Tag Archives: caregivers

FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Sweeping Executive Actions to Strengthen Economic Opportunity for Military and Veteran Spouses, Caregivers, and Survivors – The White House

  1. FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Sweeping Executive Actions to Strengthen Economic Opportunity for Military and Veteran Spouses, Caregivers, and Survivors The White House
  2. Biden in North Carolina | President Joe Biden touts jobs, support for military families in visits to Rocky Mount and Fort Liberty WTVD-TV
  3. Biden to sign executive order boosting economic opportunities for military spouses The Hill
  4. President Biden and the First Lady Meet with Service Members and Their Families and Deliver Remarks The White House
  5. Biden to talk jobs in North Carolina as Trump charges loom, Republicans meet Reuters
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High Turnover of Home Caregivers Makes Life Precarious for Many

Mary Barket, a 66-year-old widow with a degenerative muscular disorder and no family around to help, has had seven different caregivers come through her home in the past six months.

On a recent Saturday morning, she was told by the home care agency that her caregiver wasn’t coming that day and that it couldn’t send a substitute, she says. Ms. Barket had one meal to last her until Monday, when the next caregiver was due.

“My hands don’t work. I can’t even open a box,” says Ms. Barket, who has ALS, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. “It’s a very tenuous situation.”

High turnover among in-home caregivers is straining the daily lives of America’s aging population, which relies on them to remain in their homes.

The median caregiver turnover rate—or the percentage of all caregivers who left or were terminated from jobs—was about 64.9% in 2021, according to a report by Home Care Pulse, a company that provides data and training to home care agencies. Though the number has improved from a peak of 81.6% in 2018, it represents a major supply gap, according to people in the home care industry.

Turnover among the 1,461 home care agencies participating in the 2022 HCP Benchmarking Report remained relatively stable during the pandemic, says Home Care Pulse president Todd Austin. Agencies increased wages and more offered benefits to recruit and retain workers, while also doing more to recognize workers as “care heroes” to improve job satisfaction, he says.

But the pandemic added to demand, as the high number of Covid deaths at long-term-care facilities contributed to the desire for people to remain in their homes.

Between 2008 and 2018, the number of home care workers more than doubled to 2.26 million from about 900,000, according to a 2022 report from the Home Care Association of America, an industry trade organization representing home care providers.

The Labor Department projects 25% employment growth in the next decade for home health and personal care aides, which includes those who work in group homes and day service programs, compared with an average expected growth rate of 5% for all occupations.

Even with rapid growth, home care agencies can’t meet demand. More than 85% of the home care agencies in the 2022 HCP Benchmarking Report turned down cases in 2021 due to the shortage, and 59.7% consistently turned down clients.

To help address the staffing problem, many home care agencies boosted incentives and bonuses and are offering training in areas like end-of-life care, meal planning and Alzheimer’s care, says Mr. Austin and others in the industry.

Ms. Espinosa helps Ms. Barket, who has ALS, change clothes.

Ms. Barket lives alone with no family in the area available to assist in her care. She relies on help from two home care agencies.

About 40% of agencies now offer signing bonuses, and 94% have increased pay, some by as much as $10 an hour based on experience, according to the 2022 report from the Home Care Association of America.

But wages remain relatively low. Median pay in 2021, the latest figure available, was $14.15 an hour, or $29,430 a year, for home health and personal care aides, according to the Labor Department.

The jobs are difficult in other ways, too—clients can be demanding, the work can be physically and emotionally taxing and the hours inconsistent.

Waiting list

In Lackawanna County, Pa., about 40 older adults are on a waiting list for in-home care, says

Jason Kavulich,

outgoing director of the county Area Agency on Aging, who was recently named Secretary of Aging for Pennsylvania. Six years ago, when he became director of the agency, there was no waiting list, he says.

“This is the postpandemic world,” says Mr. Kavulich. “People are not entering the help field. They have found other work.” To try to help meet demand, the county agency is working on a scholarship program at a local college for students to provide 15 to 18 hours of in-home care a week to older adults.

For families, high turnover adds a layer of uncertainty to the already stressful task of finding care for loved ones. Some families receive last-minute phone calls saying a worker isn’t coming, which leaves them scrambling to find a substitute so they themselves can go to work.

John Giurini, who shares a home with his 93-year-old mother and his sister in the Los Angeles area, says there had been times when he received a call the night before—or even the morning of—from the agency that provides full-time in-home care, saying the worker they expected for the next shift wasn’t available. Usually a substitute was sent but not always. 

