Tag Archives: Paleozoic

Fossil discovery unfortunately alerts us to 8-feet long millipedes

This millipede species, unfortunately, is still very much alive
Photo: Andrew Cowie/AFP (Getty Images)

Scientists in England are gearing up to publicly display their “fluke of a discovery” next year—the fossilized carapace of a 22-inch-wide, 8-foot-long ancient millipede that was “as big as a car” and weighed approximately 110-pound, as reported over at CNN.

The giant ass bug was what’s known as an Arthropleura, which creepily scuttled around the planet around 326 million years ago, a full 100 million years before dinosaurs showed up.

“This is definitely the biggest bug that ever lived,” confirmed University of Cambridge lecturer, Neil Davies, to CNN via email yesterday—something they probably said proudly, and without a hint of abject disgust or terror.

The discovery of the third known Anthropleura remains came back in 2018, completely by accident, after a large piece of sandstone broke off a cliffside in Northumberland and broke open upon landing on a beach below it.

The fossil slab was so huge that it apparently took four people to haul it in for examination.

Given that Earth formerly featured a much higher level of oxygen in its air, pretty much everything was gigantic during that geologic time period (megaflora and megafauna are the technical terms for “big ass flowers and animals”). The existence of huge insects like Anthropleura have been known for some time, but the date of this particular fossil points to additional reasons for its size other than oxygen levels.

“While we can’t know for sure what they ate, there were plenty of nutritious nuts and seeds available in the leaf litter at the time, and they may even have been predators that fed off other invertebrates and even small vertebrates such as amphibians,” Davies said in a press release, which… ugh.

The 8-feet long millipede now takes the crown for “largest gross bug to have ever lived,” a dubious honor previously bestowed upon a particular species of… brace yourselves… sea scorpions.

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Alligator-Sized Millipede Fossil Found on English Beach

A team of paleontologists has described a shockingly large millipede fossil that was found on an English beach in 2018. The millipede that left the fossil was well over 8 feet long and may have been a predator.

Sometime between April 2017 and January 2018, a large block of sandstone broke away from a cliffside in Northumbria, England, and fell about 20 feet to the beach below. A paleontologist making a serendipitous stroll along the beach found the rock and realized that it contained the fossil of a giant millipede. A team from the University of Cambridge studied the find; their results were published today in the Journal of the Geological Society.

“​​It was a complete fluke of a discovery,” said Neil Davies, a paleontologist at the University of Cambridge and the study’s lead author, in a university release. “The way the boulder had fallen, it had cracked open and perfectly exposed the fossil, which one of our former PhD students happened to spot when walking by.”

The creature is part of the genus Arthropleura, and it lived about 326 million years ago, 100 million years before the first dinosaurs started appearing. The fossil is missing the head, but the animal was estimated to measure 8 feet and 7 inches long and may have weighed over 100 pounds in life.

“These would have been the biggest animals on land in the Carboniferous,” Davies told Gizmodo in an email. “It took four of us with sledgehammers and a pneumatic drill to get it out, and then it was a difficult climb up a 20-metre cliff, carrying the 40 kg fossil between us.”

The research team thinks the fossil isn’t the animal itself but a molted carapace, called the exuvium. So even the size of the animal as it is known from this fossil may not be the largest that millipede eventually grew.

Based on the location of the fossil and stone it was in, the researchers think the exoskeleton was in a river channel, where it was filled with sandy sediment, preserving it. The exoskeleton was found near tetrapod prints dating to the same time, indicating that giant invertebrates coexisted with vertebrates.

The sandstone block also included some fossilized plants from the Carboniferous Period that suggested the giant millipede lived in a drier, more open environment than previously thought. The traditional view has been that arthropleurids lived in swampy environments, since so many of their fossils have been found in coal mines that were once dense, wet forests.

The animals may have gotten so large in part because of how much oxygen was in Earth’s atmosphere in the ancient past. But the Arthropleura predates the peak of that atmospheric oxygen, so there were probably other factors at play, like the animal’s diet. Davies said that the animals may have been predators that got their nutrients from other invertebrates or even amphibians, if not from the leaf litter itself.

These millipedes are now extinct, which may have to do with how the ancient climate changed. “The organisms lived near the equator, which became hot and dry during the Permian,” Davies said. “This likely changed the vegetation and food may have become more scarce. At the same time, the first reptiles were beginning to dominate land habitats, so they would have faced more competition for fewer resources.”

Regardless of the source of their gigantism, the millipedes would’ve been a sight to behold. I, for one, am perfectly happy to admire the creativity of evolution while being grateful I don’t have to see one of these things in the flesh.

