Tag Archives: Physical cosmology

New Map Shows All the Matter in the Universe

Researchers used data from the Dark Energy Survey and the South Pole Telescope to re-calculate the total amount and distribution of matter in the universe. They found that there’s about six times as much dark matter in the universe as there is regular matter, a finding consistent with previous measurements.

But the team also found that the matter was less clumped together than previously thought, a finding detailed in a set of three papers, all published this week in Physical Review D.

The Dark Energy Survey observes photons of light at visible wavelengths; the South Pole Telescope looks at light at microwave wavelengths. That means the South Pole Telescope observes the cosmic microwave background—the oldest radiation we can see, which dates back to about 300,000 years after the Big Bang.

The team presented the datasets from the respective surveys in two maps of the sky; they then overlaid the two maps to understand the full picture of how matter is distributed in the universe.

“It seems like there are slightly less fluctuations in the current universe than we would predict, assuming our standard cosmological model anchored to the early universe,” said Eric Baxter, an astronomer at the University of Hawai’i and a co-author of the research, in a university release. “The high precision and robustness to sources of bias of the new results present a particularly compelling case that we may be starting to uncover holes in our standard cosmological model.”

Dark matter is something in the universe that we cannot observe directly. We know it’s there because of its gravitational effects, but otherwise we can’t see it. Dark matter makes up about 27% of the universe, according to CERN. (Ordinary matter is about 5% of the universe’s total content.) The remaining 68% is made up of dark energy, a hitherto uncertain category that is evenly distributed throughout the universe and responsible for the universe’s accelerating expansion.

The Dark Energy Survey still has three years of data to be analyzed, and a new look at the cosmic microwave background is currently being undertaken by the South Pole Telescope. Meanwhile, the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (high in the Chilean desert of the same name) is currently taking a high-sensitivity survey of the background. With newly precise data to probe, researchers may be able to put the standard cosmological model to a difficult test.

In 2021, the Atacama telescope helped scientists come up with a newly precise measurement for the age of the universe: 13.77 billion years. More querying of the cosmic microwave background could also help researchers deal with the Hubble tension, a disagreement between two of the best ways for measuring the expansion of the universe. (Depending on how it’s measured, researchers land on two different figures for the rate of that expansion.)

As means of observation get more precise, and more data is collected and analyzed, that information can be fed back into grand cosmological models to determine where we’ve been wrong in the past and lead us to new lines of investigation.

More: Antimatter Could Travel Through Our Galaxy With Ease, Physicists Say

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Webb Telescope Captures Countless Galaxies in New Image

The European Space Agency has released its image of the month for January, and it is (perhaps unsurprisingly) a stunning shot from the Webb Space Telescope.

At the bottom of the image is LEDA 2046648, a spiral galaxy over one billion light-years from Earth in the constellation Hercules. Behind LEDA is a field of more distant galaxies, ranging from spiral shapes to pinpricks of light in the distant universe.

Webb launched from French Guiana in December 2021; its scientific observations of the cosmos began in July. Webb has imaged distant galaxies, exoplanets, and even shed new light on worlds in our local solar system.

Though this image was only just released, it was taken during the commissioning process for one of Webb’s instruments, the Near-Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph (NIRISS), according to an ESA release. While NIRISS was focused on a white dwarf—the core remnant of a star—Webb’s Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) turned its focus to LEDA 2046648 and its environs in the night sky.

One of Webb’s primary objectives in looking at the distant universe is to better understand how the first stars and galaxies formed. To that end, the telescope is looking at some of the most ancient light in the universe, primarily through its instruments NIRCam and MIRI.

The image does contains hundreds of light sources our eye can perceive, but the infrared data from which the image was formed certainly records many more galaxies.

Webb’s deep field imagery is what enables scientists to see some of the most ancient light in the universe, often capitalizing on gravitational lensing (the magnification of distant light due to the gravitational warping of spacetime) to see particularly ancient sources.

Though this shot of LEDA 2046648 is not a deep field, it evokes a similar feeling: awe, at the huge scale of the cosmos, and (if only briefly) the realization that our minds can only comprehend a fraction of it.

More: Zoom in on Webb Telescope’s Biggest Image Yet

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Play With an Interactive Map of the Observable Universe

Astronomers have compiled 15 years’ worth of data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey into an interactive map of the observable universe.

