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Thousands of World of Warcraft Classic players descended upon a single server to get a fresh levelling experience

Thousands of World of Warcraft Classic players last night descended upon a single server to get a fresh levelling experience – and it was absolute chaos.

Last week, I reported on how over one thousand World of Warcraft players had banded together to create a “fresh” experience in the Classic version of the famous MMO.

In the absence of incoming fresh servers with the launch of Burning Crusade Classic, those who only now fancy playing the famous MMO as it was in 2004 face starting on realms filled with maximum level players and botting.

In response, players came together en masse to “reboot” the vanilla experience on one of the least populated servers.

When I reported on it last weekend, The Fresh Crusade was a community project whose Discord was 1300 players strong. Last night, on 5th March, when the server that would be home to this massive re-roll event was announced, the Discord had over 10,000 members.

The original idea was to offer a fresh levelling experience akin to what was on offer when World of Warcraft Classic – and indeed the original World of Warcraft it simulates – first launched.

But The Fresh Crusade ended up too popular for its own good. The server in question, Dragonfang [EU], immediately rose from being a low population realm to a medium population realm. Caszhar, the player who started The Fresh Crusade, told me over Discord that they couldn’t say exactly how many players joined the launch, but estimated it at 30 per cent of the Discord’s member number – that would mean 3000 players descended upon Dragonfang all at the same time. At launch, there were over 20 guilds formed and ready to go, each with hundreds of players as members.

“I think everyone knew what we were in for,” Caszhar told me tonight. “The launch was different to the launch of Classic in 2019. Then there was layering, putting players into instances to reduce overflow, but here everyone was in one space. The experience was chaos but it was amazing, so many people in one place was phenomenal and though it took around three to four hours for people to spread out, everyone had a lot of fun. Many people claimed that this launch was bigger, more chaotic and enjoyable than the Classic launch due to its craziness.”

The Twitch video below, from World of Warcraft streamer MetaGoblin, shows what it was like in The Valley of Trials, the Orcs and Trolls starting area in southern Durotar. Spoilers: it was busy!

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Caszhar’s re-roll experience was similar to that of others, it seems:

“I started with five people from my guild and we tried to do some quests but it was hard to even kill anything so we ran ahead to higher level areas and just killed as many mobs as possible.

“It was far from a traditional leveling experience and quite overwhelming to have so many people around you at all times but still something unique that I have never experienced in an MMORPG.”

Here are some screenshots of the action across Dragonfang last night, provided by Caszhar (to explain the images showing players standing in a queue, some quests require you to kill a particular NPC that respawns on a timer. Dragonfang was so busy at the launch of The Fresh Crusade that some players patiently waited in-line for their turn to kill these NPCs):

Now though, a day after launch, things have calmed down somewhat.

“… today we have been playing further and lots of people have spread out and it has been less competitive to level,” Caszhar said. “There are tons of groups around doing their own thing and it’s felt like this WoW Classic server has been revitalised and filled with life from players being everywhere once again.”

One of the reasons for The Fresh Crusade’s existence is to combat the botting and economy inflation that afflicts World of Warcraft Classic.

The Fresh Crusade targeted a low population server in a bid to provide players with the chance to get the best “fresh” experience they could despite this botting problem.

Unfortunately, botting exists even on dead servers, and Dragonfang was no exception. “Even if Blizzard released fresh realms then it would only be a month tops before it would probably reach the same levels of high population servers,” Caszhar said.

“The people part of this project have had their concerns and they are perfectly valid. The botting wont be so much of a problem for players as they level through the game together and promote the positive mindset we have tried to instil reaching endgame, but it will always be a big inconvenience and there’s nothing players can do about that, besides report bots.”

While Caszhar is delighted with how popular The Fresh Crusade has turned out, it sounds like organising the thing and keeping on top of the bulging Discord has been pretty stressful.

After The Fresh Crusade hit the headlines, some people tried to disrupt the project – an effort that has continued post-launch.

These people tried to “pre-level” by trying to guess the server The Fresh Crusade would be played on and level there beforehand. This upset some within the community who wanted to start on a level playing field.

And then there’s the predictable toxic behaviour from some that emerged as The Fresh Crusade grew in popularity throughout the week.