More: Newly Discovered Millipede Is First With More Than 1,000 Legs

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Large Cambrian Predator Fossil Found in Canadian Rocky Mountains

During the Cambrian Explosion over 500 million years ago, the oceans teemed with weird creatures that were busy redefining what life looked like on Earth. One of those creatures was just chiseled out of the Canadian mountains and is now one of the largest animals known from the time period.

The animal is Titanokorys gainesi, and it was built like a tank. T. gainesi had multifaceted eyes, a ring-shaped mouth that looks like a pineapple slice, claws to snap up prey, a trail of flaps for swimming, and a head covered in a massive carapace. It was a member of a primitive arthropod group called radiodonts. The fossil’s morphology and the circumstances of its discovery were published today in Royal Society Open Science.

“The first specimens were found in 2014, but it wasn’t until 2018 that we discovered a particularly pristine carapace [and] we recognized the significance of this find,” said Joe Moysiuk, a paleobiologist at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto and co-author of the paper, in an email to Gizmodo. “My coauthor Jean-Bernard split a particularly large slab of shale, and I recall hearing a gasp followed by a lot of yelling and everyone crowding around. We’ve found a lot of cool things, but this one really left an impression!”

The team found the fossil in Canada’s Burgess Shale, a stretch of rock in western North America that has yielded stupendously well-preserved remains of the animals that lived during the Cambrian (541 million to 485 million years ago), when the area was covered by sea. T. gainesi and other predators like it would have been filter feeders, sifting through the mud and sucking up any tasty morsels they came across.

Some of that petrified seabed, lifted up over time by tectonic shifts, now makes up the shale high in Canada’s Yoho National Park. To get the fossil down the mountain, Moysiuk said, the team wrapped it in foam, duct tape, and cut-up bits of pool noodle, then suspended the bundle from a helicopter.

Two years ago, the same team found an animal similar in shape to T. gainesi; they named it Cambroraster falcatus for the way it resembled Han Solo’s Millennium Falcon. The shale preserves even the soft tissue remains of those Cambrian creatures, meaning that paleontologists can study itsy-bitsy evolutionary relics in greater detail than they can in many dinosaurs, which turned up some 300 million years later. (Yeah, there’s more time separating the first dinosaurs from the Cambrian period than there is separating those dinosaurs from us!)

Perhaps the most impressive feature of T. gainesi is its size. Most animals that inhabited the Cambrian oceans were smaller than a pinky finger; this one is about a foot and a half long. If the typical Cambrian critter were the average human height, a T. gainesi in relative proportion would be nearly 40 feet tall.

A C. falcatus is chased off by an even larger T. gainesi. Animation by Lars Fields, © Royal Ontario Museum

“The sheer size of this animal is absolutely mind-boggling, this is one of the biggest animals from the Cambrian period ever found,” said lead author Jean-Bernard Caron, a paleontologist at the Royal Ontario Museum, in a museum press release.

“These enigmatic animals certainly had a big impact on Cambrian seafloor ecosystems. Their limbs at the front looked like multiple stacked rakes and would have been very efficient at bringing anything they captured in their tiny spines towards the mouth. The huge dorsal carapace might have functioned like a plough,” Caron added.

You can imagine the creature as a massive carnivorous zeppelin, floating just above the seafloor as it dredged the muck for food. The discovery expands the team’s knowledge of predators with carapaces during the Cambrian period; for the sake of everyone who loves nightmare creatures, let’s hope they find more.

More: Scientists Find Huge Trove of Marine Fossils from the ‘Cambrian Explosion’ in China

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Geologists produce new timeline of Earth’s Paleozoic climate changes

A finger points to a small trilobite fossil from the Ordovician strata in Svalbard, Norway. Credit: Adam Jost

The temperature of a planet is linked with the diversity of life that it can support. MIT geologists have now reconstructed a timeline of the Earth’s temperature during the early Paleozoic era, between 510 and 440 million years ago—a pivotal period when animals became abundant in a previously microbe-dominated world.

In a study appearing today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the researchers chart dips and peaks in the global temperature during the early Paleozoic. They report that these temperature variations coincide with the planet’s changing diversity of life: Warmer climates favored microbial life, whereas cooler temperatures allowed more diverse animals to flourish.

The new record, more detailed than previous timelines of this period, is based on the team’s analysis of carbonate muds—a common type of limestone that forms from carbonate-rich sediments deposited on the seafloor and compacted over hundreds of millions of years.

“Now that we have shown you can use these carbonate muds as climate records, that opens the door to looking back at this whole other part of Earth’s history where there are no fossils, when people don’t really know much about what the climate was,” says lead author Sam Goldberg, a graduate student in MIT’s Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences (EAPS).