“We would not know in the morning who was coming to the front door” other than a name, says Mr. Giurini, assistant director of public affairs at the J. Paul Getty Museum. 

He says rotating people in and out of the home is stressful for the family, but even more so for their mother, who has dementia and gets confused. One caregiver became combative with their mother about how much toothpaste she was using, and another young man ran personal errands instead of staying at the doctor’s office while their mother had a medical appointment, he says. He and his sister explored other options, including hiring a caregiver directly, rather than relying on an agency, but decided against it.

“Say you hire someone and are fortunate to find a good person. What happens when that person is sick?” he asks. An agency, at least, has other workers. Mr. Giurini says they have lucked out in the past six months with a caregiver from their agency who is attentive and professional.

They pay the agency $32 an hour and rates will increase to $35 an hour in February.

In-home care workers are generally employed by home care agencies, which are paid by individuals and families, or through private long-term-care insurance or Medicaid, Veterans Affairs or Medicare Advantage insurance, or by some nonprofit organizations.

Some home care companies have adopted technology to help provide consistent scheduling and care.

Jisella Dolan,

chief advocacy officer for Home Instead, which has 1,200 home-care franchises across the U.S., says the company uses a technology platform that coordinates scheduling and allows family members, using a downloaded app, to see who is coming each day, when, and if there are any changes.

Home Instead, which is a subsidiary of Honor Technology Inc., doesn’t guarantee it will find replacements if a scheduled worker isn’t available, but it strives to do so, she says. The company no longer has the waiting list for services that it did last year during the height of Omicron infections, she says.

Extra training

Home Instead also has training for those working with clients who have special conditions such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.

Routine and regularity are especially important for those with Alzheimer’s, says

Amy Goyer,

the family caregiving expert at AARP, who cared for and managed paid caregivers for her parents, including a father with Alzheimer’s, before they died.

“Every time you get a new paid caregiver, you have to train them,” she says. “ ‘This is what time my parents get out of bed. This is when they eat breakfast and lunch. These are the clothes my dad wears, the TV shows he watches and the music he listens to.’ ”

She advises families to have at least two caregivers, each with a different shift so one can fill in when the other can’t work, and to keep a checklist of daily routines with tasks and times listed for showers, meals, medications and getting in and out of bed, so those coming in on short notice know what to do. Families that can afford it can also hire a geriatric care manager to coordinate care and find backups, which is especially helpful if family members live out of town.

Ms. Espinosa, who was referred by the local ALS chapter, preps meals for Ms. Barket.

Frances Copeland says she had 10 caregivers in a 15-month-period between 2021 and 2022 for her 91-year-old mother, with the longest lasting eight months. “We had an occasion where two caregivers showed up and they stood outside arguing about whose day it was to be there,” she says.

Ms. Copeland, who is a certified nursing assistant and has been a caregiver for others, understands why some quit. “The pay isn’t great, and the clients can be demanding and critical,” she says. She recalls driving 45 minutes to one client’s house and being told to turn around and go back because she wasn’t needed that day.

Not all home healthcare agencies are comfortable working with people who have ALS or Alzheimer’s because of their advanced needs, says Jessie Meier, a social worker with the ALS Association Greater Philadelphia Chapter.

“The care is so personal and deeply intimate. You are helping a person shower, bathe and toilet,” she says, which makes familiarity even more important.

Ms. Barket, the widow, who lives in Bethlehem Township, Pa., says her family is small and distant. One brother lives in North Carolina and an aunt lives more than an hour away. Her daughter lives closer but has mental-health challenges and is unable to help with care.

Ms. Barket relies on caregivers from one agency, who come three hours a day, five days a week. Another caregiver, referred to her by the ALS Association, comes on a sixth day for three hours. The caregivers assemble meals in takeout containers, the lids laying across the top because she can’t get them off. She can’t carry a plate.

“My hands and wrists are too unstable at this point,” she says. If something falls to the floor, she tries to use a hangar to get it up to her. “I try to MacGyver everything,” she says. Unable to open drawers, she keeps clothes in a basket.

Each time a new caregiver arrives, she asks them if they know anything about ALS. If they don’t she tells them to Google it, so they understand her limitations. “I can’t fault caregivers, who are doing their best,” she says. “Ninety-five percent of them are wonderful.”

The unpredictability, though, is frightening, especially since her disease is progressive. On the recent Saturday when the caregiver couldn’t come, she says she had the “wherewithal” to call a friend who brought meals.

