Tag Archives: happiness

George Clooney says Friends didn’t bring Matthew Perry ‘joy or happiness’ – The Independent

  1. George Clooney says Friends didn’t bring Matthew Perry ‘joy or happiness’ The Independent
  2. George Clooney Believes Matthew Perry’s ‘Friends’ Success Didn’t Bring Him ‘Joy or Happiness or Peace’ PEOPLE
  3. George Clooney reflects on Matthew Perry friendship following death: ‘He wasn’t happy’ during ‘Friends’ Fox News
  4. George Clooney Says Matthew Perry “Wasn’t Happy” Despite “Friends” Success Harper’s BAZAAR
  5. George Clooney Says Matthew Perry Didn’t Get “Joy or Happiness” From Starring on ‘Friends’ InStyle

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Shakira Departs Barcelona With Her Kids “In Search Of Their Happiness” – Yahoo Entertainment

  1. Shakira Departs Barcelona With Her Kids “In Search Of Their Happiness” Yahoo Entertainment
  2. Shakira’s farewell mesage to Gerard Piqué’s Barcelona as she finally moves to Miami Marca English
  3. Shakira Reportedly Set To Move To Miami Permanently Following Split From Gerard Piqué UPROXX
  4. Gerard Pique’s Ex Shakira Shares a Cryptic Message As She Jets off For Permanent Relocation to USA – “Sometimes We Run but We Don’t Arrive” EssentiallySports
  5. Shakira Announces She’s Moving From Barcelona To Miami In Emotional Statement ETCanada.com
  6. View Full Coverage on Google News

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How ‘Energy Leakage’ Sabotages Your Happiness & 7 Ways To Stop It | Ronnie Ann Ryan

What is energy leakage? Let me explain.

It sabotages your happiness. You may feel tired mentally, physically, or emotionally. Perhaps you feel listless, unfulfilled, unmotivated, or passionless. Also, feelings of confusion, frustration, or being stuck appear in some areas of your life.

Sometimes, even if you’re in a good mood, things can shift on a dime which can be disconcerting. All of these situations can dramatically affect your level of happiness.

What’s really happening when you leak energy?

Everyone has their own vibrant life force energy, which is also called prana or life force. On any given day, you have opportunities to take in energy and expend it as well, which is completely normal.

The simplest way of explaining energy leakage is that more energy drains out than comes in — causing an imbalance and a feeling of being depleted. This happens when there are situations in your life that are not the best for you or cause you to overextend yourself.

RELATED: 12 Signs You’re Emotionally Exhausted & How To Recharge

Here are nine things that cause energy leakage.

1.  Lack of sleep or illness.

Obviously, getting enough sleep is essential for good health since that is when your body does its healing and replenishing of energy. When you are tired or under the weather, your energy is not at its strongest.

2. Anger and outrage.

If you find that you are often angry, feeling outraged, or easily offended, this can be a large energy leak and minimize your happiness. This is not to say you can’t feel these feelings. However, if you spend a lot of time in anger, that uses up a tremendous amount of prana.

RELATED: The 3-Step Routine That Will Set You Up For Happiness Every Single Day

3. Overworking and multitasking.

When your work life is crazy busy and you can barely take a break, chances are you are depleting your energy. The same is true for multi-tasking or trying to do too much. It’s been proven scientifically that you are more productive when you take regular breaks, and that multi-tasking is far less effective than you think.

4. Social media overload.

Too much screen time and scrolling are known contributors to anxious feelings. There is too much opportunity to compare yourself and feel less than the people you follow, which impacts your confidence. Low self-confidence diminishes your happiness and creates energy leakage.

5. Watching the news.

While some people feel it’s important to keep tabs on the news, like social media, it can easily increase anxiety. If you are a news junkie and feeling stressed out, know this is where you are losing energy, as you take in all that often sensationalized negativity and fear-based information.

RELATED: Create An Energy Clearing Meditation You Can Practice In Just 5 Minutes Or Less

6. Unhealthy relationships.

Any type of abusive relationship is sure to deplete your energy as you struggle to get through difficult situations with your partner, family, boss, colleagues, or even friends.

If you are a people pleaser, don’t have solid boundaries, or rarely speak up for yourself, these circumstances can be exhausting on many different levels. Giving your power away can be debilitating.