The map includes hordes of cosmic objects, like luminous blue quasars and red elliptical galaxies. You can explore the map here.

“Astrophysicists around the world have been analyzing this data for years, leading to thousands of scientific papers and discoveries,” said Brice Ménard, an astrophysicist at Johns Hopkins University and the map’s creator, in a university release. “But nobody took the time to create a map that is beautiful, scientifically accurate, and accessible to people who are not scientists. Our goal here is to show everybody what the universe really looks like.”

The observations from a telescope in New Mexico capture about 200,000 galaxies, each filled with billions of stars and unknown worlds. The data includes many more objects than the 200,000 displayed, but if the researchers showed them all, the map would be an unnavigable sea of dots.

In that way, the map is a simplification, but the alternative would simply be overwhelming. The Milky Way—the galaxy 100,000 light-years across that we call home—is just a single pixel at the base of the map.

New Interactive Map Offers Scroll Through Universe

In theory, the underlying data for the map (and thus, the map itself) may include some of the 40-quintillion odd black holes that are estimated to be in the observable universe. Of course, black holes are so gravitationally intense that light can not escape them, so they don’t show up as light sources in the map. But quasars—very bright galactic cores—are powered by supermassive black holes at their centers, and those are visible in the map.

“We are used to seeing astronomical pictures showing one galaxy here, one galaxy there or perhaps a group of galaxies,” Ménard said. “But what this map shows is a very, very different scale.”

Users can scroll up on the map, essentially traveling back in time to see older, more red-shifted objects. A ticker on the bottom of the map shows how far back in time the user is at any given point.

Unfortunately, you can’t click on individual galaxies to figure out what (or where) they are. But nonetheless, the map serves its purpose: showing just how small and new we are in comparison to the history of the universe and all its cosmic contents.

More: The World’s Largest Digital Camera Is Almost Ready to Look Back in Time

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These Two ‘Colliding’ Galaxies Make a Gorgeous Double Portrait

Just when we begin to forget about the old Hubble Space Telescope, it comes back with another amazing look at the cosmos. It’s most recent target? Two spiral galaxies, more than a billion light-years from Earth, that appear to be colliding.

To be clear: They aren’t actually anywhere near each other, but from Hubble’s perspective, one is eclipsing the other. The galaxies are named SDSS J115331 and LEDA 2073461, and were imaged by Hubble as part of the Galaxy Zoo project, a citizen science project dedicated to classifying the countless galaxies in the observable universe.

A zoomable version of the image can be viewed here. Surrounding the galaxies you can see numerous other light sources, mainly other galaxies.

The image may not seem as crisp as the recent Webb Space Telescope images. Webb can see fainter light sources at better resolutions than Hubble; one recent deep field it took is made up of 690 individual images that capture many more galaxies than in the recent Hubble image.

It’s not uncommon for galaxies to overlap from our perspective. An early example from Webb was its 150-million-pixel shot of Stephan’s Quintet, a group of five galaxies that appear to swirl together, though only a couple of galaxies in the group are actually interacting with one another.

Video of A Galactic Overlap

But Webb also sees different light than Hubble. Webb images mostly in the infrared and near-infrared wavelengths—useful for seeing ancient, redshifted light. Hubble images mostly in optical and ultraviolet wavelengths.

Hubble’s long career as a space observatory has hit a few stumbles lately. Several times in the last few years, the telescope has been forced into safe mode while engineers on Earth figured out technical issues with the spacecraft, which launched in 1991. But the telescope has staggered on.

Webb is widely considered Hubble’s successor, but as the veteran telescope shows with this dazzling image, it is not being replaced. On the contrary, it has a unique way of seeing our universe’s cosmic menagerie, and who are we to turn down such a feast for the eyes?

More: Rebooted Hubble Telescope Wastes No Time, Captures Cool New Pics of Misfit Galaxies

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Zoom in on Webb Telescope’s Biggest Image Yet

The Webb Space Telescope has taken its biggest image yet, exceeding the scale of the deep field image revealed by President Biden on July 12. The new image covers a region of sky eight times larger than the first Webb deep field, and it includes some dazzling structures from the cosmos.

The image—made up of a mosaic of 690 individual frames—was taken as part of the Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science Survey (CEERS). The images were taken in June, and Webb is scheduled to take another six (the last in a set of 10) in December, according to EarthSky.