Despite this, Caszhar is in good spirits: “Now that it’s cooled down a bit and I’ve been able to immerse myself in the world with all the other people and take a step back from managing it all, I have been having an amazing time with all the players that are a part of this.”

Caszhar and co now plan to host server wide events to keep players interested, as well as another re-roll event to bring more people into the server for the pre-patch of Burning Crusade Classic. Caszhar expects Burning Crusade Classic to bring in even more players than Classic.

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‘Hearthstone’ is getting a classic format that takes the game back to 2014

World of Warcraft’s Burning Crusade expansion isn’t the only Blizzard property getting the classic treatment. As part of Hearthstone’s upcoming Forged in the Barrens expansion, the studio will add a new mode to its collectible card game that will allow you to play the title as it was back in 2014 when it first came out. 

Hearthstone’s Classic format does away with all the cards and keyword effects that have been added to the game since. It’s for those people who miss how Hearthstone matches played out before Blizzard added the Demon Hunter class and so many different card combinations.   

A Classic format is just one of the changes the company has planned for Hearthstone’s Year of the Gryphon. There will be 135 all-new cards for players to collect in the expansion, in addition to a 235-card “Core” set that replaces the game’s current Basic and Classic sets. Later this year, Blizzard will also release Hearthstone Mercenaries, a single-player and competitive game mode that will introduce players to some new characters from the Warcraft universe.  

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World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Classic to get paid character cloning and boosts

It was leaked yesterday, but Blizzard has now made it official: World of Warcraft Classic, the retro version of the huge online game, will be extended to include first expansion The Burning Crusade this year.

That means an increased level cap of 70 (Classic players will actually outlevel players on the modern game, which has had the cap squished to 60); an inter-dimensional adventure through the Dark Portal to the trippy, broken world of Outland; the addition of the Blood Elf and Draenei races; arena player-versus-player, flying mounts and more.

As before, World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Classic (it’s dropped the “the”, for some reason) will be included for free in a WOW subscription. Players whose dedication is really to the original version of the game won’t be forced to upgrade; you can choose whether to progress your character onto the Burning Crusade expansion along with the rest of your server, or move to a server that will stay forever on the current version of the game – which I guess we now have to call Vanilla Classic. Original Classic. Classic Classic? (Blizzard is calling them Classic Era servers.)

Production director Patrick Dawson.

Serving a retro community as it splits into camps who want to experience the game as it was in different eras is a potential minefield, but Blizzard does seem to have thought through all the options. Lead producer Holly Longdale and production director Patrick Dawson told me over Zoom that players who don’t want to choose between the two versions of the game will be offered a paid service to clone their character across Classic Era and Burning Crusade servers. Furthermore, diehard Burning Crusade fans who haven’t been playing Classic and can’t face the long grind up to the level requirement for the expansion can pay for a boost to level 58. This option is strictly one-time-only, because “we don’t want to minimise the accomplishments of those who have worked so hard in Classic to get their characters ready,” Dawson said.

Blizzard now finds itself maintaining three versions of its flagship MMO simultaneously; potentially more, if this model continues through to subsequent WOW expansions. That sounds like a headache, although the Classic community is clearly big enough for the effort to be worth it – Activsion Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick has spoken approvingly of the effect Classic has had on WOW subscription numbers. “Yeah, it is more complicated to run multiple products in this environment,” Dawson said. “But we have a world class lab operations team that is up for this challenge. Even going from one mega game to two mega games when we [launched WOW Classic] was a big change for that group as well. So the good news is, we’ve done that before, we know what it’s like to add a new game to World of Warcraft.”

Flying over Nagrand. My 2007 laptop did NOT have this draw distance.

As with WOW Classic, content from the original game will be rolled out in phases over time, so the raiding community can look forward to the Black Temple, Zul’Aman and the Sunwell opening up over the next year or so. But systemically, Burning Crusade Classic will actually start from the expansion’s endpoint. “Our starting template is that final patch,” Dawson said. “It is the class abilities, the class balance and everything that existed for the final version of Burning Crusade… and then we’re going to go ahead and take a look at what else makes sense to change on top of that.”

Ah yes. New changes. Originally Blizzard took a purist approach and made only very minimal changes to the game as it was for WOW Classic, but that approach has evolved as the team has listened to player feedback. “As a team, we’re calling this… I hesitate to say this, but I’m gonna anyway… we call it #somechanges,” laughed Longdale. It turns out that players wanted the game exactly as it was – but better.

