NASA Is Working on a Plan to Keep Hubble Alive (By Flying a SpaceX Craft Into It)

NASA has teamed up with SpaceX and the Polaris Program to explore the potential of using a Dragon spacecraft to push the Hubble Space Telescope into a higher orbit, thus prolonging its life.

Since launching in April 1990, the Hubble Space Telescope has become a scientific powerhouse. To date, it has captured over 1.5 million observations of the cosmos and fuelled the publication of over 19,000 scientific papers.

Sadly, the legendary telescope can’t simply go on observing the heavens forever. Hubble is starting to show its age. Over the past three decades, the stalwart observatory has suffered a host of hardware and software issues, the most serious of which were remedied in daring shuttle-era servicing missions.

However, despite these hardships, it remains an impressive tool for astronomers attempting to unravel the mysteries of the universe.

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