The survey is a test of extragalactic surveying using Webb’s instruments, and it will focus on some of the earliest galaxies and their structures, as well as the physical conditions and growth of stars and black holes. It’s focused on a part of the sky called the Extended Groth Strip, near the handle of the Big Dipper. Because that region of the sky is dim (there aren’t particularly bright or nearby light sources), it’s easier for Webb to see more distant and fainter light sources.

The data captured in the composite image was collected by Webb’s NIRCam and MIRI, instruments that operate in the near- and mid-infrared wavelengths, respectively. The image is less than half of the data the team will ultimately collect for the survey.

In the full-scale .tif images (which can be found here), you can zoom in deeper and deeper until you completely lose sense—or perhaps better understand—the sheer scale of the cosmos. Here are some particularly intriguing objects.

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Over 40 Quintillion Black Holes Are in the Observable Universe, New Estimate Finds

A team of astrophysicists has calculated the number of stellar-mass black holes in the observable universe to be 40 quintillion, accounting for 1% of the total ordinary matter in the universe.

The researchers focus on stellar-mass black holes, the smallest-known variety, but note that their calculations could help address the longstanding mystery of how supermassive black holes proliferated. Their research is published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters.

For a long time, black holes were only theorized to exist and had never been observed—as their name suggests, they don’t let light escape their gravitational pull. But astronomers have figured out that black holes are at the center of large concentrations of light-emitting matter (our own Milky Way features a supermassive black hole at its center). More recently, black holes mergers have been detectable thanks to gravitational wave detectors like the LIGO-Virgo Collaboration.

But counting all the black holes in the observable universe, which stretches some 90 billion light-years across, is a daunting task. To get to the 40 quintillion sum (that’s 40 billion billions, or 40,000,000,000,000,000,000) the research team coupled a new star evolution code called SEVN and with data on the metallicity, star formation rates, and stellar sizes in known galaxies.

“The innovative character of this work is in the coupling of a detailed model of stellar and binary evolution with advanced recipes for star formation and metal enrichment in individual galaxies,” said Alex Sicilia, an astrophysicist at SISSA in Italy and the paper’s lead author, in an institute release. “This is one of the first, and one of the most robust, ab initio computation of the stellar black hole mass function across cosmic history.”

The research is the first in a series of works that is attempting to model black hole masses, from star-sized ones up to supermassive black holes. Stellar-mass black holes are the smallest-known of the bunch, generally weighing in at few to a few hundred times the mass of the Sun. Intermediate black holes are notoriously absent from the observational record, but supermassive black holes reside at the center of most galaxies and accrete matter around them, pulling stars, planets, and gases close with their ridiculous gravitational might.

In the paper, the researchers also investigated how black holes of varying sizes might form. Stellar-mass black holes arise from the collapsed cores of dead stars, but the origins of supermassive black holes are more of a mystery. Lumen Boco, also an astrophysicist at SISSA and co-author of the paper, said in the same release that the team’s calculations “can constitute a starting point to investigate the origin of ‘heavy seeds’, that we will pursue in a forthcoming paper.”

The new study doesn’t address so-called primordial black holes, hypothetical objects left over from the beginning of the universe that could be much, much smaller than any known black holes. There’s no evidence that these actually exist, but some physicists have suggested them as a potential solution to the mystery of dark matter. One team actually proposed that a bowling ball-size black hole could be Planet Nine, a theoretical body in the outer solar system affecting the orbits of distant objects.

More: What’s The Purpose Of The Universe? Here’s One Possible Answer

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Two New Ancient Galaxies Have Been Discovered

Artist’s impression of an ancient galaxy.
Image: University of Copenhagen/NASA

The presence of two previously undetected galaxies some 29 billion light years away suggests our understanding of the early universe is upsettingly deficient.

Introducing REBELS-12-2 and REBELS-29-2—two galaxies that, until very recently, we didn’t even know existed. The light from these galaxies took 13 billion years to get here, as these objects formed shortly after the Big Bang. The ongoing expansion of the universe places these ancient galaxies at roughly 29 billion light years from Earth.

