Giant “Red Light, Green Light” Doll From Netflix’s Squid Game Appears in Sydney

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Residents of Sydney, Australia received an extra spooky treat for their Halloweekend. Netflix commissioned a massive replica Squid Game’s perilous Red Light, Green Light doll, who will keep its watchful eye over Sydney’s The Rocks neighborhood until Monday (November 1st).

According to Perth Now, the doll stands at just under fifteen feet tall and weighs three tons. It stays loyal to the doll’s functions in Squid Game, possessing the ability to turn its head and chant “red light, green light.” Its eyes can also detect any movement from players who don’t keep still. But don’t worry — unlike in the show, this Red Light, Green Light doll won’t be shooting any losers dead.

Squid Game premiered on Netflix last month, and has already beat out Bridgerton as the platform’s most-watched original series of all time. It follows a group of a few hundred South Korean residents who participate in a series of deadly children’s games for a hefty cash prize.

Its massive success has led to some schools across the United States placing a ban on Squid Game-themed Halloween costumes, citing an uptick in “violent behavior” mirroring that of the show. Across the pond, Squid Game has served as a (disreputable) basis for North Korea propaganda sites to accuse their Southern neighbors of “corruption and immorality.”

Giant “Red Light, Green Light” Doll From Netflix’s Squid Game Appears in Sydney
Abby Jones

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