“Down the road, I won’t be able to speak,” she says. “Then what? It’s very scary at times.”

Ms. Barket says she has had seven different caregivers come through her home in the past six months.

Write to Clare Ansberry at clare.ansberry@wsj.com

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“Dementia brings up everything”: Two new books offer emotional (and practical) advice for caregivers

My mom and my mother-in-law have never had much in common. Indeed, my relationships with both of them have been vastly different. Yet, somehow, they find themselves now in nearly identical plights: deeply withdrawn into the dark, frightening worlds of their own respective dementias.

In a relatively short span of time, I’ve watched them both transform into nearly unrecognizable versions of their former selves. It is not a gentle or a peaceful experience. In observing these joint crises, there is much I didn’t know — or never even thought about — before I had to. Yes, there are emotional things, the grief before the grief. But also the practical things, the “You don’t remember how to brush your teeth?”-type things.

The Alzheimer’s Association estimates that more than 11 million Americans are caregiving for someone with Alzheimer’s or dementia. It can be an incredibly lonely, overwhelming and confusing experience. So I got some help.

I have read an awful lot on this subject, and the two best books of their kind happen to have both come out in the past month. Andrew E. Budson and Maureen K. O’Connor’s “Six Steps to Managing Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia: A Guide for Families” offers practical, refreshingly plainspoken information on helping your loved one — and yourself — through through the process. And author Patti Davis’s “Floating in the Deep End” is a frank, judgment-free account of how she got through her father Ronald Reagan’s illness, and the wisdom she’s acquired from experience and her support group, Beyond Alzheimer’s. Both books left me tearful with recognition and gratitude, fortified with acceptance and the permission to let go of unconstructive guilt. I can’t say enough how simultaneously informative and consoling both books are.

Facing this absolute bastard of a condition has to start, first and foremost, with challenging the stigmas of our youth-oriented, individualistic culture.

“We as a society need to work on normalizing the conversation as people are getting older, about the fact that at some point, everyone is going to need help with managing some of their affairs, whether we’re talking about helping with their finances, helping to make sure medications are administered correctly or helping with things like bathing and toileting,” says Andrew E. Budson, chief of cognitive & behavioral neurology at the Veterans Affairs Boston Healthcare System. “Everyone is going to need help at some time in their life with those things, and I think we need to feel comfortable introducing those topics.”

Meanwhile, in our more immediate day-to-day relationships, we all need to get good at recognizing the signs of Alzheimer’s and dementia — especially in these isolation-accelerated times. “Anybody can be halfway through telling a story to a good friend and say, ‘Oh my God, I told you this already, didn’t I?,” says Budson. “But if one notices a pattern of an individual frequently repeating the same questions, the same stories, over and over and over again, that really is not normal. That’s a pretty good red flag.” 

Budson adds that another red flag is “if the person is having a lot more trouble than they normally would doing the same types of tasks.”

Those kinds of symptoms may seem well-known, but there are others that are sneakier, that disguise themselves as something else.

“We see a lot of patients in our clinic who have just been told, ‘Mrs. Jones, you’re just suffering from depression,'” says Budson. “The fact of the matter is, Mrs. Jones really is depressed, but Mrs. Jones is depressed because, number one, she is terrified that she’s developing Alzheimer’s. Number two, the actual pathologic process of Alzheimer’s disease does affect the neurotransmitters in the brain that lead to depression. So Mrs. Jones has depression, but it’s not that the depression is causing the Alzheimer’s, it’s really the other way around.” And when you learn your loved one isn’t just being forgetful or sad, as Patti Davis writes in her book, hang on.

“It’s scary,” Davis says during a recent early morning phone call from her home in California. “It’s scary to go through grief. It’s scary to surrender yourself to it, and we don’t want to do it. So we find all sorts of ways to avoid that.” Davis understands that paradoxically, it’s that fear that can lead us — as adult children, spouses and friends — to take on too much, to avoid getting the help we need. But managing care is not a simple case of familial reciprocity. It is instead, as Davis puts it in her book, more like “childproofing on steroids.”

“Right out of the gate, you have to point out the absurdity of comparing a parent taking care of a child to an adult taking care of an 85-year-old. It is not the same,” says Davis. She cites, for example, how “it commonly comes up around the issue of bathing.” It’s exactly the sort of thing you can’t fully grasp until one day your spouse uses the word “harrowing” to describe the ordeal of giving his mother a bath.

