Tag Archives: Astronomical objects

Astronomers Spot ‘Unique Meteorological Beast’ on Jupiter

Depiction of stratospheric winds near Jupiter’s south pole.
Image: ESO

For the first time ever, astronomers have measured winds inside Jupiter’s middle atmosphere, revealing unexpectedly fast jet streams within the planet’s deeper layers.

A paper published in Astronomy & Astrophysics is giving new meaning to the term “polar vortex.”

Using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) in Chile, astronomers have clocked the speed of polar jets located far below the cloud tops, and, wow, is it ever gusty down there. The fastest of these jets is moving at 895 miles per hour (1,440 km/h), which is nearly five times faster than winds produced by the strongest hurricanes on Earth.

Thibault Cavalié, the lead author of the study and a planetary scientist at the Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Bordeaux in France, said these jets, found under Jupiter’s main auroras (yes, Jupiter has auroras, and they’re quite stunning), seem to be the “lower tail of the supersonic jets seen 900 km [560 miles] above,” as he explained in an email. These currents could form a “huge anticyclone with a diameter of 3 to 4 Earth diameters and a vertical extent of 900 km,” said Cavalié, to which he added: “This is unique in the solar system.”

In a statement put out by the European Southern Observatory, Cavalié described the newly detected feature as a “unique meteorological beast.”

Measuring wind speed below the top atmospheric layer of Jupiter is not easy. The iconic red and white bands that streak across Jupiter are typically used to measure winds at the top layer, and the planet’s auroras, which are linked to strong winds in the upper atmosphere, are also used as reference points. But to be fair, scientists haven’t really been able to measure winds in the middle atmosphere of Jupiter—the stratosphere—until now.

Two things made these measurements possible: a famous comet and a very powerful telescope.

Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 impacting Jupiter in 1994.
Image: ESO

The comet in question is Shoemaker–Levy 9, which smashed into Jupiter in 1994. The impact left distinctive molecules in the atmosphere, and they’ve been blowing around the gas giant for the past 27 years. The presence of these molecules—namely hydrogen cyanide—made it possible for Cavalié and his colleagues to peer below the cloud tops and measure the speed of stratospheric jet streams.

To detect these molecules, the team used 42 of ALMA’s 66 high-precision antennas, marking the first time that scientists have obtained such measurements in Jupiter’s middle atmosphere.

Specifically, the ALMA data allowed the scientists to measure tiny frequency changes in the radiation emissions of molecules as they’re blown by winds in this part of the planet. In other words, they measured the Doppler shift. By doing so, “we were able to deduce the speed of the winds much like one could deduce the speed of a passing train by the change in the frequency of the train whistle,” explained Vincent Hue, a planetary scientist at the Southwest Research Institute and a co-author of the new study, in the ESO statement.

These measurements showed that winds under the auroras near the poles were moving at 895 mph, which is more than twice the speed of winds swirling within the planet’s Great Red Spot. Toward the equator, stratospheric winds were clocked at an average speed of 373 mph (600 km/h).

High-speed winds had previously been detected at the upper atmospheric layer, but scientists figured that the deeper you go the slower you go, as far as wind speeds are concerned. The new research suggests otherwise, a finding that came as a complete surprise to the team.

The newly detected winds are fast, but they’re not the fastest in the solar system, nor are they even the fastest on Jupiter. The winds observed under the aurora of Jupiter are “twice as fast as the fastest winds measured at the cloud-top of Jupiter,” said Cavalié. “Higher up,” however, and “still under the aurora in a layer called the ionosphere,” there are “winds with supersonic speeds of 1 to 2 kilometers per second [0.62 to 1.24 miles per second],” or 2,240 to 4,475 mph (3,600 to 7,200 km/h). Neptune, he added, “has the strongest winds in the solar system at cloud level and they are 25% faster than the winds we have measured under the aurora.”