New research published in Nature suggests REBELS-12-2 and REBELS-29-2 had escaped detection up until this point because our view of these galaxies is clouded by thick layers of cosmic dust. The Hubble Space Telescope, as mighty as it is, could not peer through the celestial haze. It took the ultra-sensitive ALMA radio telescope in Chile to spot the galaxies, in what turned out to be a fortuitous accident.

“We were looking at a sample of very distant galaxies, which we already knew existed from the Hubble Space Telescope. And then we noticed that two of them had a neighbor that we didn’t expect to be there at all,” Pascal Oesch, an astronomer from the Cosmic Dawn Center at the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen, explained in a statement. “As both of these neighboring galaxies are surrounded by dust, some of their light is blocked, making them invisible to Hubble.”

Oesch is an expert at finding some of universe’s farthest galaxies. Back in 2016, he and his colleagues detected the 13.4 billion-year-old GN-z11 galaxy, setting a cosmic distance record. GN-z11 formed a mere 400 million years after the Big Bang.

The ALMA radio telescope made the discovery possible.
Image: University of Copenhagen/NASA

The new paper describes how ALMA and the new observing technique developed by Oesch and his colleagues might be able to spot similarly obscured ancient galaxies. And there’s apparently many more awaiting discovery. The astronomers compared the two newly detected galaxies to previously known galactic sources in the early universe, leading them to suspect that “up to one in five of the earliest galaxies may have been missing from our map of the heavens,” Oesch said.

To which he added: “Before we can start to understand when and how galaxies formed in the Universe, we first need a proper accounting.” Indeed, the new paper asserts that more ancient galaxies existed in the early universe than previously believed. This is significant because the earliest galaxies formed the building blocks of subsequent galaxies. So until we have a “proper accounting,” as Oesch put it, astronomers could be working with a deficient or otherwise inaccurate model of the early universe.

The task now will be to find these missing galaxies, and thankfully an upcoming instrument promises to make this job considerably easier: the Webb Space Telescope. This next-gen observatory, said Oesch, “will be much more sensitive than Hubble and able to investigate longer wavelengths, which ought to allow us to see these hidden galaxies with ease.”

The new paper is thus testable, as observations made by Webb are likely to confirm, negate, or further refine the predictions made by the researchers. The space telescope is scheduled to launch from French Guiana on Wednesday December 22 7:20 a.m. ET (4:30 a.m. PT).

More: Webb Telescope Not Damaged Following Mounting Incident, NASA Says.

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Signs of Water Seen in Massive Galaxy of the Early Universe

Scientists studying the most massive known galaxy in the early universe have found evidence of water in it, an intriguing observation that sheds light on how the universe has evolved.

This massive galaxy is actually a pair of galaxies, which are known together as SPT0311-58. First discovered in 2017, the galactic duo is seen as they were when the universe was a mere 780 million years old (it’s now encroaching on its 14 billionth birthday). Finding water there makes it the most distant detection of the stuff in a regular star-forming galaxy. The team’s research was accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal.

“This galaxy is the most massive galaxy currently known at high redshift, or the time when the Universe was still very young,” said Sreevani Jarugula, an astronomer at the University of Illinois and a co-author of the recent paper, in a National Radio Astronomy Observatory press release. “It has more gas and dust compared to other galaxies in the early Universe, which gives us plenty of potential opportunities to observe abundant molecules and to better understand how these life-creating elements impacted the development of the early Universe.”

It may look like a couple magenta smudges, but that distant galaxy is essentially a repository of information about the universe shortly after the Big Bang. SPT0311-58 was found by researchers using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array, or ALMA, one of the best telescope arrays around for looking at the beginnings of the universe.

ALMA is located high in Chile’s Atacama Desert, giving it terrifically sharp and unpolluted views of the night sky. The array also drove the recent finding, which comes from a study of the galaxy’s gas content. Besides water molecules, the researchers also found carbon monoxide.

Part of the ALMA telescope in Chile’s Atacama Desert.
Photo: MARTIN BERNETTI/AFP (Getty Images)

“This exciting result, which shows the power of ALMA, adds to a growing collection of observations of the early Universe,” said Joe Pesce, an astrophysicist and ALMA Program Director at the National Science Foundation, in the same release. “These molecules, important to life on Earth, are forming as soon as they can, and their observation is giving us insight into the fundamental processes of a Universe very much different from today’s.”

