Tag Archives: movement

Watch the last billion years of Earth’s tectonic plate movement in just 40 seconds

A map of Earth’s current tectonic plate boundaries. Eric Gaba for Wikimedia Commons

The land mass that became Antarctica once sat along the Equator. Over Earth’s history, several supercontinents have broken up and come back together like the Backstreet Boys.

Our current seven continents and five oceans are the result of more than 3 billion years of planetary evolution, the tectonic plates crisscrossing atop the semi-solid ooze of Earth’s core.

But charting the precise movements of those plates over all that time is challenging; existing models are often piecemeal, span only a few million years, or focus on just continental or oceanic changes, not both.

Now, for the first time, a group of geologists have offered up an easily digestible peek at 1 billion years of plate tectonic motion.

The geoscientists, from the University of Sydney, spent four years reconstructing how landmasses and oceans changed over the last billion years. As part of a recent study, they animated those changes into the short video below.

The animation shows green continents lumbering across oceans, which are represented in white. The Ma at the top of the video is geologic speak for 1 million – so 1,000 Ma is 1 billion years ago. The various color lines represent different types of boundaries between tectonic plates: Blue-purple lines represent divergent boundaries, where plates split apart; red triangles indicate convergent boundaries, where plates move together; and grey-green curves show transform boundaries, where plates slide sideways past each other.

“These plates move at the speed fingernails grow, but when a billion years is condensed into 40 seconds, a mesmerizing dance is revealed,” Sabin Zahirovic, a University of Sydney geologist who co-authored the new study, said in a press release.

Building a better model of Earth’s plates

A map shows what Pangea looked like 200 million years ago, with tectonic plate boundaries in white. Wikimedia Commons

The Earth formed 4.4 billion years ago, and then it cooled down enough to form a solid crust with individual plates roughly 1.2 billion years after that.

Today, one can imagine the planet as a chocolate truffle – a viscous center ensconced in a hardened shell. The center consists of a 1,800-mile-thick, semi-solid mantle that encircles a super-hot core. The top layer – only about 21 miles thick – is the crust, which is fragmented into tectonic plates that fit together.

These plates surf atop the mantle, moving around as hotter, less dense material from deep within the Earth rises toward to the crust, and colder, denser material sinks towards the core.

Geologists can piece together a picture of which plates were where hundreds of millions of years ago by analyzing what’s known as paleomagnetic data. When lava at the junction of two tectonic plates cools, some of the resulting rock contains magnetic minerals that align with the directions of Earth’s magnetic poles at the time the rock solidified. Even after the plates containing those rocks have moved, researchers can study that magnetic alignment to parse out where on the global map those natural magnets existed in the past.

Using both paleomagnetics and current tectonic plate data, the study authors were able to create the most thorough map of each plate’s journey from 1 billion years ago until the present.

A map of the Atlantic Ocean floor. NASA Earth Observatory maps by Joshua Stevens, using data from Sandwell, D. et al. (2014)

“Simply put, this complete model will help explain how our home, planet Earth, became habitable for complex creatures,” Dietmar Müller, a co-author of the study, said in a press release.

The jigsaw puzzle of Earth’s continents hasn’t stopped shifting, of course. The Pacific Ocean, for example, is shrinking year by year. The Atlantic, meanwhile, is widening – pushing the Americas away from Africa and Europe.

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Treyarch secretly change Black Ops Cold War movement in Feb. 4 update

Black Ops Cold War has brought back the signature Express map from Black Ops 2. Let’s go over some similarities and changes.

The Black Ops Cold War Express map remaster is a true recreation of the classic Black Ops 2 map, beloved by fans. The map remains completely untouched in layout, with minimal retheming for the 80’s theme of the game.

The map is sure to attract the eyes of many old school Call of Duty fans, and even more so the competitive esports scene. With League Play coming soon, now has never been a better time to play on this map.

With that being said, let’s take a look at some of the similarities and differences.

On your first playthrough, you’ll notice the fresh coat of paint and color palette immediately. Express looks much more clear, with better lighting and less contrast. The scale is exact to the original map, so you’ll feel right at home.

While the map may still feel like Black Ops 2, that hasn’t stopped Treyarch from scaling back the technology on the map to better fit the era. Computers are replaced with older CRT monitors, and Flat Screen TV’s are replaced with box TV’s.