7. Addictions.

This one goes without saying – addictions diminish your life force. Whatever your vice, if it’s a habit that interferes with your finances, health, or relationships, is draining you and slowing down the quality of your life.

8. Not making time for yourself.

Regardless of how busy you are, you need a bit of solitude or alone time to stay connected with yourself. If you put everyone else first, you will wear yourself down and no longer be a good employee, parent, partner, or caregiver.

Without time to refuel, you will likely crash and be no good to anyone, especially yourself.

9. Disconnected from nature.

When people are too busy to spend time outdoors, the quality of their life force is weakened. You are a part of nature and holding yourself separate can be a subtle type of energy leakage.

RELATED: 30 Signs Your Energy Is On A Low Vibrational Frequency

7 Ways to Stop Energy Leakage to Regain a Positive Energy Flow

To stop or avoid draining your life force, strive for a greater balance between the energy you use to live your life and the energy that comes in to replenish your system. These seven methods address the different types of leaks listed above.

First off, please be kind to yourself in this process. If you have more than one area that needs attention, this list could be daunting, so take them one at a time.

You will build strength and feel better by moving forward slowly with positive intention, rather than trying to heal everything at once which is bound to fail. Give yourself a chance to succeed and find more happiness.

1. Make health a priority.

 Do the best you can to eat well, exercise, and get enough sleep. While this seems obvious, many people don’t recognize the impact of not attending to your health. If you don’t know what type of exercise would be best or the right way to eat for your body, hire a professional who can help.

Addressing addictions is also part of taking your health more seriously. There are many support groups that can help you deal with addictions when you feel ready to make a change.

2. Find ways to handle your emotions.

There are plenty of methods that can help you deal with unresolved anger that’s taking over your life. Traditional therapy is one route that can offer you better-coping mechanisms and help you dissipate strong feelings. Learn to properly process emotions, so that you won’t get drained by them.

RELATED: How To Get Yourself Back When You Feel Hopeless

3. Get real with your to-do list.

The more realistic you are about what you can achieve in a day or a week, the less energy leakage you’ll experience. When you make a daily list that five things or less, you set yourself up to complete the items and feel good about yourself.

There may be some changes you have to make for this to work, but you will quickly see how worthwhile this effort is. Ditch that wildly long list and be more realistic, so you can win and enjoy greater life balance.

4. Put your phone down.

Looking less at your phone or devices instantly helps you retain more energy. Endless scrolling can be addictive, whether it’s social media or the news, but neither is a positive influence.

If you want to use your phone, try an app like Insight Timer which is loaded with guided meditations and mindset programs to lift your vibration and spirits. 

5. Walk away from toxic relationships.

When you are ready to get back to yourself, start by leaving someone behind. If you have a friend who drains you by complaining, being demanding or rude — limit your time with them or consider ending the relationship.

This isn’t as simple with family or a spouse, so get professional support to learn powerful methods to take care of yourself in difficult situations. Your workplace can also be toxic, so think about ways to better handle the drain. Reenergize by taking a 5-minute walk, listening to a short meditation, or something inspirational.

6. Carve out “me time”.

It may not be easy, but one of the best ways to stop energy leakage and feel rejuvenated is to make sure you get time to yourself. This kind of self-care is vital to renew your life force and feeling happier.

“Me time” can include exercise, meditation, journaling, anything creative, being outdoors, and spending time in nature. Just walking on a woodland trail or sitting by the water can leave you feeling remarkably refreshed and alive. Spending as little as 5 minutes in the sunshine can lift your vibration quickly.

7. Become aware of your energy.

Greater awareness of how you are feeling, and then doing something about it before you are drained is a game changer. Anyone can feel low energy or exhausted at times. However, recognizing that your energy is low creates the opportunity to take action and regenerate more quickly. Paying attention to your energy is vital.

Now that you have seven ways to turn around energy leakage, which one will you try first?

Just remember to take your time, so that you have a real chance of raising your vibe and feeling happier.

RELATED: Why ‘ Mind Rest’ Is Essential For Your Brain’s Health — Plus 10 Easy Ways To Recharge

Ronnie Ann Ryan is an Intuitive Coach and Past Life Reader. Get her free audio course, How to Ask the Universe for a Sign, to get the answers you need from a higher source within 24 hours.

