Tag Archives: crabs

Crabs Aren’t The Only Things Evolution Keeps Making. An Expert Explains. : ScienceAlert

Charles Darwin believed evolution created “endless forms most beautiful”. It’s a nice sentiment but it doesn’t explain why evolution keeps making crabs.

Scientists have long wondered whether there are limits to what evolution can do or if Darwin had the right idea. The truth may lie somewhere between the two.

While there doesn’t seem to be a ceiling on the number of species that might evolve, there may be restraints on how many fundamental forms those species can evolve into. The evolution of crab-like creatures may be one of the best examples of this, since they have evolved not just once but at least five times.

Crabs belong to a group of crustaceans called decapods – literally “ten footed”, since they have five pairs of walking legs.

Some decapods, like lobsters and shrimp, have a thick, muscular abdomen, which is the bulk of the animal that we eat. With a quick flick of their abdomen lobsters can shoot off backwards and escape predators.

Crabs, by contrast, have a compressed abdomen, tucked away under a flattened but widened thorax and shell. This allows them to scuttle into rock crevices for protection. Evolution repeatedly hit upon this solution because it works well under similar sets of circumstances.

Five groups of “crabs”

The largest crab group are the Brachyura (true crabs) including the edible crab and Atlantic blue crab. They had an ancestor that was also crab shaped. Some species have evolved “backwards” and straightened out their abdomens again. The other large group are the Anomura (false crabs), with an ancestor that looked more like a lobster.

A king crab (Lithodes longispina), which is a type of Anomura. (Karen Gowlett-Holmes/CSIRO Marine Research)

However, at least four groups of Anomura – sponge crabs, porcelain crabs, king crabs and the Australian hairy stone crab – have independently evolved into a crab-like form in much the same way as the true crabs. Like the true crabs, their compact bodies are more defensive, and can move sideways faster.

This means “crabs” aren’t a real biological group. They are a collection of branches in the decapod tree that evolved to look the same.

Hairy stone crab (Lomis hirta); also not a true crab. (Tim Binns/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY-SA 2.0)

But crabs aren’t the exception.

Something similar happened in the evolution of birds from feathered dinosaurs. Feathers may have first evolved for insulation, to attract mates, for protecting eggs and possibly also as “nets” for catching prey. Millions of years later, feathers elongated and streamlined for flying.

Palaeontologists disagree about the details, but all modern birds (Neoaves) evolved from ground-dwelling ancestors just after the mass extinction that wiped out the other dinosaurs.

However, feathered wings and flight also evolved earlier in other groups of dinosaurs, including troodontids and dromaeosaurs. Some of these, like Microraptor, had four wings.

Microraptors had feathers and wings like modern birds (Durbed/Wikimedia Commons/CC-BY-SA 3.0)

Re-running the tape of life

Unfortunately we can’t run evolutionary experiments to see if the same things keep happening because that would take hundreds of millions of years.

But the history of life has already done something similar to that for us, when closely related lineages evolve and diversify on different continents. In many cases, these ancestral lines repeatedly came up with the same or almost identical solutions to problems.

One of the best examples is our own group, the mammals.

There are two major groups of living mammals. The placentals (including us) and the marsupials (pouched mammals who give birth to tiny young). Both groups evolved from the same common ancestor over 100 million years ago, the marsupials largely in Australasia and the Americas and the placentals elsewhere.

This isolation led to two almost independent runs of the “experiment” to see what could be done with the mammal bodyplan. There are marsupial and placental versions of moles, mice, anteaters, gliders, and cats. There was even a marsupial wolf (the thylacine, extinct in 1936), whose skull and teeth match those of the placental wolf in astonishing detail.

Skull of a thylacine (top) and a gray wolf (below). (Feigin et al., Genome Research, 2019)

It’s not only body forms that evolve independently, but also organs and other structures. Humans have complex camera eyes with a lens, iris and retina. Squid, and octopuses, which are molluscs and more closely related to snails and clams, also evolved camera eyes with the same components.

Eyes more generally may have evolved independently up to 40 times in different groups of animals. Even box jellyfish, which don’t have a brain, have eyes with lenses at the bases of their four tentacles.

A box jellyfish (Tripedalia cystophora). (Bielecki et al., PLOS ONE, 2014)

The more we look, the more we find. Structures such as jaws, teeth, ears, fins, legs and wings all keep evolving independently across the animal tree of life.

