njoku, Austin Hooper and Harrison Bryant combined to catch seven of eight passes for 85 yards. It seemed as if they were always open.

11. Taylor didn’t play in the second half as he hurt his hamstring.

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Lions G.M. Brad Holmes downplays first-round pick Penei Sewell’s rough preseason

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One of the most consistent observations from Lions preseason games was that rookie right tackle Penei Sewell did not play well. Sewell was consistently beaten by pass rushers and did not look ready to be an NFL starter.

But Lions General Manager Brad Holmes, who selected Sewell with the seventh overall pick, says Sewell will be just fine as the Lions’ starter when they take the field in Week One against the 49ers.

“I believe that he will be ready for Week 1 and I think he’s ready now,” Holmes said, via Dave Birkett of the Detroit Free Press. “Yeah, I mean, he’s going through the normal process that a rookie would go through, regardless of where he’s drafted. That’s a tough position to play out there on that island and he’s sat out for a year. So what he’s done, and I know it’s magnified by what may be a hiccup here or there, but there’s so much of the good stuff that maybe kind of hidden when you really kind of deep dive the film, little subtle nuances that is going to make a big difference.”

Sewell is only 20 years old and only played a season and a half of college football: He was injured for half of his freshman year in 2018, won the Outland Trophy as the best lineman in college football in 2019, then opted out in 2020 before declaring for the draft in 2021. So he clearly is not a finished product and has a lot of room to improve. But if the Lions are going to put him in the starting lineup from the start of his rookie year, they need him to look a lot better in the regular season than he looked in the preseason.

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