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6 Everyday Activities That Naturally Release Dopamine In Your Brain

Dopamine is a feel-good chemical that’s produced in your brain. Essentially, it makes you happy. And your brain releases it with certain activities and behaviors ― many of which you already do every single day.

“Whenever we participate in activities that are considered essential from our body’s point of view, our brain releases a large amount of dopamine,” which is meant to encourage you to do this activity more, according to Dr. Kiran F. Rajneesh, the director of the neurological pain division and associate professor of neurology at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.

Throughout evolution, dopamine’s task was to “sense reward, learn the place and activity that leads to reward and also motivate you to go to those places to obtain [a] reward,” said Dr. Hitoshi Morikawa, an associate professor in the departments of neuroscience and psychiatry at the University of Texas at Austin. And that is still the case today. In essence, “dopamine is a reward sensor,” Morikawa said.

While this reward sensor was and is essential to human survival, evolution has made it so maladaptive behaviors also result in the release of dopamine in humans, both experts said.

“Generally, when neuroscientists talk about dopamine, we think about addiction because it is an addiction driver,” Morikawa explained.

The hormone makes you want to repeat certain behaviors, turning them into habits ― whether they are healthy or not. (Like substance misuse or smoking, for example.)

However, that’s not always the case. The release of this hormone is also part of your body’s daily function. While this is not a cure for any disease or condition, it can be helpful to know when dopamine is released — and when you can expect to feel a little mood boost as a result. Here are a few times when your body releases dopamine:


Our prehistoric ancestors knew that food was necessary for survival, in part because of the reward sensor that dopamine activated. This is still true today.

In fact, Rajneesh said that any activity that is “evolutionarily protective and essential for our well-being and survival” releases dopamine. Being able to find food and eat that food certainly falls into this category.

Some studies even say that eating results in a dopamine release twice: first when the food is eaten and again when the food is in the stomach.

Drinking Water

Think about it: When you’re parched, a glass of water certainly feels like a reward, so it’s no wonder it also triggers the release of dopamine in your brain.

But not all sips of water will release dopamine, Morikawa noted. Instead, you have to really want or need the water — like after a tough workout or on a hot day.

“In the middle of summer in Austin, and you’re really thirsty, then drinking water should increase dopamine levels in the brain — that should be one of the most effective ways to increase them,” he said.

The Good Brigade via Getty Images

A glass of water on a hot day can release dopamine in your body.

Receiving Praise

One really common way that dopamine is released is when praising children for good behaviors, Rajneesh said. Praise triggers a release of dopamine in kids’ brains — and the same goes for praising pets. In these situations, their good behaviors are reinforced by the feel-good nature of that dopamine release, he said.

The same is true when adults receive praise, Rajneesh added. So sending a congratulatory email to your colleague or a celebratory text to a friend is actually doing more good than you think.

This is especially important for people with certain conditions that are a result of low dopamine levels, like ADHD, according to ADDitude Magazine, an ADHD-focused publication.

Playing Video Games

Many studies have measured and found that playing video games results in the release of dopamine in the brain for some people, Morikawa noted.

While this in itself is not a bad thing, it can become negative if the feeling of playing video games is too positive or too fun, he added. When “elevating dopamine levels, sometimes you get really hooked [onto] certain activities,” Morikawa said.

In this case, that activity can be video games, which can lead to problems for people who aren’t professional gamers, he added. (For example, students who should be doing homework instead of playing.)

Having Sex

Sex causes a release of endorphins, as Dr. Elizabeth C. Gardner, an orthopedics sports medicine surgeon at Yale Medicine, previously told HuffPost. And studies show it also causes a release of dopamine.

During evolution, the dopaminergic system developed to promote the “survival and maintenance of our species,” Morikawa said. In other words, there’s an instinctual reason sex feels so enticing. Our brains are wired to know that sex is important for survival, and the neurons that release dopamine do so when they sense the reward associated with the act.

Activities That Enhance Your Well-Being

Meditating and other activities can also lead to a release of dopamine, Rajneesh said.

“Engaging in activities that enhance your well-being such as yoga, exercise, hobbies [and] games … can help release dopamine in the brain and further enhance your sense of well-being and health as nature intended it to be,” Rajneesh said.

