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Colorado Avalanche Stanley Cup celebration, parade in Denver will take place on Thursday – CBS Denver

(CBS4) – The Stanley Cup Champion Colorado Avalanche will continue the celebration with a championship parade on Thursday, June 30th.

(Photo by Bruce Bennett/Getty Images)

The pre-parade rally starts at Civic Center Park at 9:00 a.m. There will be live music, highlight reels of the season, a live video feed of the parade.

The parade itself will start at 10:00 a.m. at Union Station. Fans are welcome to line 17th Street from Union Station to Broadway, then south to Civic Center Park.

There will be two designated parade seating areas for individuals with mobility impairments. The first lot will be on the northwest corner of 16th and Wynkoop, and the second at the northeast corner of 17th and Curtis. Those spots are available first-come, first-served basis.

For the rally, there will be designated seating for mobility impaired fans in front of the City and County Building on the south end of Bannock Street, accessible from 14th Avenue. The nearest available parking is at the Cultural Center Complex Garage at 12th and Broadway. Both the parking and seating area for the rally are first-come, first-serve, too.

(Photo by Christian Petersen/Getty Images)

DOTI crews will close Bannock from Colfax to 14th at 6:00 a.m. Wednesday. They will close 14th between Delaware and Broadway, Bannock between Colfax and 13th, and Cherokee between Colfax and 13th at 6:00 a.m. Thursday morning.

Those attending are urged to use RTD to get downtown.

It’s also highly recommended to bring lots of water. Highs are expected to reach the low 90s on Thursday and water will not be provided on site. Hats and sunscreen are also highly recommended.

(Photo by Christian Petersen/Getty Images)

The last time one of our major league sports teams won a championship came in 2016 for the Broncos. Although it’s not officially mapped out yet, a parade and celebration location could look similar.

RELATED: Avalanche win 3rd Stanley Cup in franchise history, defeat defending champion Lighting in Game 6

In 2016, the parade followed the same route, beginning near Union Station at 17th Street and Wynkoop Street, continued along 17th to Broadway, down Broadway to 13th Avenue and down 13th to the City and County Building for a huge rally.

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King Soopers Reaches Tentative Agreement With Union To End Strike – CBS Denver

(CBS4) – Both King Soopers and UFCW Local 7, the union representing King Soopers workers, confirmed Friday morning both parties reached a tentative 3-year agreement to settle the recent dispute. In the press release issued by the union, it said the strike will end immediately, and workers can return to work as soon as during the day.

“After months of negotiations and after our members walked out on strike, we have reached a tentative agreement with King Soopers/City Market that addresses the Company’s unfair labor practices and ensures that our members will receive the respect, pay, and protection they warrant,” said Kim Cordova, the president of UFCW Local 7, in the union’s press release. “This fight will always be about the workers. I could not be prouder of our members who put it all on the line to have their voices heard.”

King Soopers grocery store workers walk the picket line as they strike at more than 70 stores across the Denver metro area on Jan. 12, 2022 in Denver. (credit: Michael Ciaglo/Getty Images)

“We are pleased that this agreement allows us to put more money in our associates’ paychecks and secures healthcare and pension plans.” said Joe Kelley, the president of King Soopers and City Market, in the King Soopers press release. “We look forward to welcoming back our associates and customers.”

The workers’ union is expected to share the details of the tentative agreement with its members to make a final vote.

This tentative agreement comes two weeks after the contracts began expiring throughout Colorado, and over 8,000 workers at 78 stores went on strike in the Denver metro area to protest what were deemed unfair labor practices by King Soopers during the past few months of negotiation.

“It’s kinda weird going back to work not knowing what kind of agreement we agreed to, Joe Kelly has been silent about it, the union has been silent about it saying we’ll see on Monday,” said Matthew Cornwell, a union member. “It’s just kind of making us all anxious seeing what kind of agreement they actually came to before we actually go back to work.”

Cornwell has followed the negotiations closely, and believes workers deserve everything union president proposed, especially when it comes to employee safety.

“I just hope to see, ya know, us getting paid well, and armed security guards to help deal with all the violence that’s been going on- especially with our King Soopers and King Soopers around Denver, so I think it will be a much nicer safer place to shop after its all said and done.”

Cornwell works at a King Soopers in Glendale, he says he has experienced many issues while at work over the last couple of years.

“I’ve had my tires slashed I’ve had my headlights bashed in; on Thanksgiving my car was stolen out of the parking lot. I never saw it again. I bought a new car and they’ve already tried to break in with a flathead screwdriver.”

As for the customers shopping at Cornwell’s store, more were concerned about bare shelves in the store over contract negotiations.

“The grocery store is pretty bare with food, and I don’t know if that’s because of COVID or because of workers not being able to stock the shelves,” said Gayla Cisneros, a shopper.

Cisneros said she was aware of the strike but said the grocery store was the most convenient.

“I need food, I have a family to feed,” she said.

