Watch: Glimpse Of Radhe Shyam

The long wait is over. Bringing cheer on the faces of die-hard fans of Prabhas, the makers of Radhe Shyam have unveiled the glimpse from the film. It sees uber-stylish and romantic Prabhas (Vikramaditya) who falls for Pooja Hegde (Prerana).

The teaser begins with Prabhas mouthing romantic Spanish lines. He shouts for Pooja in the railway station drawing the attention of crowd ‘Sei Un Angelo? Devo Morire per incontrarti?’.

Pooja says, “Nuvvemaina Romeo Anukuntunnava?” Prabhas retors, “Cha, Vaadu Prema Kosam Chachadu. Nenu Aa Type Kadu” This sums up that Radhe Shyam is an out-and-out romantic drama. Music plays prominent role in the teaser of this musical love story.

Justin Prabhakaran’s background music is complimenting. Prabhas and Pooja, as usual, are easy on the eyes. Director Radha Krishna has presented the full romantic side of Prabhas.

Radhe Shyam is all set for world-wide release on July 30th, 2021. UV Creations is bankrolling the big-budget film.

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