Remember how scary Fel Reavers were in 2007?

Longdale gave a few examples of changes that will be made in Burning Crusade Classic. Spell batching, a latency in processing player actions to work around the limits of mid-2000s server hardware, was emulated in WOW Classic, but will now be ditched for a “more reactive” feel to the gameplay. Seal of Blood, an ability granted to Horde Paladins in Burning Crusade and known to be more powerful than the equivalent Alliance ability, is being granted to Alliance Paladins too. The Blood Elf and Draenei races will be unlocked before the Dark Portal opens, to give players a chance to level up new characters.

Most controversially, perhaps, the team is opting for a “pre-nerf raid approach”. In Classic, players got later versions of raid bosses that had been tuned down (wisely so in the case of a fight like C’Thun, the pre-nerf version of which, Dawson said, was proven to be “mathematically impossible”). With Burning Crusade Classic, however, the community will get the chance to test themselves against bosses in their terrifying pre-nerf forms. “We’re taking a look at that raiding community and it is extremely vibrant, they’re extremely talented raiders, and they know a lot more today than they did 15 years ago,” Dawson said. “So we want to give them that pre-nerf version of those fights.” (Well, mostly. Some poor game design choices, like spell pushback on the original version of M’uru from Sunwell Plateau, will be left out, but “that hit point nerf and damage nerf that we got a few weeks in – let’s not do that right away,” Dawson said, with a glint of mischief in his eye.)

A return to classic raid Karazhan will be top of many players’ wishlists.

The WOW Classic team has learned that returning the game to its exact state at an earlier point in time is not really what the community wants – and nor does it take into account how things have moved on. “Like, back when Burning Crusade first released, you were having the beginnings of YouTube, right? It was a very different world – the community sites, the guilds weren’t as savvy and robust as they are today.” Dawson said. “The game that was designed for that community holds up amazingly well today, which is something that is just awesome to see. But the way people are engaging with it is a little bit different. And that’s okay. But that’s partly why we want to make a few of these changes to say, hey, let’s let’s serve the needs of today’s community, but keep that same nostalgia, keep that feeling that people had back in 2007.”

Nostalgia is a powerful force, and memory is subjective. One of the oddest problems the team faces is that players’ memories of the game – even the development team’s own – can diverge a little from the facts. (“A lot,” interrupts Longdale.) Should they remake the game as it was, or as players remember it?

Holly Longdale.

“One thing that we always have had both for Classic and for Burning Crusade is a reference client, so we can actually go back and look at how things actually were,” Dawson said. “With Classic, people would bring things up and we would do a deep dive and be like, ‘Hey, this is exactly how it works.’ And they’re like, ‘Okay, but that’s not what I remember’… With Burning Crusade, rather than have us just answer ‘this is how it was’, the question is, well, what do you think it should be? And we’ll listen .Because ultimately, we’re making a game for the people that want to play it.”

“Our goal is to bring the best experience possible to the greatest number of players, even though, you know, I might not like it so much when Pat was mounted in PvP and killing me constantly over and over again,” Longdale laughed. “It’s about keeping the nostalgia, the spirit of Burning Crusade and Classic for that nostalgic experience. But we want to make sure that it remains as fun as possible for the greatest number in the community as possible.”

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Burning Crusade Classic leaks ahead of BlizzCon

Enlarge / That’s quite the game-announcement leak there, Blizzard.

Ahead of this weekend’s BlizzCon game-announcement frenzy, two of Blizzard’s secrets have sneaked out in the form of a leak. Both revolve around World of Warcraft: one for the latest Shadowlands expansion, and another for the World of Warcraft Classic server option.

In the latter case, 2007’s hugely popular WoW expansion pack, The Burning Crusade, will be bolted onto the WoW Classic option inside the Blizzard Launcher starting sometime in “2021.” The news comes from an apparent leak of official BlizzCon press release materials, all formatted with official images and descriptions of what’s to come, as found on Blizzard’s official servers by users at Reddit’s WoW community.