This research, in addition to measuring winds in Jupiter’s stratosphere, was done as a proof-of-concept for similar investigations to be carried out by the Submillimetre Wave Instrument (SWI) aboard the upcoming Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE). Launch is scheduled for next year, and it’ll be the first European mission to Jupiter, with arrival expected in around 10 years time.

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Astronomers Spotted a Black Hole Casually Gliding Through Space

The host galaxy of a mobile supermassive black hole.
Image: Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS)

Some 230 million light-years from Earth, there’s a black hole going places. These extraordinarily dense objects are usually found sitting at the center of a galaxy violently gobbling up matter, so it was a surprise when astronomers spotted this one moving out of step with its resident galaxy.

Containing more than 3 million times the mass of our Sun, the black hole was advancing across the cosmos at a 110,000-mile-per-hour clip, and its movement was detected by an international team of researchers, using data from Arecibo Observatory and Gemini Observatory. The new paper is a follow-up to data collected in 2018.

“My initial reaction to obtaining the result was that I had probably messed something up somewhere,” said Dominic Pesce, an astronomer at the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian and lead author of the paper, in an email. “I had to go back through all of the analysis multiple times before I was able to convince myself that the measurement was reproducible given the data we had in hand at that time. But those initial tantalizing results have been bolstered by our updated measurements, which has been both reassuring and gratifying to see.”

A galaxy hosting a megamaser, some 370 million light-years from Earth (not the one in the current study).
Image: ESA/Hubble & NASA (Fair Use)

Roaming around the center of galaxy J0437+2456, the black hole in question is enshrouded in a water megamaser, a galactic nucleus made more luminous by water molecules floating around in its accretion disc. This luminosity is detected in microwave lengths, which were recorded by the two observatories prior to the collapse of Arecibo’s main dish in December 2020. Pesce’s team looked at 10 water megamasers around supermassive black holes and found that only the black hole in J0437+2456 had this peculiar motion to it. The team found that just as the galaxy was gliding through space, so too was the black hole—but slightly slower than the elements swirling around it.

The difference in velocities could be due to a number of factors. One possibility is that this black hole formed from the merger of two smaller black holes; such a collision would leave the cosmic superstructure a little unsteady. Another is that the black hole is alien to its current galaxy, and its original galaxy is in the process of merging with J0437+2456. A third option, as outlined by Pesce and his team (and perhaps the most exciting), is that the water megamaser is in a binary system, and this is the one microwave-visible black hole in the duo.

Pesce said that the trajectory of the black hole would be different depending on the nature of its motion, but it would take tens of thousands of years’ worth of observations to calculate it for certain. And in any case, the work of understanding the black hole’s movement is made all the more difficult by Arecibo’s collapse, which has eliminated a key source of information for astronomers, cosmologists, and astrophysicists.

“The loss of Arecibo is tragic, as it was the most sensitive telescope of its kind; its loss does prevent us from getting any additional data of the sort that we collected in this paper for measuring the galaxy’s velocity,” Pesce said. “The field as a whole is still absolutely reeling from the impact of losing such an iconic facility.”

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Hubble Captures Stunning View of Spiral Galaxy NGC 2336

Spiral galaxy NGC 2336.
Image: ESA/Hubble & NASA, V. Antoniou; Acknowledgment: Judy Schmidt

NGC 2336 was discovered over a century ago, but the big, blue spiral galaxy has never looked better, thanks to an eye-catching image obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope.

German astronomer Wilhelm Tempel discovered NGC 2336 in 1876, which he did with a humble 11-inch (0.28 meter) telescope. He could’ve scarcely imagined a photo like this, taken by Hubble’s 7.9-foot (2.4 meters) main mirror, according to a NASA press release.

NGC 2336 is approximately 100 million light-years away and located in the northern constellation of Camelopardalis (which depicts a giraffe). With its eight prominent spiral arms, NGC 2336 measures some 200 light-years across. By contrast, the Milky Way—another spiral galaxy—is around half that size, measuring 105,000 light-years in diameter.