The final details of the contract will be made public to union workers in the coming days, following ratification votes by UFCW Local 7 members beginning Monday.

“All of us at Local 7 are proud to fight on behalf of our members who show up to work every day, keeping shelves full to feed their communities through this ongoing pandemic while barely making ends meet to feed and provide for their own families. We didn’t ask for this fight, but the Company chose to put profits over people for so long and failed to listen to the workers who made its success possible,” Cordova continued in her statement in the union’s press release.

“Now, our members have the contracts they deserve and can be proud of.

“This would not have been possible without the support of our allies throughout Colorado and across the country. To those who supported our members by honoring the picket line and showing up in solidarity, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.”

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Union Declines ‘Best, Final’ Offer From King Soopers; Strike Is Imminent – CBS Denver

DENVER (CBS4) – Only hours are left until thousands of unionized King Soopers employees walk off the job as part of a bargaining battle with parent company Kroger. On Tuesday, the company said it made a “best and final” offer hoping to prevent the looming strike.

“All the money is on the table right now,” said Jessica Trowbridge, corporate affairs manager for King Soopers and City Market.

(credit: Chet Strange/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

According to a release from King Soopers, that offer included an investment of $170 million over the next three years going towards wage increases and bonuses. The company also said it was proposing a separate investment in healthcare benefits that would result in “zero impact to associates current healthcare premiums” based upon current projections.

“No one wins in a strike. Our associates don’t win, our customers don’t win, and it does make it more difficult to operate our business,” Trowbridge said.

Shortly before 5 p.m., the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 7 declined the offer. By a 95% vote, the union will strike “against King Soopers/Kroger for its unfair labor practices, and the Union will move forward with the strike at 5 AM on January 12, 2022.”

“Clearly, King Soopers/City Market will not voluntarily meet the needs of our workers, despite our repeated pleas for the Company to listen to the voices of our members,” said Kim Cordova, President of UFCW Local 7. We strike because it has become clear this is the only way to get what is fair, just, and equitable for the grocery workers who have risked their lives every day just by showing up to work during the pandemic.”

(credit: CBS)

The strike will involve about 8,400 workers and about 78 stores. Already, stores have been operating with roughly 2,400 fewer employees.

The union provided a list of dozens of the stores taking part across Colorado.

In anticipation of the strike, Trowbridge said King Soopers has brought in staff from other divisions and started hiring hundreds of temporary workers. The company plans to keep every store location open.

Ahead of Wednesday, some customers at the King Soopers in Capitol Hill said they plan to continue shopping with the company during the strike, while others said they won’t cross the picket line.

“I’m sure some people in the older generation will see it as a red flag or something, but I think a lot of people my age don’t mind crossing a picket fence to get food,” said Arthur Leduc.

“I support them 100 percent, so I will be shopping somewhere else until their demands have been met,” said Andrew Fox.

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UCHealth Denies Kidney Transplant To Unvaccinated Woman & Donor – CBS Denver

AURORA, Colo. (CBS4) – A Colorado woman with stage 5 renal failure was months away from getting a new kidney. Now, she and her donor are looking for another hospital after learning UCHealth’s new policy.

According to UCHealth, the majority of transplant recipients and living donors are now required to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Neither woman has received their shots.

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Leilani Lutali met her donor, Jaimee Fougner, in bible study just 10 months ago.

(credit: Leilani Lutali and Jaimee Fougner)

“It’s your choice on what treatment you have. In Leilani’s case, the choice has been taken from her. Her life has now been held hostage because of this mandate,” said Fougner.

Fougner says she hasn’t received the vaccine for religious reasons. Lutali hasn’t gotten the shot because she says there are too many unknowns. Until last week, neither woman thought they needed to be vaccinated for the transplant.

“At the end of August, they confirmed that there was no COVID shot needed at that time,” said Lutali. “Fast forward to Sept. 28. That’s when I found out. Jamie learned they have this policy around the COVID shot for both for the donor and the recipient.”

The women received this letter from UCHealth:

READ MORE: Kaiser Permanente Puts 2,200 Unvaccinated Employees On Unpaid Leave

(credit: Leilani Lutali)

UCHealth says they are “non-compliant by not receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.” The hospital has given them 30 days to begin the vaccine series. If they refuse, they will be removed from the kidney transplant list.

“I said I’ll sign a medical waiver. I have to sign a waiver anyway for the transplant itself, releasing them from anything that could possibly go wrong,” said Lutali. “It’s surgery, it’s invasive. I sign a waiver for my life. I’m not sure why I can’t sign a waiver for the COVID shot.”

UCHealth recently implemented the policy to protect the health of its patients.

In a statement, UCHealth said:

“For transplant patients who contract COVID-19, the mortality rate ranges from about 20% to more than 30%. This shows the extreme risk that COVID-19 poses to transplant recipients after their surgeries”

UCHealth and transplant centers across the nation have requirements in place to protect surgical patients. For example, patients can be required to receive other vaccinations like hepatitis B and MMR, and even make lifestyle changes. UCHealth says these requirements increase the likelihood that a transplant will be successful and the patient will avoid rejection.