As with 2019’s official WoW vanilla launch, The Burning Crusade will return without any new or special features on top of what originally came with the game. You may recall that this expansion pack included a trickle of content drops while Blizzard maintained it before selling Wrath of the Lich King in 2008. Meanwhile, Blizzard’s leaked document claims that the original version’s update cadence will return: “Content from the original game will roll out in phases, at a cadence paced for the WoW Classic community. Prepare for the opening of the Black Temple, gear up to confront the gods of Zul’Aman, and gather your allies to face the fury of the Sunwell.”

Burning Crusade art, also part of today’s pre-BlizzCon leak.”>
Enlarge / Delectable new Burning Crusade art, also part of today’s pre-BlizzCon leak.


Since the document doesn’t mention any quality-of-life (QoL) changes, you’ll likely have to make your peace with the expansion’s original quirks, albeit boosted by improved balance between the Horde and Alliance thanks to the Blood Elf and Draenei races newly appearing in this expansion. If this is exactly where you want your WoW memories to live on via an official Blizzard server, then you’ll be in heaven—especially since this is a free update for anyone who already pays for a WoW subscription. Meanwhile, if you really want to keep things vanilla, you’ll have the option to hold your WoW Classic characters back to remain in a world that doesn’t know the kiss of the Outland. (If you need help making that decision, perhaps flip through Ars’ 2007 review of TBC.)

Offering both options on official WoW servers is a great indicator of Blizzard’s dedication to the appeal of reliving the old WoW days, though we have to imagine the nostalgia for WoW Classic players may run out with this expansion. Our reports on fans bringing older WoW versions back to life on private servers, which Blizzard fought back on, certainly never broached the Lich King or Cataclysm eras.

The other leak in the wild, for Shadowlands‘ upcoming “Chains of Domination” update, also came in the form of a leaked Blizzard press release, which WoWHead breaks down with plenty of images and descriptions of what’s to come. Fans playing the latest expansion can expect at least one new raid and mega-dungeon, along with more of the usual expansion-patch trimmings, at some point. This leak didn’t include a release date, but we’re not sure if that means we should expect a stealth drop when the update is announced tomorrow.

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NXT recap & reactions: Dusty Classic Fatigue

NXT returned last night (Feb. 10) from the Capitol Wrestling Center (CWC) in Orlando, Florida. You can find the results at the live blog here.

Finals are Set

The main event of this week was a men’s Dusty semi-final match between The Grizzled Young Veterans and Tommaso Ciampa & Timothy Thatcher.

The match was a solid main, which made sure to demonstrate how the GYV really functioned as a true team. While T & T weren’t off the same page, it was clear the Vets are extensions of each other. This factored into the finish when Zack Gibson grabbed James Drake, who was prone for Ciampa’s finish Willow’s Bell, preventing the move. This allowed the Vets to deliver their double team finisher Ticket to Mayhem. Gibson covered Tommaso as Drake prevented Thatcher from breaking it up.

The Grizzled Vets were always a lock for the finals as it seemed like they were in line for a significant push before the pandemic hit and they returned to Europe.

On the on the other side of the bracket, MSK defeated El Legado del Fantasma to join them in the finals.

This match opened the show and was quite a fun time. Both have a very entertaining style and that meshed well for this bout. MSK’s roll out has been as strong as can be. They’ve been able to show personality and use their unique style within the NXT tag format. Advancing to the finals of the Dusty immediately establishes them as a legit tag threat in the division, whether they defeat the Grizzled Young Veterans or not.

This will pit a talented, but bland (by design) team in GYV against the exact opposite in MSK. And while the Vets are those heels with no redeeming qualities, they’re always good in the ring. This final should deliver a match worthy of a Dusty Classic final.

The Other Final

The Women’s Dusty Finals were also set this week.

Shotzi Blackheart & Ember Moon defeated Candice LeRae & Indi Hartwell to advanced to TakeOver. It was a really enjoyable bout, though with some of the talent in this match, that shouldn’t be surprising. Moon, Blackheart, & LeRae are all great wrestlers. Hartwell is still rather new to this ,and that is obvious in many of her matches. But here, she was solid, even whipping out an impressive springboard elbow.