The gigantic galaxy is filled with young stars, which appear in blue, while older stars, many located toward the center, shine in red.

Interestingly, NGC 2336 produced a visible supernova, which astronomers detected on August 16, 1987. It was later determined to be a type 1a supernova, in which the exploding member of a binary pair is a white dwarf.

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Move Over ‘Farout,’ Astronomers Confirm ‘Farfarout’ Is the Solar System’s Most Distant Known Object

A view of the night sky from the Uruguayan countryside on May 10, 2019.
Photo: Mariana Suarez (Getty Images)

What astronomers believed to be the most distant object in the Solar System, “Farout,” has lost its title after just two years. That crown now goes to “Farfarout” (zero points for creativity, you guys), a planetoid that is more than 130 times farther from the Sun than Earth is.

As spotted by Inverse, after years of observations, astronomers have confirmed that the planetoid designated by the Minor Planet Center as 2018 AG37, nicknamed Farfarout, is the farthest known Solar System object at 132 astronomical units away from the Sun.

A single AU is the average distance from the Earth to the Sun, aka about 92 million miles or 148 million kilometers. (For reference, the previous titleholder Farout, officially designated 2018 VG18, is “just” 120 AU away.) That means Farfarout is roughly 12.3 billion miles or 19.7 billion kilometers away, or for context, about four times farther away from the Sun than Pluto. At that distance, the planetoid completes a single orbit around the Sun just once in a millennium.

“Because of this long orbital period, it moves very slowly across the sky, requiring several years of observations to precisely determine its trajectory,” said David Tholen, an astronomer at the University of Hawaii’s Institute of Astronomy and member of the team behind the discovery, said in a statement this week.

The team—Tholen, the Carnegie Institution for Science’s Scott Sheppard, and Northern Arizona University’s Chad Trujillo—originally spotted the planetoid in 2018 using the Subaru 8-meter telescope located atop the dormant volcano Mauna Kea in Hawaii. In the years since, they’ve used the Gemini North telescope, also located on Mauna Kea, and the Magellan telescope in Chile to determine Farfarout’s orbit and confirm its status as the farthest known object in our Solar System.

“The discovery of Farfarout shows our increasing ability to map the outer solar system and observe farther and farther towards the fringes of our solar system,” said Sheppard in this week’s statement. “Only with the advancements in the last few years of large digital cameras on very large telescopes has it been possible to efficiently discover very distant objects like Farfarout.”

There’s still much that scientists don’t know about this incredibly distant planetoid, but they’ve uncovered a few clues in their research. The team believes it’s at the “low end” of the dwarf planet scale “assuming it is an ice-rich object,” and has an estimated diameter of roughly 248 miles (400 km). It has an incredibly elongated orbit that crosses paths with Neptune, leading scientists to speculate that Farfarout may once have been a much closer planetary neighbor, but possibly strayed too close to Neptune and was jettisoned to the outer reaches of our Solar System as a result of the much larger celestial body’s gravity.

Astronomers believe that studying Farfarout may offer insight into how Neptune formed and evolved in our Solar System, and the two are likely to interact once again due to their intersecting orbits.

It’s uncertain how long Farfarout will hold onto its title, especially given the rapid advancements of our Earthly telescopes. Sheppard called the planetoid “just the tip of the iceberg of solar system objects in the very distant solar system.” Who knows, maybe by this time next year we’ll have a FarfarFARout on our hands.

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Astronomers Looking for One Black Hole May Have Found an Entire Squad

About 7,800 light-years away—within our galactic neighborhood—is globular cluster NGC 6397, basically a wad of stars held together by gravity. That bunch of stars was previously thought to have an intermediate-sized black hole at its center. But upon further inspection, a team from the Paris Institute of Astrophysics has determined that the cluster actually hosts a pod of smaller black holes, holding things together in a more diffuse system.