More recently, scientists discovered convergence also happens at the molecular level. The opsin molecules in eyes that convert photons of light into chemical energy and enable humans to see have a tight resemblance to those in box jellyfish, and evolved that way in parallel.

Even more bizarrely, animals as different as whales and bats have striking convergence in the genes that enable them to echolocate.

Are humans really unique?

Many of the things we like to think make humans special have been reinvented by evolution elsewhere. Corvids like crows and ravens have problem-solving intelligence and, along with owls, can use simple tools.

Whales and dolphins have complex social structures, and their big brains allowed them to develop language. Dolphins use tools like sponges to cover their noses while they forage across stony sea bottoms. Octopuses also use tools and learn from watching what happens to other octopuses.

Octopus marginatus hiding between two shells. (Nick Hobgood/Wikimedia/CC BY-SA 3.0)

If things keep evolving in similar ways here on Earth, there’s a possibility they might also follow a related course if life has evolved elsewhere in the Universe. It might mean extra-terrestrial beings look less alien and more familiar than we expect.

Matthew Wills, Professor of Evolutionary Palaeobiology at the Milner Centre for Evolution, University of Bath

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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Evolution Keeps Making And Unmaking Crabs, And Nobody Knows Why

Our planet’s convoluted history of evolving life has spawned countless weird and wonderful creatures, but none excite evolutionary biologists – or divide taxonomists – quite like crabs.


When researchers attempted to reconcile the evolutionary history of crabs in all their raucous glory just earlier this year, they arrived at the conclusion that the defining features of crabbiness have evolved at least five times in the past 250 million years.

What’s more, crabbiness has been lost possibly seven times or more.

This repeated evolution of a crab-like body plan has happened so often it has its own name: carcinization. (And yes, if you lose crabbiness to evolution, it’s called decarcinization.)

Frog crabs (Raninidae) are one unusual example. Features of the crab body plan were also lost en route to almost-legless Puerto Rican sand crabs (Emerita portoricensis) and various lop-sided hermit crabs – but then red king crabs regained crabby features at the last evolutionary minute.

A Puerto Rican sand crab. (Michelle Barros Sarmento Gama/iNaturalist/CC BY-NC 4.0)

Why evolution keeps crafting and shafting the crab-like body plan remain but a mystery, though evolution must be doing something right in fashioning crabby creatures time and time again.

There are thousands of crab species, which thrive in almost every habitat on Earth, from coral reefs and abyssal plains to creeks, caves and forests.


Crabs also boast an impressive display of sizes. The smallest, the pea crab (Pinnothera faba), measures just millimeters, while the largest, the Japanese spider crab (Macrocheira kaempferi), spans nearly 4 meters (around 12 feet) from claw to claw.

With their species richness, extravagant array of body shapes and rich fossil record, crabs are an ideal group to study trends in biodiversity through time. But finding some order in the chaos of crabs is an ongoing challenge.

What’s a crab, anyway?

It gets weirder, because not every crab is a crab, so to speak. There are ‘true’ crabs, such as mud crabs and swimmer crabs. Yet we also have so-called false crabs, such as shell-shy hermit crabs with their spiraling abdomens, or the spike-covered king crabs.

The most visible difference between true and false crabs is how many walking legs they have: true crabs have four pairs of lanky legs, whereas false crabs only have three, with another pint-sized pair at the rear.

Both true and false crabs evolved their wide, flat, hard upper shell and tucked tails independently of one another, from a common ancestor that had none of those features, suggests an analysis published in March 2021, led by evolutionary biologist Joanna Wolfe of Harvard University.


But it wasn’t a straightforward path after true and false crabs split. Evolution has made and remade crabs over the past 250 million years: once or twice in true crabs and at least three times during the evolution of false crabs, Wolfe and colleagues think.

Crabs have long stumped taxonomists who have invariably misclassified species as true or false crabs due to their striking similarities.

Besides figuring out where species belong in the tree of life, understanding exactly how many times evolution has crafted the crab-like body form and why, could reveal something about what drives convergent evolution.

“There has to be some kind of evolutionary advantage to be this crablike shape,” crab expert and Wolfe’s co-author Heather Bracken-Grissom told Popular Science in 2020, when carcinization had sent the internet into a spin.

As with many subjects, evolutionary biologists have plenty of ideas, but no firm answers on carcinization. Due to the narrow focus of past research on select crab species, “the unparsimonious history of crab body plan evolution must be reconciled”, the team writes.

