Applebee’s exec fired after saying gas hikes could mean lower wages

An Applebee’s franchisee employee who suggested in a leaked email that high gas prices could force desperate workers into longer shifts at lower pay has been fired.

“As inflation continues to climb and gas prices continue to go up, that means more hours employees will need to work to maintain their current level of living,” reads the March 6 email that was allegedly sent by Wayne Pankratz, an executive with American Franchise Capital.

The email from Pankratz, who worked for the Missouri-based franchisee, went viral after someone shared it with Jake Holcomb, an Applebee’s manager in Lawrence, Kansas.

The email received more than 5,000 Reddit comments before the thread was locked.

The manager then printed copies, left them for servers to find, and gave everyone in the restaurant that day their food for free.

Applebee’s Chief Operations Officer Kevin Carrol said Pankratz’ email was “the opinion of an individual, not Applebee’s.”

With Post wires

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