Previous research had suggested that the cluster’s core could be populated with such a conglomeration of star-sized black holes, but this paper goes a step further by also measuring the mass and extent of those objects. The team’s research was published this week in the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics.

To identify the mystery at the center of the cluster, the researchers looked at how stars near its center were moving using data from two space telescopes, the Hubble Space Telescope and the European Space Agency’s Gaia observatory.

“We found very strong evidence for an invisible mass in the dense core of the globular cluster, but we were surprised to find that this extra mass is not ‘point-like,’” said Eduardo Vitral of the Paris Institute of Astrophysics, in a NASA press release. If just one black hole were responsible, the mystery mass would be more densely concentrated. “Ours is the first study to provide both the mass and the extent of what appears to be a collection of mostly black holes in the center of a core-collapsed globular cluster.”

Intermediate black holes have long been considered a missing link in black hole evolution. Perhaps less in the public eye than supermassive black holes (whose existence is proven) or teeny-weeny primordial black holes (which remain theoretical), intermediate black holes, as their name suggests, would help astronomers understand how these enigmatic structures develop.

“Our analysis indicated that the orbits of the stars are close to random throughout the globular cluster, rather than systematically circular or very elongated,” explained Gary Mamon, also at the Paris Institute of Astrophysics, in the same release. If the stars’ orbits were coordinated, it would suggest one governing massive object. Instead, the stars seemed to be invested in their own ad-hoc movements. Mamon and Vitral believe this is because dense stellar remnants like white dwarves, neutron stars, and black holes—formed when stars reach the end of their lifespan and collapse in on themselves—sank toward the center of the cluster, in a sort of three-dimensional Plinko. Conversely, stars of lower mass made their way to the cluster’s periphery.

The researchers observed the star cluster using Hubble Space Telescope data.
Image: NASA

“The authors have carried out a thorough analysis, and the conclusions of this work present an unexpected development in the hunt for [intermediate black holes] in globular clusters,” Misty Bentz, an astrophysicist at Georgia State University who is unaffiliated with the recent paper, said in an email. “However, there are a lot of assumptions that are necessary when carrying out studies like this, and the results still leave room for the possibility of an [intermediate black hole] in this globular cluster.

Artistic illustrations of the globular cluster, shown in the video above, look like someone perforated space-time with a stellar-scale shotgun. Chasms of immense gravitational force loom out of the cluster; the remnants of dead stars holding their living brethren together in a gravitational lattice (or ensnaring them, depending on your outlook). It’s not a surprise that such this region would contain so many white dwarves, neutron stars, and black holes; NGC 6397 is an extremely ancient cluster, clocking in at 12.6 billion years old, give or take half a billion, giving stars plenty of time to complete their life cycles.

Bentz said that the new study doesn’t fully show that the cluster contains many small black holes rather than one larger one, “but if that is the case, then it makes the origin of supermassive black holes even more mysterious than they already are!” That’s because, she explained, “we expect supermassive black holes must have grown from smaller seeds. But the result from this study would suggest that it is actually hard to merge lots of small black holes in a globular cluster, because the globular cluster is old and yet the small black holes are still hanging around individually, not merged together.”

It’s an intriguing finding. Though black holes were predicted to exist back in 1916 by Albert Einstein, it was only two years ago, in April 2019, that scientists captured an actual image of one. Clearly, we have a lot more to learn about these mysterious objects.

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Astronomers Found a ‘Benjamin Button’ Galaxy

The ALMA telescope sits high in Chile’s Atacama Desert.
Photo: MARTIN BERNETTI/AFP via Getty Images (Getty Images)

At 1.2 billion years young, the galaxy ALESS 073.1 should have the chaotic look of a youthful galaxy—a fledging, diffuse group of stars and gas suspended in the early universe. Instead, this primordial starburst galaxy has a central bulge and rotating belt that makes it look billions of years older. This odd corner of the universe was recently imaged by the Atacama Large Millimeter Array in Chile.