Things were pretty energetic earlier in the universe, so young galaxies (meaning the most ancient ones we see today) produced stars at a much greater rate than our own galaxy does now. Looking at the types of gases and dusts in those galaxies and their relative proportions can help astronomers answer questions about the rate of star formation and how galaxies like SPT0311-58 interact with one another and the interstellar medium.

ALMA has a terrific habit of imaging these faraway smudges and discerning the minutiae that make them up, thereby helping astronomers better understand the beginning of everything and, maybe, what gave rise to us. Here’s to ALMA and all the discoveries it’s still to make.

More: Scientists Are Turning Earth Into a Telescope to See a Black Hole

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Dark Energy Could Be Responsible for Mysterious Experiment Signals, Researchers Say

A team of physicists at the University of Cambridge suspects that dark energy may have muddled results from the XENON1T experiment, a series of underground vats of xenon that are being used to search for dark matter.

Dark matter and dark energy are two of the most discussed quandaries of contemporary physics. The two darks are placeholder names for mysterious somethings that seem to be affecting the behavior of the universe and the stuff in it. Dark matter refers to the seemingly invisible mass that only makes itself known through its gravitational effects. Dark energy refers to the as-yet unexplained reason for the universe’s accelerating expansion. Dark matter is thought to make up about 27% of the universe, while dark energy is 68%, according to NASA.

Physicists have some ideas to explain dark matter: axions, WIMPs, SIMPs, and primordial black holes, to name a few. But dark energy is a lot more enigmatic, and now a group of researchers working on XENON1T data says an unexpected excess of activity could be due to that unknown force, rather than any dark matter candidate. The team’s research was published this week in Physical Review D.

The XENON1T experiment, buried below Italy’s Apennine Mountains, is set up to be as far away from any noise as possible. It consists of vats of liquid xenon that will light up if interacted with by a passing particle. As previously reported by Gizmodo, in June 2020 the XENON1T team reported that the project was seeing more interactions than it ought to be under the Standard Model of physics, meaning that it could be detecting theorized subatomic particles like axions—or something could be screwy with the experiment.

“These sorts of excesses are often flukes, but once in a while they can also lead to fundamental discoveries,” said Luca Visinelli, a researcher at Frascati National Laboratories in Italy and a co-author of the study, in a University of Cambridge release. “We explored a model in which this signal could be attributable to dark energy, rather than the dark matter the experiment was originally devised to detect.”

“We first need to know that this wasn’t simply a fluke,” Visinelli added. “If XENON1T actually saw something, you’d expect to see a similar excess again in future experiments, but this time with a much stronger signal.”

Despite constituting so much of the universe, dark energy has not yet been identified. Many models suggest that there may be some fifth force besides the known four known fundamental forces in the universe, one that is hidden until you get to some of the largest-scale phenomena, like the universe’s ever-faster expansion.

Axions shooting out of the Sun seemed a possible explanation for the excess signal, but there were holes in that idea, as it would require a re-think of what we know about stars. “Even our Sun would not agree with the best theoretical models and experiments as well as it does now,” one researcher told Gizmodo last year.

Part of the problem with looking for dark energy are “chameleon particles” (also known as solar axions or solar chameleons), so-called for their theorized ability to vary in mass based on the amount of matter around them. That would make the particles’ mass larger when passing through a dense object like Earth and would make their force on surrounding masses smaller, as New Atlas explained in 2019. The recent research team built a model that uses chameleon screening to probe how dark energy behaves on scales well beyond that of the dense local universe.

“Our chameleon screening shuts down the production of dark energy particles in very dense objects, avoiding the problems faced by solar axions,” said lead author Sunny Vagnozzi, a cosmologist at Cambridge’s Kavli Institute for Cosmology, in a university release. “It also allows us to decouple what happens in the local very dense Universe from what happens on the largest scales, where the density is extremely low.”

The model allowed the team to understand how XENON1T would behave if the dark energy were produced in a magnetically strong region of the Sun. Their calculations indicated that dark energy could be detected with XENON1T.

Since the excess was first discovered, ​​the XENON1T team “tried in any way to destroy it,” as one researcher told The New York Times. The signal’s obstinacy is as perplexing as it is thrilling.