To make a start, the trio of researchers compiled data on crab morphology, behavior and natural history, from living species and fossils, and identified the gaps in genetic data which might help to resolve puzzling evolutionary relationships.  


“Almost half of the branches on the crab tree of life remain dark,” they write.

Most carcinized crabs have developed hard, calcified shells to protect themselves from predators – a clear advantage – but then some crabs have abandoned this protection, for reasons unknown.

Walking sideways, silly as it seems, means crabs are supremely agile, able to make a speedy exit in either direction without losing sight of a predator, should one appear. But sideways walking is not observed in all carcinized lineages (there are forward-walking spider crabs) and some uncarcinzed hermit crabs can walk sideways, too.

That some crabs evolved outsized claws to become shell-crushing predators in an ecological arms race also cannot fully explain the timing or successes of early crab evolution.

(Joanna M. Wolfe)

Above: Phylogenetic tree showing examples of carcinized and decarcinized clades, with colored dots noting characteristics on the branches.

Like anything in science, nothing is ever settled and evolution will continue on its merry way. Though with increasing amounts of genomic information on living and fossilized crab species, rest assured taxonomists are steadily piecing together what makes a crab, a crab.

This “will allow us to resolve the multiple origins and losses of ‘crab’ body forms through time and identify the timing of origin of key evolutionary novelties and body plans,” says Wolfe.

More than that, studying crabs provides a tantalizing prospect for evolutionary sleuths who think it might be possible to anticipate the predictable shapes evolution makes based on environmental factors and genetic cues.

“Examining crab evolution provides a macroevolutionary timescale of 250 million years ago for which, with enough phylogenetic and genomic data, we might be able to predict the morphology that would result,” says Bracken-Grissom.

A crab-like shape might be a safe bet.

The paper was published in BioEssays.


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Lobsters and crabs are sentient beings and shouldn’t be boiled alive, UK report says

The report by experts at the London School of Economics looked at 300 scientific studies to evaluate evidence of sentience, and they concluded that cephalopods (such as octopuses, squid and cuttlefish) and decapods (such as crabs, lobsters and crayfish) should be treated as sentient beings.

Vertebrates, animals with a backbone, are already classified as sentient in new animal welfare legislation currently under debate in the United Kingdom.

“The Animal Welfare Sentience Bill provides a crucial assurance that animal wellbeing is rightly considered when developing new laws. The science is now clear that decapods and cephalopods can feel pain and therefore it is only right they are covered by this vital piece of legislation,” said Animal Welfare Minister Lord Zac Goldsmith in a statement.
The Bill, which isn’t yet law, will establish an Animal Sentience Committee, which will issue reports on how well government decisions have taken into account the welfare of sentient animals. It is part of a wider government Action Plan for Animal Welfare.
The report said lobsters and crabs shouldn’t be boiled alive and included best practices for the transport, stunning and slaughter of decapods and cephalopods.

Learning more about cephalopods and decapods

The report used eight different ways to measure sentience including learning ability, possession of pain receptors, connections between pain receptors and certain brain regions, response to anesthetics or analgesics, and behaviors including balancing threat against opportunity for reward and protection against injury or threat.

It found “very strong” evidence of sentience in octopods and “strong” evidence in most crabs. For other animals in these two groups, such as squid, cuttlefish and lobsters they found the evidence was substantial but not strong.

However, the report said these varying degrees of evidence reflected disparities in the amount of attention different animals have received from scientists.

“Scientific attention has gravitated towards some (animals) rather than others for reasons of practical convenience (e.g. which animals can be kept well in labs) and geography (e.g. which species are available where a lab is located). Because of this situation, we think it would be inappropriate to limit protection to specific orders of cephalopod, or to specific infraorders of decapod,” the report said.

The recent Netflix documentary “My Octopus Teacher” showcased the unique abilities of octopuses. The brain structure of octopuses is very different from that of humans, but it has some of the same functions as mammal brains, such as learning abilities, including being able to solve problems, and possibly the ability to dream.

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Penis worms were the hermit crabs of their time

That penis worms lived like hermit crabs was revealed by analysis of fossils found in Yunnan province in southern China that date back to the Cambrian Period. The fossils preserved the soft tissue of four penis worms called Eximipriapulus, as well as material from conical-shaped shells that once belong to animals called hyoliths.