An international team of astronomers dug into the nascent galaxy’s rapid development in a recent analysis published in the journal Scientific Reports. They found ALESS’s age to be less than 10% the current age of the universe, but parts of its structure indicate a much older entity. Specifically, the presence of a bulge in the galaxy’s center and a rotating disc surrounding that center, feature that astronomers have historically only seen in galaxies that have had more time to form, on the scale of billions of years.

Concentrations of gas and dust in the primordial ALESS 073.1.
Illustration: Federico Lelli (2021)

“The general expectation until a few years ago was that galaxies in the primordial universe should be very chaotic and turbulent,” said Federico Lelli, an astronomer at the Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory in Italy, in a video call. Lelli, lead author of the new paper, started the work at the European Southern Observatory in Munich and continued it at Cardiff University. “One would expect to see gas motions that are chaotic. But this is at odds with what we see in this galaxy.”

In the tumult of the early universe, the idea was that new stars, and later on, galaxies, would form from the accretion of gas and material from the interstellar ether. The galaxy Lelli’s team observed suggests the timeline of galactic formation needs to be revisited.

“To put it in human terms, this galaxy is like 8 years old, but it looks like a teenager or a full-grown person,” Lelli said.

The research team didn’t directly see the bulge, which indicates a density of stars that typically surround a supermassive black hole at a galaxy’s center. Rather, they deduced the bulge’s presence by measuring the movement of gas and dust in the galaxy. The same goes for the galaxy’s rotation—which the team was able to figure from measurements of gas on either side of the galaxy, indicating that some gas was moving toward the viewer while gas on the other side was moving away.

The galaxy’s rotation was indicated by the movement of gas toward the view (blue) and away (red).
Illustration: Federico Lelli (2021)

The bulge could have occurred through a merger with another galaxy or through an inherently unstable galactic structure, though Lelli said the latter is less likely.

“This spectacular discovery challenges our current understanding of how galaxies form because we believed these features only arose in ‘mature’ galaxies, not in young ones,” said co-author Timothy Davis, an astronomer at Cardiff University, in a university press release.

Though the age of ALESS’s rotating disc isn’t known, its existence at the 1.2-billion-year mark still precedes any other known galactic disc.

“Ten years ago, we thought that discs formed maybe halfway through the age of the universe,” Lelli said. Since the universe is about 13.8 billion years old, that would be around 6.9 billion years ago. “And now we’re at 10%. The goalpost is moving back and back in time.”

The observations of ALESS suggest that there may be more to the formation of other early galaxies than previously thought.

“The question, of course, is how common is an object like this one, and whether this is the rule or the exception,” Lelli said. “To address this, we’re planning to observe more galaxies with similar resolution.”

Those observations of other galaxies were supposed to occur last year, but the covid-19 pandemic got in the way. For an observatory like ALMA, which hosts hundreds of people in the middle of a desert, research had to be put on hold. Lelli hopes that looking at other galaxies will help contextualize the mature countenance of ALESS 073.1. With the upcoming launch of the James Webb Space Telescope and the construction of the European Southern Observatory’s Extremely Large Telescope, it’s fair to say the future of space observation is bright, so long as we take the time to look.

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New Image Shows Messier 83 Galaxy in Exquisite Detail

An observatory in northern Chile has captured a stunning view of Messier 83, also known as the Spiral of the Southern Pinwheel.

Messier 83 is an almost perfect illustration of what a spiral galaxy is stereotypically supposed to look like. This is because we have the fortune of seeing it from a practically perfect overhead, or face-on, perspective.

The new image was acquired with the Dark Energy Camera (DECam) attached to the Víctor M. Blanco telescope at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO) in northern Chile. DECam, having already fulfilled its primary duty as the Dark Energy Survey from 2013 to 2018, is now being used for other purposes, like gazing upon nearby celestial wonders.