My “gripe” about this match was more the positioning of it. Last week, Raquel González & Dakota Kai punched their ticket to the finals. That means the outcome of this match was never really in doubt. Heel vs. heel matches are very uncommon, so the Way had little chance in this match. Face vs. face matches are more common. If Ember & Shotzi won first, it wouldn’t be impossible that Kacy Catanzaro & Kayden Carter could have won their match. This isn’t an issue with this match at all. It’s more an issue how they opted to lay it out.

We learned this week that the winner of the Dusty Cup will get a Women’s tag team title shot “eventually.” The winner Sunday should try to get that match before Nia’s hole is completely healed.

A Perfect Jerk

Johnny Gargano continues to find new life as the cowardly heel.

To try to avoid facing Kushida at TakeOver, he told everyone he broke his arm. To drive the point home, he had the Way bring him to the ring in a wheelchair, explaining that he’s such a power walker that if he can’t swing his arms, he can’t walk. I’ll buy it.

It was all classic comedy heel, something that still amazes me how well Johnny plays it. From instructing the Way to turn the wheel chair from the facing the hard cam to facing the video screen to supplying an x-ray with the wrong limb identified, it was all hilarious stuff.

William Regal played the party pooper, revealing he knows that Gargano is cleared to compete and pointing out all the fallacies in Johnny’s argument. This allowed Kushida to sneak in behind the Way, leading to a comedic reveal when the heels noticed him in their ranks.

Kushy faced Austin Theory later in the night, a match that ended in DQ when the North American champion attacked his challenger. After the match, Dexter Lumis prevented this from becoming a two on one beatdown and their night ended with Lumis and Kushida executing dual submissions.

While Lumis has enough reason to dislike the Way, he feels a bit shoehorned here. I’d call him a fifth wheel, but technically he’d be a fourth wheel, which is the perfect amount of wheels.

Picking the Wrong Fight

The Tian Sha stable looks to have its first program.

To start, I think Tian Sha is the stable name. After last week’s origin video, it was possible that was the name of Mei Ying after she sold her soul to a dragon to become immortal. But given Tian Sha is on the video screen as they all come out, and that Wade Barrett referred to her as Mei Ying this week, I’m using it as the stable name until I see something suggesting otherwise.

Their first feud will be against Kacy Catanzaro and Kayden Carter. The KCs were ringside when Xia Li was squashing Cora Jade, trying to get through to a woman they thought was her friend. (This is a classic move in wrestling, establishing a friendship after the fact despite said friendship never really being shown on TV.)

To make matters worse, Carter got into the face of Ying, predictably upsetting the dark queen. Mei even choked Boa until Li effectively disposed of both Kayden and Kacy.

I’m unsure how this is going to go. Right now, Tian Sha has one active wrestler in Xia Li. Ying just watches and Boa hasn’t wrestled. Not that he would be fighting one of these women, but it is odd that they haven’t given him a couple squashes as well. Perhaps NXT doesn’t feel he’s as ready as Xia.

So right now, one woman is going to battle a tag team. Unless this is the vehicle to get Mei in the ring. Given she just observes the fights, it’ll take a bit more work to get her to reveal that soul of a dragon.

All the Rest:

– Cameron Grimes returned to Full Sail very wealthy from investing in GameStop and then dogecoin. This is a humorous twist to this character. He’s still a cocky idiot, but now he’s super rich. It’s a fun wrinkle that will be entertaining to follow. I also look forward to when he loses it all.

– Both main title matches got the video package treatment. Which is fine, but both matches were lacking any real heat. They could have benefited from one more segment to try to add a little more drama to those matches.

– Santos Escobar sent Joaquin Wilde & Raul Mendoza to attack Karrion Kross. Kross of course destroyed them instead. (Only the aftermath was shown.) Escobar will face Kross next week.

This was a solid show. None of the main title angles had any fresh additions to them, both represented in video form. This meant that the Dusty semis had to carry the day.

And in general, those matches were all good. Though I think next time, they should space the men and women’s Dusty tournaments. I understand why they want to run them at the same time, but these last few weeks felt like tag team overkill. The other option is announcing it sooner and stretching the rounds over a longer period of time so they don’t have to cram every episode with them. This wasn’t as big of an issue as they progressed deeper into the tournament, but there was some Dusty Classic fatigue even this episode.

Outside establishing what the two Dusty finals would be, this show didn’t do anything to add to Sunday’s TakeOver. Johnny Gargano is always entertaining though.

Grade: B

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