“The worms are always sitting snugly within these same types of shells, in the same position and orientation,” said Martin Smith, associate professor in palaeontology at the University of Durham in the UK, in a statement. He was a coauthor of a study on the fossils that published in the journal Current Biology on Monday.

“The only explanation that made sense was that these shells were their homes — something that came as a real surprise,” Smith said.

Hermiting behavior had been thought to evolve much later — in the Jurassic Period about 170 million years ago — deep into the time of the dinosaurs.

Behavior is one of the hardest things to infer from the fossil record. So how did researchers know for sure that the worms weren’t using the shells as a temporary shelter, or while laying eggs, or as refuge from an environmental condition that caused their death?

“This was the big question we had to convince ourselves of in this study,” Smith said via email.

“First we showed that the worms were actually inside the shells — between the upper and lower surfaces,” he said. “This shows that biology must have been responsible, rather than post-mortem processes.

“Beyond this, there are two key observations: the first, that there are no worms in the deposit that are not found within shells, which we would expect if the relationship was temporary or opportunistic,” he added.

“Secondly, that the size match was consistent: worms are always found in a shell that’s just big enough to accommodate them (but no bigger),” he wrote. “Like goldilocks, they seem to have chosen the shell that was ‘just right’ for them.”

Cambrian Period surprises

When these worms existed, the world was a very different place. The continents were strung out along the equator and nothing much lived on land except for a “thin sludge of microscopic organisms,” Smith said. However, the oceans had begun to teem with life.

“It’s mind-boggling that we start to see the complex and dangerous ecologies usually associated with much younger geological periods so soon after the first complex (marine) animals arrive on the scene,” he said.

The researchers also concluded that predators in this era must have been plentiful and aggressive, forcing the worms, which were 1 to 2 centimeters long and the width of a string, to take shelter in the empty shells.

While their findings rest on a small number of fossil specimens, the fact that this kind of sheltering behavior — which the researchers term a “modern lifestyle” — existed has reinforced a growing sense that animal behavior and ecosystems in this time were “more contemporary in character than had traditionally been assumed.”

Hermiting has evolved in a number of different animals in addition to hermit crabs, including some other crustaceans and various types of marine worms, the paper said.

Today, penis worms are only found in settings where it’s hard for predators to get a foothold, Smith said. Some are tiny and live between individual grains of sand. Others live in stinking, oxygen depleted and partially toxic waters. And they no longer take refuge in shells.

“None are ‘hermits,’ one of the reasons that our results are so surprising — we often (wrongly) think of evolution as always moving in the direction of generating complexity, whilst forgetting that complex solutions once invented are sometimes lost.”

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Ferocious ‘penis worms’ were the hermit crabs of the ancient seas

The Cambrian period (543 million to 490 million years ago) brought the first great explosion of biodiversity to Earth, with the ancestors of practically all modern animals first appearing. One of the most feared among them was the penis worm.

Technically known as priapulids — named for Priapus, the well-endowed Greek god of male genitals — penis worms, as they’re commonly known, are a division of marine worms that have survived in the world’s oceans for 500 million years. Their modern descendants live largely unseen in muddy burrows deep underwater, occasionally freaking out fishermen with their floppy, phallus-shaped bodies. But fossils dating back to the early Cambrian show that penis worms were once a scourge of the ancient seas, widely distributed around the world and in possession of extendible, fang-lined mouths that could make a snack out of the poor marine creature that crossed them.

But, fearsome as they were, penis worms themselves were not without fear. In a new study published Nov. 7 in the journal Current Biology, researchers discovered four priapulid fossils that were nestled into the cone-shaped shells of hyoliths, a long-extinct group of marine animals.

Related: Image gallery: Bizarre Cambrian creatures

Because all of the worms were found in the same type of shell, and in roughly the same position, it’s likely that the worms had appropriated the shells as their homes, just as modern hermit crabs do, the researchers said.

If that’s the case, then it would seem that penis worms invented the “hermit” lifestyle hundreds of millions of years before the crustaceans that made it famous.

One of the fossils showing a penis worm chilling in the shell of a dead hyolith. (Image credit: Zhang Xiguang)

“The only explanation that made sense was that these shells were their homes — something that came as a real surprise,” study co-author Martin Smith, an associate professor of paleontology at Durham University in England, said in a statement via email.

The team discovered the four hermit penis fossils in the collections of the Guanshan fossil deposits, from southern China. These fossil deposits, dating to the early Cambrian (about 525 million years ago) are famous for preserving not just hard structures such as teeth and shells, but also soft tissue — like the bodies of priapulids — which are much rarer to find in the fossil record.