Messier 83 is 15 million light-years away, which is actually quite close as far as neighboring galaxies are concerned. The spiral is about 50,000 light-years in diameter, making it about two-fifths as big as our Milky Way, another spiral galaxy. The Southern Pinwheel, as it’s also called, “probably gives a good approximation of how our Milky Way would look to a distant alien civilization,” according to the U.S. National Science Foundation’s NOIRLab, which manages the CTIO program.

Six light filters were used to make the image, all highlighting specific features within the galaxy. For example, the dark channels coursing through the spirals are large accumulations of dust, while the red spots are regions rich in hydrogen gas, within which new stars are being born. In total, the image is the product of 163 DECam exposures taken across 11.3 hours of observation time.

For those of you wanting to make this image your wallpaper, go here to download the version of your choosing.

Work done with DECam will inform future observations made by the new Vera C. Rubin Observatory, which should see first light later this year and become fully operational in 2023.

“The Messier 83 observations are part of an ongoing program to produce an atlas of time-varying phenomena in nearby southern galaxies in preparation for Rubin Observatory’s Legacy Survey of Space and Time,” Monika Soraisam, an astronomer at the University of Illinois and principal investigator for DECam’s observations of Messier 83, explained in the NOIRLab statement.

Incredibly, the Rubin Observatory will capture 1,000 images each night, which it will do continuously for an entire decade. So get ready for the next amazing chapter in astronomy, as scientists literally create a color motion picture of the cosmos.

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Intriguing ‘Life’ Signal on Venus Was Plain Old Sulphur Dioxide, New Research Suggests

The night side of Venus as seen in thermal infrared.
Image: JAXA/ISAS/DARTS/Damia Bouic

Scientists stunned the world last year by claiming to have discovered traces of phosphine in the Venusian clouds. New research suggests this gas—which, excitingly, is produced by microbes—was not actually responsible for the signal they detected. Instead, it was likely sulfur dioxide, a not-so-thrilling chemical.

Extraordinary research published in Nature last September is being challenged by a paper set to be published in The Astrophysical Journal, a preprint of which is currently available at the arXiv. This is not the first paper to critique the apparent discovery of phosphine on Venus, and it’s probably not going to be the last.

That phosphine might be present on Venus was a revelation that blew our minds, and that’s because living organisms are one of the only known sources of the stinky gas. The team responsible for the apparent discovery, led by astronomer Jane Greaves from Cardiff University, found the evidence in spectral signals collected by two radio dishes: the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) and the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). Spectral lines at certain wavelengths indicate the presence of specific chemicals, and in this case they implied the presence of phosphine in the Venusian cloud layer.

The authors of the Nature study were not claiming that life exists on Venus. Rather, they were asking the scientific community to explain their rather bizarre observation. Indeed, it was an exceptional claim, as it implied that Venus—one of the most inhospitable planets in the solar system—might actually be habitable, with microscopic organisms floating through the clouds.

Alas, this doesn’t appear to be the case.

“Instead of phosphine in the clouds of Venus, the data are consistent with an alternative hypothesis: They were detecting sulfur dioxide,” Victoria Meadows, a co-author of the new study and an astronomy professor at the University of Washington, explained in a statement. “Sulfur dioxide is the third-most-common chemical compound in Venus’ atmosphere, and it is not considered a sign of life.”

Meadows, along with researchers from NASA, the Georgia Institute of Technology, and the University of California, Riverside, reached this conclusion by modeling conditions inside the Venusian atmosphere, which they did to re-interpret the radio data gathered by the original team.

“This is what’s known as a radiative transfer model, and it incorporates data from several decades’ worth of observations of Venus from multiple sources, including observatories here on Earth and spacecraft missions like Venus Express,” explained Andrew Lincowski, a researcher with the UW Department of Astronomy and the lead author of the paper, in the statement.

Equipped with the model, the researchers simulated spectral lines produced by phosphine and sulphur at multiple atmospheric altitudes on Venus, as well as how those signatures were received by ALMA and JCMT. Results showed that the shape of the signal, detected at 266.94 gigahertz, likely came from the Venusian mesosphere—an extreme height where sulphur dioxide can exist but phosphine cannot owing to the harsh conditions there, according to research. In fact, so extreme is this environment that phosphine wouldn’t last for more than a few seconds.

