Yankees fan destroyed by security after running on field

There were more fan shenanigans in The Bronx on Tuesday, but at least this time it didn’t involve a ball being thrown at an opposing outfielder.

The Yankees fan made it onto the field in the sixth inning.
The Yankees fan made it onto the field in the sixth inning.
Charles Wenzelberg/New York Post
The unidentified Yankees fan was eventually apprehended.
Charles Wenzelberg/New York Post

During the top of the sixth inning against the Phillies, a Yankees fan raced onto the field to the delight of the crowd at the Stadium before being slammed down by a security guard and escorted off.

It was just the latest incident at Yankee Stadium.
It was just the latest incident at Yankee Stadium.
Charles Wenzelberg/New York Post
Yankees players gather as the fan is removed from the field.
Yankees players gather as the fan is removed from the field.
Charles Wenzelberg/New York Post

It was the latest incident at Yankee Stadium. On Saturday night against the Red Sox, a fan threw a ball that hit left fielder Alex Verdugo in the back. That fan has since been banned from all MLB stadiums for life.

That same night, Catherine Varitek, the wife of former Red Sox catcher and current assistant coach Jason Varitek, said a Yankees fan spat on her 9-year-daughter as they walked to their car outside The Stadium.

Read original article here

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