In each shell, the worm’s bottom sits squished into the bottom of the cone, while the worm’s head and mouth dangle out over the side — sort of like a melting swirl of soft-serve ice cream. According to the researchers, the fossil region contained dozens of other empty shells, but no other free-living priapulids, suggesting the connection between the two was no mere accident. Furthermore, each worm fit snugly in its sheath, suggesting the creatures chose their shells for permanent protection from Cambrian predators, rather than as temporary refuge.

This type of “hermiting” behavior has never been seen in priapulids before, nor in any species before the Mesozoic era (250 million to 65 million years ago), the researchers wrote. For Smith, it’s “mind-boggling” that this complex behavior could have emerged so soon after the great burst of biodiversity known as the Cambrian explosion, more than 500 million years ago. In the harsh world of the early ocean, it seems even fearsome penis worms had to get creative.

Originally published on Live Science.

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Plastic Toxin Are Tricking Hungry Hermit Crabs With a Tasty Smelling Lie

In today’s anthropogenic world, an innocent hermit crab, just minding its own business and swimming in its search for food, has far more than the usual dangers of predators to contend with.


After expending effort and energy to get to that delicious scent of decaying prawn or mussels, these scavengers may sometimes end up with nutrition-less plastics instead of a fulfilling dinner.

New studies from University of Hull researchers have revealed that several chemicals leaching from plastic pollution poison mussels and befuddling hermit crabs in laboratory experiments.

“Oleamide has a striking resemblance to oleic acid, a chemical released by arthropods during decomposition. As scavengers, hermit crabs may misidentify oleamide as a food source, creating a trap,” explained chemical ecologist Paula Schirrmacher. 

“Our study shows that oleamide attracts hermit crabs. Respiration rate increases significantly in response to low concentrations of oleamide.”

Oleamide is a common plastic additive used as a slip agent, a lubricant for plastics that need to be released from molds after shaping. It also helps the internal structure of plastics, like polypropylene, flow smoothly and is used in a wide number of food containers.

But it is an organic molecule also found naturally in human blood plasma and animal pheromones. In the cleaner shrimp (Lysmata boggessi), oleamide has been found to help catalyze a mating response in sexual partners through a pheromone bouquet.


Contrary to some media reports, oleamide seems only to be involved in triggering food attraction in hermit crabs, not sex.

“Hermit crabs show a behavioral attraction comparable to their response to a feeding stimulant,” said Schirrmacher.

“Plastic additives mimicking marine infochemicals may be a problem not limited to hermit crabs and not limited to the odor associated with food,” the team wrote in their paper.

Meanwhile, mussels have their own plastic-related difficulties. 

DEHP (Di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate), a common plastic softener additive in PVC, was found to interfere with blue mussel (Mytilus species) reproduction systems.

This chemical contributes to almost 40 percent of the global plasticizer market, despite its known biological toxicity.

What’s more, the animals are reacting differently to these toxins, along with chemical changes caused by climate change-induced temperature increases, depending on their sex.

While DEHP messed with female mussels’ ability to express the genes for their estrogen-related receptors, in males, these genes seem to be expressed more highly under higher water temperatures, which increased their out-of-season spawning organs.

“The combined stressors DEHP and increased temperature, in environmentally relevant magnitudes, have different consequences in male and female mussels, with the potential to impact the timing and breeding season success in Mytilus spp,” the researchers wrote in their paper.


“It is critically important to understand how plastic additives work on molecular levels, especially on reproductive success,” said ecologist Luana Fiorella Mincarelli.

While these studies involved experimental exposure of the animals to the chemicals in question, they were conducted within the laboratory. They may not fully take into account all the factors that would be involved in their natural environments.

However, that these few chemicals are capable of having such profound impacts on the physiology of the few species studied so far is very concerning.

It’s even more concerning given the amount of other chemicals we’ve also dumped into our world’s waters via plastic pollution.

Unless we massively curb our plastic addiction soon, the World Wildlife Foundation warns that there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish by 2050. 

Just 20 companies are responsible for over half of the world’s single-use plastic, and no doubt have played a huge political and social role in fostering our addiction to their products.

Now, this addiction may be contributing to starving and sexually frustrating countless ocean creatures – including our own food sources.

The research on hermit crabs and mussels was published in the Marine Pollution Bulletin.


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