Tag Archives: ESAs

ESA’s Solar orbiter just got smacked by a coronal mass ejection

The sun-exploring Solar Orbiter spacecraft came face to face with a massive eruption of plasma from the sun, just ahead of a pivotal flyby of Venus.

An enormous coronal mass ejection (CME), a burst of charged particles from the sun’s upper atmosphere, the corona, shot out from the sun on Aug. 30 in the direction of Venus. Shortly after that, the bubble of solar material reached Solar Orbiter, which was just preparing for its latest orbital flyby of the second planet of the solar system.

Fortunately, the ESA-NASA observatory is designed to measure the very kind of violent outburst it just encountered and thus could withstand the solar assault with ease.

The spacecraft carries 10 science instruments to observe the sun’s surface and collect data on CMEs, the solar wind and the sun’s magnetic field. Some of these instruments were turned off during the close approach to Venus, due to the potential risk from sunlight bouncing off the highly reflective Venusian atmosphere, ESA said in a statement.

Related: The sun as you’ve never seen it: European probe snaps closest-ever photo of our star

The powerful coronal mass ejection that hit Solar Orbiter ahead of its Venus flyby seen in this image from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)  spacecraft. (Image credit: ESA/NASA SOHO)

Solar Orbiter was, however, able to collect some valuable measurements of its environment during the CME encounter, detecting an increase in energetic solar particles. Violent solar events see particles such as protons, electrons and even ionized helium atoms hurled from the sun and accelerated to near relativistic speeds. Such particles pose a radiation risk to astronauts and can damage spacecraft. Understanding their movements and behavior in space will therefore be valuable for protecting life and technology on Earth and in space.

The spacecraft later successfully made its close approach to Venus at 01:26 GMT Sept. 4 (9:26 p.m. EDT Sept. 3). 

“The close approach went exactly to plan, thanks to a great deal of planning from our colleagues in Flight Dynamics and the diligent care of the Flight Control Team,” Jose-Luis Pellon-Bailon, Solar Orbiter Operations Manager, said in the statement.

The close approach was primarily intended to allow Solar Orbiter to change its orbit to take it closer to the sun. During the flyby, however, the probe also made bonus observations of Venus’s mysterious magnetic field.

Solar Orbiter launched in 2020 and is two-and-a-half years into its decade-long mission to image the sun from the closest ever distance and study the properties of the star’s magnetic field. The spacecraft uses Venus’s gravity to alter and tilt its orbit out of the ecliptic plane, in which planets orbit. These visits to Venus will eventually enable Solar Orbiter to make the first-ever observations of the sun’s unexplored poles, which are key to driving the star’s 11-year cycle of activity, the ebb and flow in the generation of sunspots, flares and eruptions that affect space weather around Earth. 

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ESA’s Solar Orbiter Spacecraft Is Skimming Earth for a Gravity Assist – And It’s One of the Riskiest Planetary Flybys Ever

Artist’s impression of Solar Orbiter making a flyby at Earth. Credit: ESA/ATG medialab

The chance that ESA’s Solar Orbiter spacecraft will encounter space debris during its upcoming Earth flyby is very, very low. However, the risk is not zero and is greater than any other flyby ESA has performed. That there is this risk at all highlights the mess we’ve made of space – and why we need to take action to clean up after ourselves.

On November 27, after a year and eight months flying through the inner Solar System, Solar Orbiter will swing by home to ‘drop off’ some extra energy. This will line the spacecraft up for its next six flybys of

During the upcoming flyby, Solar Orbiter is estimated to pass just 460 km from Earth’s surface at its closest approach – about 30 kilometers above the path of the International Space Station. It will travel twice through the Geostationary ring at 36 000 kilometers from Earth’s surface and even through low-Earth orbit, below 2000 kilometers – two regions littered with space junk. Credit: ESA

How risky? It’s all relative

Before we worry too much, let’s start by pointing out that the chance of Solar Orbiter being struck by debris is very, very, very small. Earth observation missions spend their entire life in low-Earth orbit – the most debris-filled region of space, and while they perform ‘collision avoidance maneuvers’ a few times per year, Solar Orbiter will spend only a few minutes here as it heads towards closest approach and then leaves again, onward to Venus.

ESA astronaut Tim Peake took this photo from inside Cupola on the International Space Station, showing a 7 mm-diameter circular chip gouged out by the impact from a tiny piece of space debris, possibly a paint flake or small metal fragment no bigger than a few thousandths of a millimeter across. The background just shows the inky blackness of space. Credit: ESA/NASA

However small the risk, collisions with debris at low-Earth altitudes do happen. In 2016, a solar panel on ESA’s Sentinel-1A spacecraft was struck by a particle thought to be less than five millimeters in size. Despite its size, its high relative speed meant it still damaged an area 40-cm across, leading to a small reduction in onboard power and slight changes to the orientation and orbit of the satellite. Hundreds of millions of debris particles this size are currently in orbit.

Hubble, the

In April 2020, BepiColombo flew by Earth with a close approach of 12,500 kilometers. ESA’s Space Debris Office also performed a collision risk analysis for this flyby as the spacecraft passed through Geostationary orbit, although it flew well above the debris-filled low-Earth orbit. Credit: ESA/BepiColombo/MTM, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

While the risk to Solar Orbiter during its upcoming Earth flyby is small, it’s still “non-zero”. It didn’t face this risk as it swung by Venus, nor did ESA’s Space Debris Office have to perform collision risk analysis as BepiColombo recently zipped by Mercury, or when

Space might seem an empty, vast expanse, but satellites in Earth’s orbit face the constant risk of collision – with other satellites, dead or alive, or with fragments of debris. It is now routine for operators of spacecraft in busy highways to divert their mission out of harms way. In fact at ESA, each mission flown performs on average two ‘collision avoidance maneuvers’ per year. These maneuvers are costly. Hours are spent on the ground monitoring the skies, calculating the risk, and planning maneuvers, not to mention the extra fuel spent and missed science and data collected while instruments are turned off. Credit: ESA / UNOOSA