“Here I am, willing to be a direct donor to her. It does not affect any other patient on the transplant list,” said Fougner. “How can I sit here and allow them to murder my friend when I’ve got a perfectly good kidney and can save her life?”

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The women haven’t been able to find a hospital in Colorado that will do the transplant while they’re unvaccinated. They’re now looking at other states.

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South Park Creators Trey Parker & Matt Stone Say They’ve Agreed To Buy Casa Bonita – CBS Denver

DENVER (CBS4) – “South Park” creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone told Colorado’s governor they’ve tentatively agreed to purchase Casa Bonita, the Colorado landmark in Lakewood that is both a restaurant and a beloved small entertainment center. The conversation took place on Friday morning and was livestreamed by Gov. Jared Polis’ office.

(credit: State of Colorado)

“As of about an hour ago, pending bankruptcy proceedings, we’ve come to an agreement with the owner and we’ve bought it,” Stone told Polis.

(credit: Evan Semón/CBS)

Stone and Parker grew up in Colorado and one of the most popular episodes of their animated hit TV show about a fictional small Colorado town takes place at Casa Bonita. (The show is celebrating its 24th anniversary and is a production of ViacomCBS.) They said Friday that their plan to buy the restaurant has been in the works for a while.

RELATED: ‘South Park’ Brings 14 New Movies To Paramount+, 3 More Seasons On Comedy Central

The restaurant hasn’t been open to diners since the COVID-19 pandemic started and has filed for bankruptcy protection.

The group Save Casa Bonita had been working to do whatever it can to get the restaurant fully operational in recent months. Right now, the arcade and gift shop are open with tours of the facility being conducted throughout the day.

“We know that there have been a lot of people in Colorado that love Casa Bonita and have been working on this and we’re excited to work with everybody and make it the place we all want to make it,” said Parker, who was wearing a Colorado Rockies T-shirt during the conversation with the governor.

Polis asked the creative pair if they plan to improve the quality of the food offerings — the restaurant is known for having great sopapillas but not much else worth writing home about — and both said that is a priority.

“I think everyone knows the potential of what that place can be and we certainly do, and I think it’s going to be an awesome Colorado thing,” Parker said.

See the entire conversation below:

More About Trey Parker and Matt Stone

The writing/producing/directing team met when they were attending the University of Colorado at Boulder. Comedy Central hired the pair in 1997 to create the popular animated series “South Park,” a show that Steven Kroft of 60 Minutes said in September 2011 “changed the face of cable TV.” Their pair’s popular 1999 movie “South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut” followed. Then in 2011 their giant hit Broadway musical “The Book of Mormon” became a big winner at the Tony Awards. In the summer of 2012 the traveling version of the musical debuted in Denver. The pair at one point owned a multi-million dollar mansion in Steamboat Springs and have been spotted in the past in the attendance at Denver Nuggets games.

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‘Whiteout, Brutal Conditions’ On I-70, Closures In Colorado Mountains, Foothills & Out East – CBS Denver

(CBS4) – Authorities are having trouble keeping Interstate 70 open in Colorado’s foothills during the major snowstorm that’s slamming the state on Sunday. Late Sunday morning officials announced that things aren’t going well on the Eastern Plains, either.

As of 1:45 a.m. I-70 had weather-related closures in the following areas:

– Eastbound Silverthorne to Georgetown
– From Golden to Floyd Hill (at the border of Clear Creek County and Jefferson County)
– Airpark Road in Aurora all the way to Limon

(credit: CBS)

Officials with the Colorado State Patrol said in a tweet that conditions on Floyd Hill were: “whiteout brutal conditions.”

Some drivers from out of state have been trying to get to Colorado ski resorts in the midst of the snowstorm. A family from Orlando, Florida, told CBS4 they took a detour off I-70 and got stuck in the snow.

“We’re heading up to Breckenridge to do some skiing. The girls had to use the restroom. We couldn’t make it up the hill with the two-wheel drive truck, so we backed up and he put it in the ditch,” said one of the family members.

(credit: CBS)

“What advice would you give to other people if this was their first time driving in the snow?” asked CBS4’s Justin Adams.

“If you’re going to rent a vehicle, make sure it’s 4-wheel drive, not 2-wheel,” he replied with a laugh. “Other than that, hey, this is what it’s about.”

The family was able to borrow a tow rope and got themselves going again. But they likely won’t forget their March ski trip to Colorado anytime soon.

According to Meteorologist Ashton Altieri, a Blizzard Warning, Winter Storm Warnings and Winter Weather Advisories continue for many areas around the state with additional accumulation expected in all areas.

WEATHER ALERT: Blizzard Warning Issued, Biggest Snowstorm In 15 Years For Denver

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