“The authors propose an exciting and interesting possibility to expand the scope of the dark matter detection experiments towards the direct detection of dark energy,” Zara Bagdasarian, a physicist at UC Berkeley who was unaffiliated with the recent paper, told Gizmodo in an email. “The case study of XENON1T excess is definitely not conclusive, and we have to wait for more data from more experiments to test the validity of the solar chameleons idea.”

The next generation of XENON1T, called XENONnT, is slated to have its first experimental runs later this year. Upgrades to the experiment will hopefully seal out any noise and help physicists home in on what exactly is messing with the subterranean detector.

More: What Is Dark Matter and Why Hasn’t Anyone Found It Yet?

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A Vanished Supernova Will Reappear Around 2037

Ten billion years ago, well before the formation of our solar system, a gargantuan explosion threw out vast amounts of highly energetic light. A star died in a dazzling supernova, and, though it happened so long ago, the flash was only seen in 2016 and vanished shortly thereafter. But if you missed it then, worry not: We’ll be able to see the blast again.

The supernova was seen with the Hubble Space Telescope by a team of French, American, and Danish researchers. Analyzing Hubble infrared data from a particular portion of space, the team realized that three light sources seen in 2016 had disappeared by 2019. As it turned out, all three of those light sources came from a single explosion, but the light took different routes to reach Hubble’s lens. Excitingly, another spot of light from the burst is expected to arrive at Earth in 2037, give or take a couple years, based on the team’s calculations. The research was published today in Nature Astronomy.

The reappearance of the supernova, located in the MRG-M0138 galaxy, is due to a principle called gravitational lensing. When photons (particles of light) are emitted from some cosmic source, they shoot off into space in all directions, traveling in straight lines. But when they pass by a massive object in their transit, the photons may be bent around that structure.

“It is like a train that has to go down into a deep valley and climb back out again,” Steven Rodney, an astronomer at the University of South Carolina and lead author of the recent paper, told Gizmodo in an email. “It gets slowed down on the way in and the way out, which adds about an extra 20 years to its roughly 10-billion-year journey.”

In this case, the light generated by the supernova (named 2016jka, also known as Requiem) was bent around a galaxy cluster named MACS J0138. Some paths around this massive structure are longer than others. That’s why what was an instantaneous spewing of light in the ancient universe arrives at Earth at different times, years apart.

The 2016 sighting included three light sources that appeared in a particular region of space over about 100 days. (“Like a baby photo and two photos of an angsty teenage [supernova],” Rodney said.) Those flashes were gone by 2019, but the team calculated that more light from that ancient explosion will arrive in about 16 years.

Such long-range measures of gravitational lensing could help astrophysicists draw a bead on the perplexing Hubble Constant, the number that describes the rate of the universe’s expansion and that can be measured in a couple different ways, yielding different values. Scientists don’t know quite why the methods give different values, but measuring instances of gravitational lensing like the one at work in the Requiem supernova throw more data at the problem.

“Understanding the structure of the universe is going to be a top priority for the main Earth-based observatories and international space organizations over the next decade,” said Gabriel Brammer, a co-author of the paper and an astrophysicist at the Cosmic Dawn Center, in a University of Copenhagen press release. “Studies planned for the future will cover much of the sky and are expected to reveal dozens or even hundreds of rare gravitational lenses with supernovae like SN Requiem. Accurate measurements of delays from such sources provide unique and reliable determinations of cosmic expansion and can even help reveal the properties of dark matter and dark energy.”

The upcoming Roman Space Telescope is being launched for this exact purpose: to investigate dark energy by measuring the distance and movement of supernovae that occur from the explosions of white dwarfs, which is what the recent research team suspects Requiem is. The Roman telescope is essentially using these supernovae’s brightnesses to probe the variability of the Hubble Constant and sniff out what’s causing the numbers to fluctuate.

Interestingly, Brammer told Gizmodo that it’s theoretically possible that, by looking at the spot where they expect to see the next flash of light arrive around 2037, scientists could actually see the white dwarf in its pre-supernova state. “We could, in principle, observe that faint little star today,” Brammer said, “though I estimate within a few orders of magnitude that it would take a telescope a trillion times larger than Hubblea diameter of 2,000 kilometers—to do this.” That doesn’t sound too practical, but hey, an astrophysicist can dream.

More: Astronomers Think They’ve Spotted a Rare Kind of Supernova Only Predicted to Exist

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