Davis says, “While I understand that there are some situations where there is no choice, often there is a choice. There are a lot of reasons that people take on that intimate task, but I think it’s just too emotionally difficult and too emotionally fraught. That’s where people usually reach for some kind of defensive reason, like, ‘Well, she bathed me as a child.’ Bathing a child is a completely different thing than bathing an elderly person, particularly your parent. First of all, just dealing with your parents’ naked body is emotionally loaded, no matter what your relationship with them was. It uses up a lot of your emotional resources. That’s actually why I think people do it, because instinctively, we know that if we’re using up all our emotions on something like that, we’re not going to have enough left to take care of our own grief.”

“We’re very clever at running away from grief,” she says. “I’ve heard it in general care issues — ‘They cared for me when I was a child, so I have to sacrifice my entire life to take care of them.’ There are some situations where it’s just unavoidable. There’s no money, there’s no opportunity, no financial room to have anybody help you out. I do get that, but there’s respite care that’s available sometimes. So I think usually it’s something else is being played out there.”

In her book, Davis advocates for keeping a sense a humor, and writes compassionately about the challenges of taking away a parent’s car keys and discovering that “lying is your friend” when “the truth isn’t going to be soothing.” Budson concurs.

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“It’s not helpful to continually tell your loved one that they have Alzheimer’s or that they have dementia. It’s not helpful to argue with them if they have a false memory or are having a hallucination,” he says. “We typically want to respond in the same way that we always have done for thirty years, maybe sixty years. When any really form of dementia hits, caregivers just can’t use the same approach, the same language, the same tone that they otherwise would have.”

This is deep, deep work for all parties here, to learn a new way of communicating.

“We wanted to try to help people understand at an emotional level,” says Budson, “that you really have to have a different mindset. You can’t continue to think about the person as your mother in exactly the same way you used to, or think of the person as your spouse in exactly the same way that you used to. It’s difficult because it can be frustrating for anybody if they ask you the same question thirty times in two hours. It’s particularly difficult when in order to answer a different way, you have to come to the emotional realization that the person that has been your partner or someone that you’ve looked up to for many years, that they’re just not the same person they used to be.”

That also requires examining honestly what that prior relationship was, and acknowledging the complicated dynamics that will still come into play as you manage care. As Davis says, “The thing about Alzheimer’s or any kind of dementia is that it brings up everything. It brings up everything in families. It brings up everything in you, the things that you thought you resolved in therapy ten years ago. Guess what? Maybe not completely, because here they are again. One of the most powerful lessons that this disease taught me, was to grow up and be an adult and accept that my family was what it was, and then go, ‘Okay, now, where do I go from here?'”

Acceptance is tough. But a new relationship is not the same as a nonexistent one. A person with a cognitive issue is still a human being, and there may yet be unexpected experiences of connection to be found. The last conversation I had with my mother was probably the sweetest one we’ve had in decades. It reminded me of the interview I had last year with “On Vanishing” author Lynn Casteel Harper, who said hopefully, “I think a gentler world is possible.”

“If you are sitting there with an attitude of, ‘This person’s not here anymore,’ you’re going to miss those really precious moments and very illuminating moments,” says Patti Davis. ” I always feel, ‘don’t say that,’ because then that’s going to become your reality and you’re going to miss what you can learn from this disease and how you can grow from it. You’re not going to be there for them in the ways that they need you to be there for them, because you just decided they’re not there.” Instead, “You have to be really on the alert,” she says, “for those moments where there’s some clarity and there’s an aperture, a little opening that you can see through the disease — and past the disease.”

As hard as it is to look at the older women in my life and not fear my own future, Alzheimer’s and dementia are not inevitable. Science is still investigating the root causes — and potential treatments.

“It’s a huge misconception that many people think that’s just what happens,” says Budson. “We now recognize that people can be living healthy with very good cognition — maybe not quite as good as when they were in their middle ages — but with very good cognition up into their eighties and nineties. Most of the time, when people are having significant problems with thinking and memory, it’s because some type of disease process, sometimes reversible, sometimes not, has come about.”

I am still figuring out new things every day with my mother and my mother-in-law, still searching for moments of grace when they appear, and letting go of a tremendous amount. “One of my mantras became, ‘I don’t know,'” says Davis. “I don’t know what my father is going to be like today when I go visit him. I don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow. I don’t know what’s going to happen next week. We like to map things out and everybody likes to be in control, but I think to have that openness of recognizing that this disease is in control. You have to plan ahead. But I think there’s a balance there of doing that, but also deep inside yourself going, ‘I have no idea.'”

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