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Dogs cry tears of happiness when reunited with owners: study

Man’s best friend sheds more than just hair.

Dogs tear up with joy when they’re reunited with their owners — proof of the powerful emotional bond between humans and their canine companions, according to a new study.

Pooches have tear ducts that well up with happiness in a variety of situations, including seeing their owners for the first time after long periods of absence, according to researchers in Japan. 

“We found that dogs shed tears associated with positive emotions,” said Takefumi Kikusui, of the Laboratory of Human-Animal Interaction and Reciprocity at Azabu University, said in a statement.

“We also made the discovery of oxytocin as a possible mechanism underlying it,” Kikusui said, referring to the so-called love hormone, which produces warm, fuzzy feelings.

During the study, published Monday in the journal Current Biology, Kikusui and his team placed paper strips known as a Schirmer Tear Test inside the eyelids of 22 dogs.

They then measured the amount of tears the pooches produced for one minute before and after they were reunited with their owners after being separated for five to seven hours.

A new study shows that dogs shed tears that are connected with positive emotions.
Getty Images

After the owner returned, the tears they produced increased by an average of 10%, researchers said.

By contrast, researchers did the same thing with people who were not the canines’ owners and found that the dogs’ tears did not increase at all.

To examine the role oxytocin played, researchers placed a solution containing the hormone in the animals’ eyes and found the number of tears significantly increased after the liquid was added, according to the study.

Researchers used people who were not the dogs’ owners to see how the study would change.
Getty Images/Cavan Images RF

Kikusui said he was inspired to probe the reason for Fidos’ emo eyeballs after seeing one of his poodles get teary as she nursed her puppies six years ago.

Researchers said they still don’t know if, like humans, dogs tear up from negative feelings. And they don’t know if a dog’s tears serve a social function in the canine world.

But Kikusui said the study shows, “Dogs have become a partner of humans.”

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Vitamin D for Happiness: Foods You Can Have To Manage Depression

When we think of Vitamin D, we think bone health. Vitamin D’s correlation with healthy bones, prevention of osteoporosis and brittle bone structure is very well documented. Vitamin D inadequacy or deficiency has also been found in people with cognitive dysfunction, depression muscle diseases and certain cancers. Research in the field of Psychology has also found a link between Vitamin D deficiency and mild to severe depression in recent years. Our brain uses various neurosteroids to develop and function normally.  Vitamin D has emerged as one such neurosteroids in recent years, it has been found in the spinal fluid, and throughout the brain. Vitamin D receptors are also found in the important areas of the brain especially the substantia nigra, the site for dopamine production. This proves a direct link to Vitamin D and psychological disorders, though conclusive evidence is still being sought.

Vitamin D is not one entity, but it comes in many forms. The skin produces, 7-dehydrocholesterol which is converted to D3 by the UV rays of the sun. this form travels to the Liver where it changes to 25 hydroxyvitamin D and finally to the kidneys where it acquires its active form 1,25dihydroxy Vitamin D. 

(Also Read: 7 Foods To Beat Depression And Mood Swings)

Some common symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency:

  • Frequent infections, lower immunity. Vitamin D is directly involved in fighting infections especially cold and flu. We have seen evidence of this in the recent COVID pandemic, which is also associated with a respiratory infection.
  • Fragile bones, loss of bone mass. Vitamin D HELPS IMPROVE THE ABSORBTION OF CALCIUM FROM OR FOOD AND hence protects our bones from losing mass.
  • Fatigue and tiredness, loss of sleep can be due to a decreased level of Vitamin D in our body.
  • Depression is also one of the symptoms of Vitamin deficiency. While low Vitamin D may not be the cause, some studies have shown an improvement in symptoms of depression was seen with Vitamin Supplementation.

How do we address the deficiency?

The best source for increasing Vitamin D is sunshine as there are very limited food sources of this nutrient. 15-20 mins of sunshine between 11 am -2 pm daily is all it takes to get your daily dose of Vitamin D, which is why it is also called the sunshine Vitamin.

Sunshine is also positively correlated to better mood and lowering of depression symptoms. Sunshine increases the production of the happy hormone Serotonin, improving mood and mental health. Sunshine helps keep Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) at bay, helping people with anxiety and depression.

