Tag Archives: dermatology

Melanoma can be prevented with regular skin checks and the ‘ABCDE’ rule: American Academy of Dermatology

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Knowing your “ABCs” may save your life.

“The Real Housewives of Orange County” star Tamra Judge recently took to Instagram to remind her followers about the dangers of melanoma.

“May is melanoma awareness month. Please Go get a full body skin check, it could save your life.  #melanomasurvivor,” she posted several days ago.

The 54-year-old was diagnosed with the skin cancer in 2017 after first noticing a mole that summer on a very sensitive area — the buttock, but it was later diagnosed as melanoma after a massage therapist encouraged her to make sure it was not serious, according to Self, a wellness and health content platform.


“I probably would have never, ever even knew it was there because I am not turning around and looking back there,” the California native said. “It didn’t hurt. There was nothing, it wasn’t raised. There was no reason for me to think there was something wrong.”

A few months later a dermatologist biopsied the lesion and it came back melanoma. She subsequently had surgery and now is skin-cancer free.

Apply sunscreen to prevent skin cancers

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States, but melanoma accounts for approximately only 1% of all skin cancers, according to the American Cancer Society. 

“Melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer, is characterized by the uncontrolled growth of pigment-producing cells. Melanoma may appear on the skin suddenly without warning but also can develop within an existing mole,” according to the American Academy of Dermatology Association (AAD).

“The overall incidence of melanoma continues to rise. In fact, melanoma rates in the United States doubled from 1988 to 2019, and worldwide, the number of melanoma diagnoses are expected to increase by more than 50% by 2040.”

Wearing sunscreen can help prevent skin cancer. 

It’s thought that excess exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation either from the sun or from indoor tanning increases the risk for all skin cancer types, including melanoma, per the dermatology association. 

And more than 90% of melanoma cases are from skin damage from ultraviolent radiation, per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“Using tanning beds before age 20 can increase your chances of developing melanoma by 47%, and the risk increases with each use,” AAD warns.


“The American Academy of Dermatology urges everyone to examine their skin regularly. This means looking over your entire body, including your back, your scalp, your palms, your soles, and between your toes.”

And if you notice a mole on your skin, follow the “ABCDE rule” to know when to seek medical attention.

The “A” stands for asymmetry where half of the spot is different from the other, “B” stands for an irregular border, the “C” stands for color, where the mole changes colors from one area to the next, the “D” stands for diameter, where the mole is bigger than the size of a pencil eraser and “E” stands for evolving, where the spot looks different from the rest.

Putting sunscreen on a child

“If you notice a new mole, a mole different from others on your skin, or one that changes, itches or bleeds, even if it is smaller than 6mm, you should make an appointment to see a board-certified dermatologist as soon as possible,” AAD advised.

Melanomas are highly treatable if caught early, with a 99% average five-year survival rate for those who were diagnosed before it spread to lymph nodes.

Prevention against harmful UV rays is essential, so the dermatology association advises: “The sun’s rays are strongest between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. If your shadow appears to be shorter than you are, seek shade.”

Also wear clothing that protects against the sun, like long sleeved shirts, pants, wide-brimmed hats and sunglasses with UV protection, according to AAD.

But for more effective sun protection, look for special clothing with an ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) number on the label.


And apply broad-spectrum sunscreen that is also water resistant with SFP of 30 or higher to all skin not covered by clothing, remembering to take extra precautions near water, snow and sand because their reflective properties can ” … intensify the damaging rays of the sun, which can increase your chances of sunburn.”

“Avoid tanning beds. If you want to look tan, consider using a self-tanning product, but continue to use sunscreen with it.”

Read original article here

Signs of Type 2 Diabetes: 10 Common Symptoms to Know

People of certain races and ethnicities, including African Americans, Latinx, Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, and Asian Americans are also more likely to develop type 2 diabetes, although experts don’t fully understand all the reasons for this elevated risk.

What are the signs of type 2 diabetes?

Some signs of type 2 diabetes can be subtle, because the condition tends to develop slowly over time compared to type 1 diabetes, per the NIDDK. In fact, it may take several years for symptoms to pop up, so you may not realize you have the disease until it causes certain complications, like heart issues or blurry vision.

While having just one on this list isn’t a surefire indicator of the condition, pay attention to whether you’re experiencing several of these, Hien Tran, M.D., an endocrinologist with Texas Diabetes and Endocrinology, tells SELF. Simply having a dry mouth on its own may not be enough to prompt a doctor’s appointment, for example, but if that sign is paired with other symptoms on this list and you also have any of the risk factors mentioned above, it may be worth getting checked out.

Now, here are the type 2 diabetes symptoms to keep on your radar:

1. You’re drinking a lot of water… and need to pee all the time.

Having too much sugar in the blood is tough on the kidneys since those organs are responsible for processing that excess glucose, according to the Mayo Clinic. As a result, they work overtime to eliminate it from the body. As your body loses fluids, you may feel the signs of dehydration creeping in. So, you drink more fluids to make up for it, and the cycle of constantly peeing continues. That’s why frequent urination and increased thirst tend to be the two most common type 2 diabetes symptoms, particularly in the early stages.

2. And you need to pee, like, right now.

Despite peeing more often, you may also experience the strong need to go but very little—if any—comes out when you do, which is known as urgency incontinence, per the NIDDK. Although this is also a big head’s up that you might have a urinary tract infection, especially for people with vaginas, it’s also common with type 2 diabetes.

3. Your mouth feels super dry.

As we mentioned, when you pee more often your chances of getting dehydrated go up, which will often kick-start your thirst response. With type 2 diabetes, the excess glucose in your system also takes fluid out of your tissues, making that thirst more ferocious. That can be exacerbated by having a dry mouth and the feeling that you simply can’t drink enough water or other fluids to switch off that thirsty feeling.

Dry mouth is characterized by feeling a lack of saliva often or most of the time; a dry, rough tongue; pain in the mouth; cracked lips; mouth sores or infections; and problems with chewing, swallowing, or even talking, per the NIDDK. Because of this, dry mouth can raise your risk for certain dental problems, like tooth decay and gum disease.

4. You have weird changes in your vision.

People with diabetes can also develop diabetic retinopathy, which is a condition that can cause damage to the retina (the thin, light-sensitive tissue that lines the inside surface of the back of your eyes) over time, according to the American Optometric Association. That’s because excess blood glucose damages all of the tiny blood vessels in your body, including those in your eyes. This is a problem because the eyes’ blood vessels will then break and leak fluids, resulting in complications like cloudy or blurry vision or difficulty focusing.

If type 2 diabetes goes untreated, new blood vessels may form in your retina as a response—but because they’re so fresh, they’re more prone to leaking as well, causing the eye tissue to swell. Over time, if type 2 diabetes continues to go untreated, your risk of vision loss goes up.

5. You can’t satisfy your hunger.

Even if you have a big meal, you might walk away feeling hungry, the Mayo Clinic says. That’s because insulin resistance is preventing glucose from reaching your cells to give you the much-needed energy boost that food provides—so your brain and muscles keep sending hunger signals as a result.

6. You feel tired (and cranky!) all the time.

The blood sugar spike you experience after eating can cause major fatigue because the glucose isn’t being processed effectively in your body. Dehydration can also make you feel tired, the Mayo Clinic says, and so can trouble sleeping if your symptoms (like dry mouth or constantly needing to pee) are causing discomfort.

Read original article here