The main terminal has also had a bit of a change to its color palette. We can’t help but feel the new map has a bit of a glossy feeling to it with its fresh coat of paint. This will surely something players will feel divided over. On one hand, the lighting is toned down, on the other hand, its a bit visually bland in comparison to the classic.

Last up, we have the iconic departure and arrivals board in the terminal. The computerized Black Ops 2 board has been replaced with a less advanced board, more fit for the era. If you look closely, you’ll notice that all of the train departures and arrivals are the exact same as the classic map.

Last up, we have the iconic train interior in the middle of the map. Black Ops Cold War’s design and lighting really adds some extra warmth to a familiar set piece from Black Ops 2.

Which map do you prefer? Be sure to let us know on Twitter @CharlieIntel.

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Groundbreaking New Laser System Cuts Through Earth’s Atmosphere Like It’s Nothing

To artists and romantics, the twinkling of stars is visual poetry; a dance of distant light as it twists and bends through a turbulent ocean of air above our heads.

Not everybody is so enamoured with our atmosphere’s distortions. To many scientists and engineers, a great deal of research and ground-to-satellite communication would be a whole lot easier if the air simply wasn’t there.


Losing our planet’s protective bubble of gases isn’t exactly a popular option. But Australian and French researchers have teamed up to design the next best thing – a system that guides light through the tempestuous currents of rippling air with the flick of a mirror.

The result is a laser link capable of holding its own through the atmosphere with unprecedented stability.

While astronomers have a few tricks up their sleeve to correct for the atmosphere’s distortions on incoming light, it’s been a challenge to emit a coherent beam of photons from the ground to a distant receiver so they keep together and on point.

Keeping transmissions on target and coherent – with their phases remaining neatly in line – through hundreds of kilometres of shifting air would allow us to link highly precise measurement tools and communications systems.

Satellites could probe for ores or evaluate water tables with improved precision. High-speed data transfer could require less power, and contain more information.

Lead author Ben Dix-Matthews, an electrical engineer with the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research in Australia, explained the technology to ScienceAlert.


“The active terminal essentially uses a small four-pixel camera, which measures the sideways movement of the received beam,” says Dix-Matthews.

“This position measurement is then used to actively control a steerable mirror that keeps the received beam centred and removes the sideways movement caused by the atmosphere.”

In effect, the system can be used to compensate for the warping effects of the moving air in three dimensions – not just up and down, or left and right, but along the beam’s trajectory, keeping the link centred and its phases in order.

So far it’s only been tested across a relatively short distance of 265 metres (about 870 feet). About 715 metres (just under half a mile) of optical fibre cable was run underground between the transmitter and receiver to carry a beam for comparison.

The results were so stable they could be used to connect the kinds of optical atomic clocks used to test fundamental physics, such as Einstein’s theories of relativity.

With the proof of concept demonstrated, there’s no reason to think a similar technique won’t one day be aiming for the sky, and beyond. Though there are a few hurdles that need to be overcome first.


“During this experiment we had to do the initial alignment by hand, using a visible guide laser that was in line with the stabilised infrared beam,” Dix-Matthews told ScienceAlert.

“When making links between optical atomic clocks, it would be good to have a way of doing this coarse alignment more easily.”

Fortunately Dix-Matthews’ French collaborators are working on a device that will speed up the initial coarse alignment process, promising a second generation of laser link technology that won’t require such an involved set-up.

The team also found temperature variations in the equipment affected the phase’s stability, limiting the duration of the signal to around 100 seconds. This hurdle will also be the focus of future improvements.

We might not need to wait long. The researchers are already making headway on upgrades for their system.

“We have started using a high-power laser amplifier that should help us deal with the larger power losses expected over longer distances, such as to space,” says Dix-Matthews.

“We have also completely rebuilt our active terminal to make it more sensitive to low received powers and make it more effective at cancelling out the movement of the received beam.”

With orbiting technology rapidly becoming a major focus for many data providers, potentially filling our skies with satellites, innovations that make linking communications systems across our atmosphere will only become more sought after.

As useful as our atmosphere is for, well, keeping us all alive, there are certainly some downsides to being buried under a restless blanket of warm gas.

This research was published in Nature Communications.


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