Vitamin D fortified foods like milk are also available now and can be taken. Milk in addition has the protein Tryptophan, which helps with better quality of sleep. A good night’s sleep is very important for alleviating the symptoms of depression.

Salmon is a source of Vitamin D and Omega -3, both of which are positively linked to improved depression symptoms. Eating salmon at least twice a week will be beneficial for improving mood and is also very healthy for your heart health.

While Vitamin D is an important nutrient for overall health, Its role in regulating depression is being researched. Its function in modulating the mood centers of our brain is a reality but the answers aren’t so simple. Vitamin D deficiency is seen in patients with depression but there is no conclusive evidence for stating that as a cause. Vitamin D supplementation has shown an improvement in some symptoms of depression but not to the extent of making it a treatment.

Depression is a reality in today’s fast-paced life, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is as important for mental health as for your entire body. Our work keeps us locked indoors, laziness prevents us from outdoor activities and doorstep deliveries take away the last reason for stepping out. Eat, sleep and exercise daily, get your dose of sunshine and if you feel under the weather, get help sooner than later.

Stay safe stay happy.

Disclaimer: These are the personal opinions of the author.

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For parents finally vaccinating kids under 12, ‘excitement and happiness and relief’

On the morning after Covid-19 shots were recommended for children ages 5 to 11, Karen Bucher woke up at dawn to secure a vaccination appointment for her daughter, Margot, a social 8-year-old who has had just one indoor play date since the pandemic hit. 

As Bucher, of Chicago, booked the slot, she felt tears welling up as she realized the significance of the appointment not just for Margot, but for the rest of their family, too. 

Karen Bucher with her kids, Calvin, 13, and Margot, 8. Karen Bucher

Bucher, her partner and Bucher’s 13-year-old son are already vaccinated. While awaiting Margot’s turn to get her shot, the family lived nearly as cautiously as they did before.“We still had to protect her, so nothing changed. The kids haven’t been inside a restaurant or a grocery store since February 2020,” said Bucher, a medical illustrator for JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association. “I know the vaccines are very protective of hospitalization and death, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t give it to her if we were to get sick.”

With the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s endorsement last week of a Covid vaccine for children in the 5 to 11 age group, parents of young kids say they feel a rush of relief and hope about their families’ futures.

A vaccine still has yet to be approved for children under age 5. But among the 28 million children ages 5 to 11 in the U.S., many parents, at last, see a path forward out of the pandemic.

Some are planning long-delayed family vacations. Others are looking forward to bringing children along again on mundane errands. And others are excited to bring back hallmarks of their kids’ childhoods that vanished with the pandemic: softball practice, gymnastics meets, soccer games.

“It’s a green light to start to figure out how we go back to a new normal,” said Bucher, who booked Margot’s first shot for this Thursday. “I think people who don’t have kids went through that transition months ago.’”

Chris Ware, the father of three kids ages 7, 9 and 11, will feel the relief the most each morning when he drops his kids off at their elementary school. The school has no mask mandate, so Ware, of Saginaw, Michigan, worries constantly about their health.

“It’s a little bit less likely that kids are getting to the point that kids are in the hospital, but I just couldn’t live with myself if that happened,” he said. 

Ware’s kids will also get their first shots Thursday.

“It’s definitely going to be emotional for us,” he said. “I care about their well-being more than anything.” 

‘I didn’t realize how much stress I was carrying around’

Some parents only felt the weight of how taxing it has been to get vaccinated before their children when they finally were able to schedule their kids’ shots.

“I didn’t realize how much stress I was carrying around,” said Krishna Mudumbi, a research scientist who lives in Wethersfield, Connecticut, and is the father of two children, ages 7 and 8.

Krishna Mudumbi with his kids, Aaryan, 8, and Leela, 7. Courtesy Krishna Mudumbi

The kids got their first doses Saturday. For Mudumbi, it was a step toward no longer worrying about whether they would get exposed to the coronavirus at school, whether he and his wife would have to change their work schedules to stay home with them if they were quarantining, getting Covid tests before going to visit the grandparents and other inconveniences that had become regular parts of the family’s lives.

“There were just a lot of things that became a new concern in our minds, and now we’re seeing a little bit of normalcy,” Mudumbi said.

It’s a response many parents are likely to have, said psychologist Lynn Bufka, the senior director of practice transformation and quality at the American Psychological Association.