As the authors argue, the original researchers understated the amount of sulphur dioxide in the Venusian atmosphere and instead attributed the 266.94 gigahertz signal to phosphine (both phosphine and sulphur dioxide absorb radio waves around this frequency). This happened, according to the researchers, due to an “undesirable side-effect” known as spectral line dilution, study co-author and NASA JPL scientist Alex Akins explained in the statement.

“They inferred a low detection of sulfur dioxide because of [an] artificially weak signal from ALMA,” added Lincowski. “But our modeling suggests that the line-diluted ALMA data would have still been consistent with typical or even large amounts of Venus sulfur dioxide, which could fully explain the observed JCMT signal.”

This new result could prove devastating for the Nature paper, and it’ll be interesting to hear how the authors respond to this latest critique. That said, some scientists believe the writing is already on the wall, or more accurately, the trash bin.

“Already quickly after publication of the original work, we and others have put strong doubts on their analysis,” wrote Ignas Snellen, a professor at Leiden University, in an email. “Now, I personally think that this is the final nail in the coffin of the phosphine hypothesis. Of course, one can never prove that Venus is completely phosphine-free, but at least there is now no remaining evidence to suggest otherwise. I am sure that others will keep on looking though.”

Back in December, Snellen and his colleagues challenged the Nature study, arguing that the method used by the Greaves team resulted in a “spurious” high signal-to-noise ratio and that “no statistical evidence” exists for phosphine on Venus.

The apparent absence of phosphine on Venus, and thus the absence of any hints of microbial life, is far less interesting than the opposite, but that’s how it goes sometimes. Science makes no claims or promises about the interestingness of all things, and we, as defenders of the scientific method, must come to accept our unfolding universe as we find it.

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Sweet View From Deep Space Shows Earth, Venus, and Mars in a Single Frame

Video created from a series of still images taken by Solar Orbiter. The brightest objects, from left to right, are Venus, Earth, and Mars.
Gif: ESA/NASA/NRL/Solar Orbiter/SolOHI/Gizmodo

Well, here’s something you don’t see every day.

On November 18, 2020, the Solar Orbiter managed to capture three of our solar system’s eight planets in a single frame, according to a European Space Agency statement. The resulting four-second movie was stitched together from a series of still images taken across 22 hours.

Venus is the largest and brightest of the objects, followed by Earth and then Mars to the lower right of the frame. What’s particularly cool about this vantage point is that the probe is peering back into the solar system as it heads away from the Sun and towards Venus.

Venus, Earth, and Mars, as spotted by the Solar Orbiter.
Image: ESA/NASA/NRL/Solar Orbiter/SolOHI

When the photos were taken, Solar Orbiter was 30 million miles (48 million km) from Venus, 156 million miles (251 million km) from Earth, and 206 million miles (332 million km ) from Mars. The Sun is out of frame to the lower right, but its glow is clearly visible.

The spacecraft, a collaboration between NASA and the European Space Agency, was en route to Venus for a gravitational assist when the images were taken using its Heliospheric Imager (SoloHI) camera. Solar Orbiter eventually flew past Venus on December 27. A steady diet of flybys with Earth and Venus will bring the probe closer to the Sun and also tilt its axis of orbit such that it can observe the Sun from different angles.

Launched in February 2020 and equipped with 10 different instruments, Solar Orbiter is a mission to study the Sun from up-close. The closest images ever taken of the Sun, made last July, showed previously unknown “campfires” on the surface of our star, uncovering stellar processes only dreamed about in theory.

The probe is also studying conditions in its immediate vicinity, namely the solar wind, or charged particles, pouring out from the Sun into space. The resulting data will help scientists to predict inclement space weather that can harm communications and technology on Earth.

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