Goldberg’s co-authors are Kristin Bergmann, the D. Reid Weedon, Jr. Career Development Professor in EAPS, along with Theodore Present of Caltech and Seth Finnegan of the University of California at Berkeley.

Beyond fossils

To estimate Earth’s temperature many millions of years ago, scientists analyze fossils, in particular, remains of ancient shelled organisms that precipitated from seawater and either grew on or sank to the seafloor. When precipitation occurs, the temperature of the surrounding water can change the composition of the shells, altering the relative abundances of two isotopes of oxygen: oxygen-16, and oxygen-18.

“As an example, if carbonate precipitates at 4 degrees Celsius, more oxygen-18 ends up in the mineral, from the same starting composition of water, [compared to] carbonate precipitating at 30 degrees Celsius,” Bergmann explains. “So, the ratio of oxygen-18 to -16 increases as temperature cools.”

In this way, scientists have used ancient carbonate shells to backtrack the temperature of the surrounding seawater—an indicator of the Earth’s overall climate—at the time the shells first precipitated. But this approach has taken scientists only so far, up until the earliest fossils.

“There is about 4 billion years of Earth history where there were no shells, and so shells only give us the last chapter,” Goldberg says.

In this photo, taken in western Newfoundland, Canada, you can see microbial buildup from the early Ordovician strata. Credit: Kristin Bergmann

A clumped isotope signal

The same precipitating reaction in shells also occurs in carbonate mud. But geologists assumed the isotope balance in carbonate muds would be more vulnerable to chemical changes.

“People have often overlooked mud. They thought that if you try to use it as a temperature indicator, you might be looking at not the original ocean temperature in which it formed, but the temperature of a process that occurred later on, when the mud was buried a mile below the surface,” Goldberg says.

To see whether carbonate muds might preserve signatures of their original surrounding temperature, the team used “clumped isotope geochemistry,” a technique used in Bergmann’s lab, which analyzes sediments for clumping, or pairing, of two heavy isotopes: oxygen-18 and carbon-13. The likelihood of these isotopes pairing up in carbonate muds depends on temperature but is unaffected by the ocean chemistry in which the muds form.

Combining this analysis with traditional oxygen isotope measurements provides additional constraints on the conditions experienced by a sample between its original formation and the present. The team reasoned that this analysis could be a good indication of whether carbonate muds remained unchanged in composition since their formation. By extension, this could mean the oxygen-18 to -16 ratio in some muds accurately represents the original temperature at which the rocks formed, enabling their use as a climate record.

Ups and downs

The researchers tested their idea on samples of carbonate muds that they extracted from two sites, one in Svalbard, an archipelago in the Arctic Ocean, and the other in western Newfoundland. Both sites are known for their exposed rocks that date back to the early Paleozoic era.

In 2016 and 2017, teams traveled first to Svalbard, then Newfoundland, to collect samples of carbonate muds from layers of deposited sediment spanning a period of 70 million years, from the mid-Cambrian, when animals began to flourish on Earth, through the Ordovician periods of the Paleozoic era.

When they analyzed the samples for clumped isotopes, they found that many of the rocks had experienced little chemical change since their formation. They used this result to compile the rocks’ oxygen isotope ratios from 10 different early Paleozoic sites to calculate the temperatures at which the rocks formed. The temperatures calculated from most of these sites were similar to previously published lower-resolution fossil temperature records. In the end, they mapped a timeline of temperature during the early Paleozoic and compared this with the fossil record from that period, to show that temperature had a big effect on the diversity of life on the planet.

“We found that when it was warmer at the end of the Cambrian and early Ordovician, there was also a peak in microbial abundance,” Goldberg says. “From there it cooled off going into the middle to late Ordovician, when we see abundant animal fossils, before a substantial ice age ends the Ordovician. Previously people could only observe general trends using fossils. Because we used a material that’s very abundant, we could create a higher-resolution record and could see more clearly defined ups and downs.”

The team is now looking to analyze older muds, dating back before the appearance of animals, to gauge the Earth’s temperature changes prior to 540 million years ago.

“To go back beyond 540 million years ago, we have to grapple with carbonate muds, because they are really one of the few records we have to constrain climate in the distant past,” Bergmann says.

Exact climate data from the past

More information:
Samuel L. Goldberg el al., “A high-resolution record of early Paleozoic climate,” PNAS (2021). www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.2013083118
Provided by
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Geologists produce new timeline of Earth’s Paleozoic climate changes (2021, February 1)
retrieved 2 February 2021
from https://phys.org/news/2021-02-geologists-timeline-earth-paleozoic-climate.html

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