“We want to raise our children to be healthy adults, and for almost two years it has felt to many parents like there’s something bad and scary out there that can harm their kids that they can’t see, they don’t know where it is, and they have very few ways to protect their children from it,” she said.

“And then living with the day-to-day consequences of it — children not hugging their grandparents, children not having sleepovers, children’s schooling disrupted — not all parents want to get their children vaccinated, but for those who do, they feel like ‘there’s something I can do,’” she added.

Mudumbi’s kids will be fully vaccinated in time for the winter holidays, and they look forward to visiting family. They also plan to eventually go to New York City, a place the kids have long wanted to take a trip to.

A ripple effect for the rest of the family

It’s not just parents who will feel the ripple effect from their youngsters’ getting Covid shots. In many households, siblings, too, will benefit. 

Amy Eklund, of north Alabama, is the mother of three children, two of whom were already old enough to get vaccinated. Last weekend, she took her youngest child, Aaron, 10, to get his first shot. 

Aaron Eklund, 10, after receiving his first Covid vaccination.

His date of birth was blurred out from the card by NBC News.

Courtesy Amy Eklund

That will open doors for Aaron’s siblings: his sister Hannah, 13, got her shot nearly six months ago and wanted to participate in her school’s chorus, but with Aaron still unvaccinated, Eklund was too nervous to allow her to join, fearful she might bring Covid into their household.

“For me, it’s pure excitement and happiness and relief and just ‘yay, we’ve done it!’” Eklund said of getting Aaron his first shot. 

The shot went well, she said. Aaron was nervous, but he said it hurt less than the flu shot he got a month ago.

“He is relieved,” Eklund said. “He is very excited to finally be done and not have to worry about getting sick.”

For Bucher, who, as a medical illustrator, has been closely following the research around Covid, having a fully vaccinated family means they’re doing their part to keep their community safe. It also means the return of activities they loved before the pandemic, such as going out for dinner. 

And play dates will be back for 8-year-old Margot.

“Just to know that she has an added layer of protection very soon, it’s such a relief,” Bucher said. “I think that’s where the tears come from as much as the excitement: It’s just pure relief.”

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Adele Talked About Explaining Her Divorce To Her Son And “Dismantling” His Life For Her Happiness

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This country is the happiest in the world, even during COVID-19

Despite the challenges and uncertainty created by the coronavirus pandemic over the last year, Finland has maintained its status as the happiest country in the world.

That’s according to the 2021 World Happiness Report, which was released on Friday. Among the top 10 happiest countries, nine were European. 

Following Finland, in order, were Denmark, Switzerland, Iceland, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Luxembourg, New Zealand and Austria, the report found.

“We find year after year that life satisfaction is reported to be happiest in the social democracies of northern Europe,” report co-author Jeffrey Sachs told The Associated Press. “People feel secure in those countries, so trust is high. The government is seen to be credible and honest, and trust in each other is high.”

Meanwhile, the U.S. came in at 19th place, down one spot from last year.

The annual report is produced by the U.N. Sustainable Development Solutions Network and ranks 149 countries based on gross domestic product per person, healthy life expectancy and the opinions of residents. 

It also surveys respondents, asking them to indicate on a 1-10 scale how much social support they feel they have if something goes wrong, their freedom to make their own life choices, their sense of how corrupt their society is and how generous they are.

The report typically includes data from the previous three years of surveys to “increase the sample size and keep the confidence bounds smaller,” a press release said. 

However, this year, analysts also made a separate list of happiest countries based solely on results from 2020 to see how countries were faring during the pandemic, separate from past years.

Finland also took the top spot on that list, followed by Iceland, Denmark, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Sweden, German, Norway, New Zealand and Austria.

According to the press release, the report’s authors found that the most important factors for happiness were “people’s trust in each other and confidence in their government.”

“We need urgently to learn from Covid-19,” Sachs said in a statement. “The pandemic reminds us of our global environmental threats, the urgent need to cooperate, and the difficulties of achieving cooperation in each country and globally.”

“The World Happiness Report 2021 reminds us that we must aim for wellbeing rather than mere wealth, which will be fleeting indeed if we don’t do a much better job of addressing the challenges of sustainable development,” he added.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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